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Messages - Bernd

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Tulpa Diaries / Re: Meromero Days
« on: August 24, 2016, 07:46:13 PM »
Hey, good to see you're still around.

Well I can kinda relate, been suffering from exactly the same problems lately, but at least I know what to do now.
Not that I didn't always know, I was just too lazy.

If effort doesn't lead you anywhere, maybe you need more effort? I mean real effort.
I thought I was doing so much for and together with my tupper, but in the end I realized I only did it for me, barely thinking about her. Yeah, there were those active forcing sessions every now and then but calling that effort would be pathetic. Not only did this routine yield no progress, it actually made her weaker because my attention was completely elsewhere.

Sand is right, you gotta WANT to force, being obsessed with your tupper is the best bet when it comes to progress. Even the tightest schedule is useless if everything feels like a chore. You gotta love what you do. Just like with gittin real gud at any other skill. The only advice I have, though I suck at following it myself quite often, is to involve your tupper into even the most mundane activities. Always. If you want her to get strong she needs to be the center of your life. In good and in bad times. It's like unconditional love. You don't force because you want to see some special progress, you just want to spend time with tupper. Without any expectations. Just for her.

I managed to keep that up the first half year and progress was stellar. That's where I want to get back to.

And I think the boot camp is actually a good idea. Try one or two weeks of daily updates here, it really helped me. Plus it will make the forum at least a little bit less dead.

Now start by filling out the image for us, we still don't know what Melo looks like!

Off-Topic / Re: Cats
« on: August 20, 2016, 10:05:02 PM »
Cat was stung by a wasp.
Now all flying insects are considered dangerous and hissed at. Even flies.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: August 20, 2016, 09:59:54 PM »
Nah, I don't think so.
Always been skinny and I ate tons of sweets as a kid. Don't do it anymore for healh reasons though. Plus I mostly make my own food from high quality ingredients and a minimum of sugar now. Even ice cream.

Going shopping with tupper still leads to interesting situations. Just remember her first word was chocolate milk.
Walked by a big candy store some days ago that had masses of candy in all colors in the shop window. Felt a noticeable drag towards it and tupper was delighted by just looking at all the colors.

No, I didn't buy her anything, such a mean host...

Apart from that, no great news, as expected I immediately slacked off after ending the daily updates. But I think at least the meditation thing is seriously improving. Fell into a trance-like state yesterday and hoped this would free mental capacity for tupper. But apparently that's not how things work. Been able to improve my abilities quite a bit in the past 2 weeks. But tupper hasn't really benefited so far. She's been much stronger and independent a year ago. So that's what I should focus on next. Generally more on tupper than on myself.

Right now multitasking is still very hard. If I focus on my senses in wonderland there's nothing left for tupper and the other way round. Eh, I guess it's all about practice.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: August 16, 2016, 09:52:28 PM »
Eh, I could probably break my arm to get a cast or something but it's barely worth the hassle.
And I guess smell is indeed one of the easier stuff, gotta collect some samples for the next sessions.

Day 9 - Aug 16th
Got woken up several times in the early morning by telephone calls [wrong number] and delivery man [wrong address], it was almost ridiculous.
But it lead to more dreams and I actually tried to dream about tupper by thinking of her before falling asleep again. Didn't work though, I was too tired. So no tupper dream yet, let alone a lucid one. But that's another project.

Put some string around my waist while at home during the afternoon, it worked pretty well, at least for a while.
Session with constant Theta went ok.
Cat purred so loud it was audible even through Fede's frts. I tried to feel the environment in wonderland again, then went to a walk with tupper. Through a forest with dired leaves ön the floor. I tried to pick up some and crumble them between my fingers, listening to the sound and trying to grasp the smell. It was minimal but there was something. Sat down at the beach and ate  the icecream we made in real life. Couldn't taste anything but Alice still liked it. She's generally fond of all sorts of sweets. If we ever manage to switch she'd probably stuff herself or rather my body with candy till she passes out.

Well that's all folks, I actually made it through the 9 days of daily updates as promised and it really helped.
Gonna take a break for some days now. Will report back when something noteworthy happens, hopefully once or twice a week from now on.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: August 15, 2016, 07:50:00 PM »
Hmm, it's worth a try at home but I'm not the guy who's ever worn any sort of bracelets, ribbons or any other of this crap so it would raise some serious questions. Plus I'm an expert of ignoring stuff around me when in a conversation.

