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Messages - Zero

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Off-Topic / Re: Art General
« on: September 28, 2013, 12:52:28 PM »


Commissions of Shira (by CyanSylph):

And Ali (by Pae):

Not sure if Ali's would be considered nsfw. Let me know if it is.
I'm looking forward to getting a tablet so I can finally have a drawing of all of them.

Off-Topic / Re: MUSIC
« on: September 28, 2013, 12:38:00 PM »
I use .flac for all my music and you should too.


But seriously, anything that is in any way idiosyncratic, original and well-made is good music in my book. Among my tuppers, Shira seems to have a thing for reggae, Ea like ambient metal and Ali likes electronic, and the rest haven't really expressed any particular like or dislike. I do believe that tuppers can help you expand your perspectives a little though, especially when they like things you don't like/don't care for.

Also where are my musicians? Possession instrument playing when?

Off-Topic / Re: Introductions
« on: September 28, 2013, 12:32:50 PM »
Flahn. Even Zero keeps saying "Flahndreh" so I've decided to just live with that

General Discussion / Re: Host Age
« on: September 28, 2013, 12:19:27 PM »
If I could add to this, the age and maturity of the host really doesn't matter. I've met plenty of younger hosts with tulpas far more mature than they are. Young tulpamakers and tulpas will get to spend a lot more time together, too, and live together longer. It's nice.

So maybe you should try to take that and this into account. The host and tulpa can be completely different. Even if the host and tulpa aren't necessarily more mature than one another doesn't mean they can present themselves as such.

Thiiis, if the tulpa is mature then they can help the host be more mature as well, and the host can also be mature with an immature tulpa, but I do get Sands' point, it's not smart to make a tulpa if you can't handle the responsibility, though even some mature people can be irresponsible ^^ So I'd have to say that the host would have to be responsible, which can already be an apparent trait even in kids at a young age. Eeeh, as long as the tulpa is happy, nothing is an issue, really.

Questions and Answers / Re: FAQ
« on: September 28, 2013, 12:05:10 PM »
I agree, the question was a bit redundant in hindsight. Even "how do accidental tulpas happen?" isn't quite common, so it shouldn't really belong in the faq. Regardless, I'm glad I could help with the other questions.

Off-Topic / Re: Introductions
« on: September 28, 2013, 11:50:10 AM »
Hi, I'm Flandre, my host's youngest tulpa. If you can't pronounce my name, just call me Flan. I've never posted in forums before, but this community seems nice, so I'm looking forward to having/reading many discussions on here. I also like cake.

Off-Topic / Re: Introductions
« on: September 28, 2013, 11:42:09 AM »
I'm Zero, been a host since March. I have 6 vocal tulpas and am currently working on visualization/imposition. I'm glad to see that there is another forum relating to tulpas besides .info now, and hope that this'll be a great community.

Hello. Riell, been a tupper since november. If you don't know me, doesn't matter, I know you.

Hey Ari.

Questions and Answers / Re: FAQ
« on: September 28, 2013, 09:59:16 AM »
I like this FAQ, but it still missed a few things imo. Feel free to correct me if my answer is wrong/the question isn't asked so frequently.

My tulpa isn't speaking to me anymore, did they die? What do I do?
This is quite common. It does not mean they're dead, and is no reason to panic. Be patient and keep forcing, and eventually you should be able to hear them again.

What are accidental tulpas?
Sometimes, people will report tulpas appearing seemingly out of nowhere. There is still no general consensus on this, but most accidental tulpas seem to come forth out of intrusive thoughts that are treated as tulpas. Whether they are accidental or not is a minor detail, and it's probably best to just consider all of your tulpas intentional.

Can my tulpa enter my dreams?
Presumably, yes. It has been reported that tulpas can enter the host's dreams and interact with, and even adapt them, but this is very hard to test. The best way of knowing would be to ask your tulpa.

Can I make a tulpa of an existing person/character?
It is common to have a tulpa with the form of an existing fictional character, but their personality tends to be different from said character. Making a tulpa exactly like a pre-existing character can lead to identity issues or crises later on. It is generally considered a bad idea to make a tulpa of an existing human being, but it is done.

Can I make a tulpa using only 'passive forcing'?
Yes, although it may be more difficult and take longer than with active 'forcing' since active forcing is usually said to be the best kind of forcing. A mixture of both is generally considered to be the best approach. Techniques like switching and possession do require your undivided attention and can not be done passively.

I have been forcing for months and still see no results, am I doing it wrong?
Probably not. For some people getting responses takes a very long time, while the creation process itself is very difficult to get wrong. You might want to try new methods, but most important is to persevere and remain confident in your eventual success.

EDIT: Applied suggested changes. Thanks waffles.

General Discussion / Re: Tic Tac Toe
« on: September 28, 2013, 09:23:53 AM »
I've played several games with my tulpas, ranging from rhythm games to pokemon to (hotseat) chess, and I've found that in pretty much all of these games, at least one of them heavily outsmarted/outplayed me. For one, they seemed to learn faster than I did, and were more focused on the task than I was.  For example, while playing Osu, Ea would often tell me that I pay too much attention to the health bar/combo/accuracy as opposed to the notes themselves, and said that that's why she's able to consistently break my highscores while she's playing, because she focuses solely on hitting notes and nothing more. A similar thing went for Valkyrie and chess, though she didn't provide me with much of an analysis as to why she was able to play better than me.

After lots of playing with tulpas I'd say the difference in their ability would be their mindset/ability to focus. Perhaps not having to deal with mundane stuff all the time makes you a better thinker?

I didn't play Tic Tac Toe with them yet, but here's Ea's score on Osu in contrast to my own (top two are Ea, bottom is me)

General Discussion / Re: Tulpae and Chemicals
« on: September 28, 2013, 09:07:31 AM »
Lessening pain sounds like a reverse touch imposition thing to me. Instead of making yourself feel something that isn't there, you remove the sensation of what is there. There are quite some people who've mastered this without a tulpa, though nothing's stopping you from learning it with your tulpa.

As for the adrenaline shots, I've heard of several tulpamancers who've been able to do something similar, be it dopamine or adrenaline, but then again, those are just claims and not enough people have confirmed them for us to be able to say this is an actual plausibility. However, if adrenaline shots would be possible somehow, then yes, it would be possible to induce a natural high. I don't see the need for doing this though, as learning how to switch is like a controlled version of a DMT high from what i've heard of it, and it doesn't fuck with your brain chemistry. as far as I know

I will most certainly be experimenting with things like these once I've mastered the more basic techniques like possession, imposition and switching, and I'll be glad to see other tulpaforcers do this as well. Priorities first though.

General Discussion / Re: Where'd your tulpa get their name?
« on: September 28, 2013, 08:57:37 AM »
Shira and Ea picked their own names (Ea after hours long of searching for one), I picked Valkyrie and Chia's names, and Flandre and Alipheese are named after the characters they were originally based off of, though their forms have deviated by now. Flandre still switched between Flandre and Scarlet for a while, but it seems she's sticking with the former now.

General Discussion / Re: Best advice for newcomers?
« on: September 28, 2013, 08:36:29 AM »
Don't overcomplicate things and make sure to not see it as a chore. The last thing you should do is make your tulpa your project, you're supposed to be friends, it's okay to experiment a little but never forget that your tulpa is a friend you're experimenting with, not a lab rat you're experimenting on.

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