Place I'm going already has kitchenware so I'm good there. Other than that, yeah, everything seems pretty standard and easy.
I wanted to buy a bunch of stuff that I've wanted for a while before I moved, and now that I've done that, should be pretty good about bills. If that's really all there is to it., my pay will more than cover it.
My debit card actually got eateded this morning, cause my dumb brother who's on the side of the car with the machine didn't pull it out and drove off, and I can't recover it for reasons, but it's cool, that bank sucked anyway and I managed to pull all of the money out and put it into a better bank with a check, so ayy.
Also won $75 at a raffle at work an hour ago. There's one every Friday, and three people win fifty dollars, or the chance to spin for $75, $150, or $25 if they suck, on this wheel thing. That made up for losing my card I guess.
7/10 day