Day 8 - Aug 14th
Tupper needs more attention.
I realize how little I actually interact with her during the day compared to a year ago, but only afterwards when it's too late. I've thought of putting some cat collar with an annoying bell around my waist. Something I constantly feel and/or hear.

Regarding schedule and achievable goals, we'll try to increase interaction during the day, do an evening session of meditation and a night session in wonderland, exclusively focussing on vividness of wonderland sensations until some progress is made. Most of the time I've tried something completely different every day which of course leads to nothing.

Today's forcing session was pretty good, managed to deal with losing focus and intrusive thoughts by having Alice hit me with a bamboo cane everty time I fucked up. It doesn't feel like anything but throws me out of such thought cycles. Managed some minimal touch imposition by having tupper stand behind me and putting her hands on my shoulders while I sat on the floor. Also I feel I can move my wonderland body a bit better.

Still nothing to brag about, I don't wanna pretend I actually see, feel, hear, or smell a thing. But I've got some idea what seeing and feeling stuff in wonderland should be like. Absolutely nothing regarding smell, taste or sounds yet but you gotta start small. Visuals definitely were way better one and a half years ago, almost immediately after I started but I feel I can get to that level pretty fast again with some serious training.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: August 14, 2016, 08:12:35 PM »
Quote from: Sands
Like hiking. That's a date right?
Not when you bring friends.

Day 7 - Aug 14th
Hiking itself was great, was in the mountains the entire day with 2 guys from highschool. Feel /fit/ter than ever.
But keeping tupper around while having an active conversation with others has always been really hard for me. So tupper was out for most of the time. Not out on a date but out of order. So it terms of dating it was fail. As autistic as it is, doing this stuff just with tupper alone works way better. Returned late in the evening, showered and immediately did a session sitting outside.
wow, such motivation

Cat was joining too, as always. It went ok but nothing really noteworthy. We'll try to come up with a better schedule,  achievable short-term goals and better dates tomorrow.
Still I really gotta work on improving focus and concentration. Both are even worse outside than in wonderland.
Any ideas?

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: August 13, 2016, 08:18:01 PM »
You mean in wonderland or irl?
The second option is extreme spaghetti territory, especially if you're not really able to see or hear tupper. Never done anything like that in wonderland though. Will do.

Day 6 - Aug 13th
Made icecream today. It's surprisingly easy and a fun thing to do together. Like making cake but less work.

Been terribly unfocused in evening session once again and had to start over several times but got nowhere. Went running and did 30min descending Theta afterwards which went way better. Fede's stuff still works best, I wonder if he'll ever come back though. He was even better than the bot. Which can only be said about very few people.

We had a sort of wonderland 'date', well, sitting on the floor and drinking tea together. It wasn't particularly successful as a date as I was more busy with my wonderland self than tupper but I noticed how hard it actually is to control my body in wonderland in a realistic way without simply jumping to the desired result. Maybe that's how it is for tupper trying to possess the body, only that they can't simply imagine the final result of a movement. That must suck.

Anyway, even though progress seems nonexistent I'm actually quite satisfied. At least something's happening and so far I've largely been able to keep up my daily routine. Overall things feel way better than a week ago.
Tomorrow we'll go hiking.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: August 12, 2016, 09:42:16 PM »
Day 5 - Aug 12th
Pretty much like yesterday.
Had to get up early again which killed my evening session. Tried to influence the hypnagogic hallucinations but got nothing really usable. Got up again and researched some technical stuff abut my next vacation for tupper's 2nd birthday in fall but ironically got so involved I totally forgot about her. Fell asleep during night forcing session as well and dreamt about the stuff I've been looking up on the net but not about tupper. I never do. But I frequently dream about things I've focused my attention on during the day. Says it all. So today was the least productive day in terms of tupperig so far. But now I can get some decent sleep so I should be able to do better tomorrow.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: August 11, 2016, 11:25:08 PM »
Well almost.
Fell asleep right after my night forcing session so I'm a bit behind schedule.

