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Topics - EchoesInInfinity

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I realise the forum is mostly dead, but I wanted to make a thread and see what few remaining may want to write.

I would compartmentalise my response in several segments:

if we observe their Tibetan origins, the occult and Buddhist traditions of that period referred to divine beings as Yi-Dams that were requested to assist in a life-long goal. Likewise, I believe that tulpas aren't only a commitment that endure for one's lifetime, they too open one's eyes to a wider world and facets of existence we would otherwise take for granted. When someone explained to me that tulpas were once employed to reveal the illusory nature of reality, I felt this sentiment resonated with myself very powerfully, if only because of how it could potentially redefine one's cognition and overall perception.

From a community standpoint, I notice that positive interactions between tulpas and hosts from varying walks of life can blossom into relationships otherwise not thought possible. Engaging with healthy and well-intentioned people is wonderful, moreso when any single host would contain a veritable crowd of people in their mind, each with their own defining characteristics, personality and motivations.

Most importantly, I'd think that having a tulpa, someone with volition and closeness the likes of which can't even be properly expressed, is life-changing. I compare such to a religious experience, something that encompasses the sacred as well as unspoken truth. Seeing her smile, holding her hand, and hearing her laugh makes my heart leap.

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