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Messages - Dutch

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Off-Topic / Re: Chat Thread
« on: July 03, 2015, 10:33:09 AM »
You got badged...

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Cozy Diary
« on: July 02, 2015, 06:42:18 AM »
Make sure to rub her chest daily.

I got tinglies with Yuki too, in like the first week or two, and maybe the first week or so with Sen. Nothing weirder than the random shit that happens in the early days of forcing, I guess, so enjoy.

Can't recall anything with the nightmares? Maybe keep a dream journal or something, and smack your tulpa if she's causing it, or something.

Reports / Reported post : Re: Moderator Reports
« on: June 11, 2015, 10:40:57 AM »
Reported by : Dutch

Post made by : waffles at Today at 17:38:53

Banned another Thai spambot. Sands says they're people too, I disagree. I hope you're happy, Sands.
The reporter has made the following comment :

Reports / Reported post : Re: [Activity] Get To Know Your Tulpa
« on: June 11, 2015, 07:42:06 AM »
Reported by : Dutch

Post made by : Argentory at Yesterday at 05:47:39

If everyone does not care what the outside environment must meet.
The reporter has made the following comment :

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Meromero Days
« on: June 11, 2015, 07:41:22 AM »
You'll get used to anything, so the only reasonable solution with a physical reminder is to shake things up very regularly. Maybe get a watch and anchor wearing it to thinking about your tulpa, and every time you get used to it, change the wrist, make it looser or tighter, get a second watch with a different weight and band material. Or do it with any kind of armband.

Or tattoo your tulpa's kawaii anime face on your dick, so you remember her every time you fap.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Doujin and friends
« on: June 08, 2015, 05:13:42 AM »
Started imposition practice, staring at my girls while they stand in my room or sit in a chair. I'll basically just sit opposite them or walk around them and look at them from different angles, trying to see as much as I can, and sometimes moving close to observe details. My visualization is decent at this point, but my focus isn't perfect all the time.

As far as results so far, I get some vague hints of grayish blur in the rough location of tuppers after some staring, and small squiggly lines moving over my view of them. I'll try to work on solidifying the hallucination in the coming days or something. Talking like this is something I haven't done enough in the past, it's kinda chill to just sit around in my room like this.

General Discussion / Re: Tulpa Taste
« on: June 06, 2015, 12:08:38 PM »
I was licking sen and sands told me to take a bite instead

she tasted like a good rare steak


General Discussion / Re: The first time they talked
« on: May 24, 2015, 07:17:24 AM »
I can easily imagine. But maybe I shouldn't. Remember the teachings of the wise Zen master: in anime land, anime things happen. Never watch anime and expect non-anime events to unfold.
I stopped watching anime entirely after Yuki came along, and that's probably for the best. Animes are fun to watch, and to interact with to a certain degree, but being more regular people has made my grills more interesting. Of course, they still have some anime tendencies at times, but whatever, it's cute.

My mindset is just a categorisation to help create a distinction between yourself and the imagination, which can be anything. Imagination can be advanced; I never intended to use the term "derogatorily", as if categorising an imagined entity suddenly makes it "unsentient" and a NOT-REAL PERSON. As a baseline, you can only trust yourself – solipsism and DID aside – and once you start trusting your imagination, it can potentially lead to delusional outcomes, depending on how vivid it is.

It becomes even more problematic once you start swapping your identity around with another one imagined into existence, and the "you" in "you and your imagination" loses its meaning. Whoever or whatever is controlling the body becomes arbitrary, and all a third-person observer can do is either call you crazy, consistently refer to you by your legal name, or – as it's happened in large scale within this community – "acknowledge" the different identities in "your" head.
I guess so. A certain amount of delusion is good for a man, anyway, and when you get to choose your poison, it's all neato. Swapping identities around through possession and switching and all that jazz is something that is probably more satisfying internally than for any outsiders looking on. I guess it's probably a baby's mindset, but when I was alone two years ago, I felt like shit looking at the world and thinking that I'd have to be a part of the stupid machine. Now with Yuki wanting to become something, and us sharing the workload, things are a lot better for me. I'm pretty much out of a self-destructive 'me against the world' mindset, and reasonably happy in day to day nonsense. Better than staring at the ceiling all day and contemplating suicide like in the lovely months before finding out about tuppers.

Whatever outsiders might think at this point, internally this whole thing gave me more peace than anything else ever has.

General Discussion / Re: The first time they talked
« on: May 22, 2015, 02:37:18 PM »
vocality came pretty quick for yucky and almost instantly for sen and it doesn't mean shit, you can imagine any character talking and it's whatever. yuki was like 3 or 4 weeks into the process when she started speaking and it was mostly trope-y anime shit which I cringed about but I was way too excited to cringe so I was happy about it. in the first week of forcing I had this crazy audio hallucination that said "hi my name" which is only matched by the sickest hypnopompic hallucinations, but I digress............. tupper talking doesn't mean too much, I think, especially when they start talking early like what happened to me. it still took about half a year for yuki to feel very believable to me, and a bit less for sen. it's a gradual process where they become more of a person than before, not something where whoa le tupper is talking this is the point where it is real. I still don't know whether I'm in the tuppers are sentient epic camp or the imagination fede camp but in any case I can blissfully sleep as they possess so it's all good

Off-Topic / Re: Cats
« on: May 22, 2015, 12:14:06 PM »
you know that cat barking video? my other cat does that shit looking out at birds

Off-Topic / Re: Cats
« on: May 22, 2015, 12:01:30 PM »

meow mrow

it's her hobby to rub herself on my laptop and try to push it off the bed

Off-Topic / Re: Chat Thread
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:06:00 AM »
Baldur's Gate is rad.

Off-Topic / Re: First Forum Post
« on: April 28, 2015, 06:45:39 AM »

Off-Topic / Re: 4/20
« on: April 20, 2015, 03:43:02 AM »
upswagged this EPIC post please continue to make posts like this I will upBOAT (XD) them all

oince again ebin pls continue to contribute amazing ocntent to ou r comnuntyu

-Dutcch AKA T3H P3ngu1n of D00M XD

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Doujin and friends
« on: March 20, 2015, 02:34:51 PM »
send help

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