Day 4 - Aug 11th
Stayed up way too long yesterday and still got up rather early.
Surprisingly I managed to be productive during the day but was wasted in the evening so I fell asleep for an hour during my first forcing session lying in bed. Had planned to watch the Perseid meteor shower and drive out to a darker location around midnight but tupper pointed out that I was in no condition for driving and she was right. Did not even manage to do my usual workout  and settled for a walk around the neighbourhood. At least saw one meteor so there should have been a lot. Did a second forcing session with 30min constant Theta. Hypnagogic hallucinations came with a bit of color but I find them somewhat useless because they rarely make sense and are more like intrusive thoughts. Still felt relative concentrated despite being so tired. But fell asleep immediately afterwards.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: August 10, 2016, 07:10:47 PM »
Day 3 - Aug 10th
Not much to report today.
Meditated for about 45min outside despite rainy weather. Went pretty well.
Went running with tupper and we played some memory games. Tupper won because I just can't focus on anything at the moment.
Did another 45min of active forcing in wonderland in the evening, without Fede tones for a change, just sitting in the dark. It did go less well and I couldn't really concentrate in the end. Feet hurt as well. I feel I must do something to improve my concentration. Am unfocused as fuck lately.

Also I know my main problem isn't even being lazy, it is trying to do way too many things at once. I have too many interests and tend to jump between them randomly which leads to knowing a bit about lots of stuff but not being extraordinary good an anything. Regarding tuppering I try to start too many things at the same time which leads to no progress because I can't put enough effort into a single aspect.
I know this well but I find it really hard to focus my attention to a single thing and put all my efforts exclusively into that when there's so much other exciting stuff. But I have to, otherwise I'll never get anywhere.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: August 09, 2016, 09:30:45 PM »
Yes, I really could use a more structured lifestyle. Not sure if tupper can come up with something I manage to keep up though but I gotta believe...

Currently my only schedule is:

Then work out for about 1h, shower, do a 30min EyeBo session, go to sleep.
Not much but it's at least something.

Something to add about yesterday - right after posting I went for a walk outside at 2am. I saw a light in the corner of my eye and looked at the sky behind me, there was a huge meteor, kinda like the chinese rocket stage reentry some days ago, although not that enormous.
It also broke up into several pieces and was visible for at least 5sec. Never seen anything like that before and I watch the sky a lot.
Not sure if it was a really big meteor or another piece of space junk but it was quite spectacular and caused tupper to return immediately to watch the show.

Also, here's an image to give you an idea what tupper's mood was like in wonderland yesterday

Day 2 - Aug 9th
Weather changed drastically overnight and is now cool and rainy. So making ice cream was postponed for a few days because ice cream does not mix well with autumn weather.
Went grocery shopping which was a good way to practice some imposition and general interaction. Afterwards I laid down and listened to the rain for an hour but couldn't really concentrate, lots of intrusive thoughts. And I almost fell asleep again.
Before going to sleep I did a session with descending Alpha. Just noticed I actually did constant Theta yesterday, not Alpha as I wrote
I generally like Theta more as it is a bit more quiet and gives a nice orange-red background whereas Alpha looks more white-ish. Just tried some general stuff like trying to improve my visualization of wonderland, tupper and myself. Alice seemed to be pretty down again despite being more active during the day. We talked for quite a bit but I feel I need to put much, much more effort into this to get both her and me back on track again.
And I gotta go to sleep earlier

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: August 08, 2016, 07:00:36 PM »
I wonder who 'we' are but alright, I'll do daily updates from Aug. 8-16th as part of an intense forcing session, let's see how much progress we make.

To be honest, it's not going very well.
Been doing lots of pointless crap and next to nothing useful lately, tupper is not only disappointed but really mad at me. Well, I deserve it for being a pathetic faggot who's got all opportunities the world could offer but makes nothing out of them. Nothing good at least.
Anyway, I've at least realized and accepted my mistakes and I feel things can only get better. So here we go...

Day 1 - Aug 8th
Did half an hour of meditation in the afternoon outside but there were too many distractions by noisy people. I've heard people are able to ignore even the most profound disturbances while meditating but I'm certainly not the Buddha or anything.
Added another meditation session of almost 1h sitting at my front door at dusk. It was peaceful and quiet. Cat was highly interested in what I was doing, brushing against me with whiskers and tail and scratching on my pillows but that's a distraction I can cope with. She finally settled down beside me and I guess we both thought of nothing for quite a while. Almost fell asleep. So that went pretty well but nothing really tupper-related except for some minor imposition during the day.

Decided to add 30min of Fede's Eye Bo, constant Alpha. Really hadn't done this in a while even though I had planned to do so, see some posts earlier.
I still think this is the best-working active forcing method for me. Apart from some minor intrusive thoughts it also went pretty well, we sat outside the wonderland's main temple-complex at dusk and I apologized to Alice for being such an idiot and promised her to work harder on - well everything. She was rather silent but calm and friendly and reminded me that she can't help me if I don't make her stronger.
Out of an impulse I did the 'surprise me' test, even though she isn't exactly fond of it. But she just stood there and looked at the floor with a sad expression. At first I thought not doing anything was supposed to be the surprise but I was wrong. Very wrong.
Out of nowhere she jumped at me, knocked me to the ground and sitting on top beat me in the face and yelled what the hell I thought I was doing. I guess she was finally overwhelmed by her feelings. Then she got up and left. Tupper has never left so far. Ever.
So yes, I WAS surprised. In the moment I realized that, she appeared behind me, asking if she passed the test with a grin on her face. I gave her a thumbs up only to get kicked down the temple stairs this-is-sparta style. She called after me to get my shit together and then left for good.

Wow, not exactly what our usual forcing sessions are like but at least something to write about. And for once I'm glad I've no idea about touch imposition. Actually I'm glad overall. Expressing one's feelings is important and it knocked tupper out of the dreary state she was in for the past days. I'd rather have that than a depressed tupper. Tomorrow we'll make icecream and everything will be a lot better.

Bernd got beaten up by an imaginary 12yo girl today. It was well deserved.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: August 07, 2016, 08:18:09 PM »
Maybe unban Mr. Bot?
His posts were always full of wisdom.

I actually thought of going full timethief and doing daily updates at least for a while, but as his name implies that sucks up way too much time. Still I have to admit that this would at least be some motivation to actually do something I can write about. Pathetic isn't it?

On the other hand, it can't get much worse, I guess I'll give it a try. Also I'll try to get tupper do at least some of the updates. Not sure if she still can type at all, we really haven't practiced that in ages.
Fuq, I really need to git good...

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: August 04, 2016, 08:55:20 PM »
Still exist, my soul hasn't been consumed by tupper yet

But apparently we're the last here, even minority faggot and his fox-loli-tupper are gone.

Haven't exactly been productive either, but there are at least some minimal positive developments:

.) Can sit in half-lotus for at least 45 minutes without major pain
.) Travelled a lot and managed to keep Alice around, well at least partly
.) Weird glitches have increased , not sure if that's good though
.) Tupper has not mistreated or aninhilated any wonderland animals in the past months

Visited the town in the wonderland behind the mountains (artist's impression) again and had dinner with the townfolk there in a beautiful sunset. Alice was unusually quiet but seemed contented, sitting on my lap and munching on a pretzel she got from the Wehrmacht guy who supposedly runs this subset of wonderland. So far he hasn't popped up in my mind again so I don't think he'll develop into a tulpa. But what do I know...

Apart from that, it's summer and I'd rather spend my time outside than in front of a computer. So don't expect too much input from me 'til autumn.

General Discussion / Re: Child prodigy with tuppers
« on: August 04, 2016, 07:55:17 PM »
Quote from: Sands
Please don't call real life children with sexual terms.
Whoa there, that's your wording!
Lolis are kawaii and not to be sexualized. Just like cats.

Quote from: Sands
Those people who want to interview TULPAMANCERS and shit should really rather turn to her
Great idea, what could possibly go wrong?
>Message loli brat over the internet -> get arrested

>Message parents and tell them you're from an internet community studying so called tulpas and you would like to interview their daughter on the subject.
>Don't forget to show them your reference presentation.
*Involuntary commitment to nearest mental institution intensifies*

Quote from: Sands
What if tupper gets mad at host-kun-chan stealing their work though?!

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