Author Topic: Let's Experience Morrowind (With Many Images)  (Read 557142 times)

Re: Let's Experience Morrowind (With Many Images)
« Reply #30 on: December 09, 2014, 03:30:38 PM »
Let's find the tax collector. Where there are tax collectors, there's money. Fargoth is our best friend now, so we cannot betray him. Can we inform him about Hrisskar's plot against him? That ring seems like it's decent for overworld travel, so I suppose we could take it. We should find some armor before trying to take out the smugglers, but our axe arm is itchy after that first taste of violence...

Do we have any spells at our disposal right now?

For next time: If you were a river I'd be a dam because dam u fine.


Re: Let's Experience Morrowind (With Many Images)
« Reply #31 on: December 09, 2014, 03:36:54 PM »
I don't like this new Fargoth, he looks like Ben Stiller.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 03:38:46 PM by MegaBusta »

Re: Let's Experience Morrowind (With Many Images)
« Reply #32 on: December 09, 2014, 03:50:21 PM »
We have Hearth Heal, a starting level healing spell thanks to our amazing Restoration. We can cast it like, twice because we have shit mp.

Re: Let's Experience Morrowind (With Many Images)
« Reply #33 on: December 11, 2014, 10:35:11 AM »

Re: Let's Experience Morrowind (With Many Images)
« Reply #34 on: December 11, 2014, 08:24:05 PM »
Part 3: Yook Thunderbeard, Nord Detective

Last time, we found new clothes and failed to win over a girl. Today, we shall look for the missing tax collector.

Now, does this Hrisskar guy seriously want us to steal or extort money from our good man Faggot? What the fuck. He is messing with the wrong beard and deserves a good round of ass-kicking.

"Your face looks like a turd. And I don't like it."

We can taunt people. If we taunt them enough, they might attack us. This way we could fight anyone without getting a bounty, as if they attack first, it's self defense.

I went around asking people about more rumors in case they would know something about the tax collector, but no luck. While I was doing so, my Athletics skill increased.

At least one person likes us...

Not having anywhere else to look, we are going to have to venture to the forests around Seyda Neen. It is night and rather dark, but we're going to have to keep our eyes open.


So, a man fell from the sky...

And died. Let's see what he has.

Yes, we'll take all of this.

A hat for true men.

This book was something that belonged to the fallen man. An Acrobatics skill of 1000 certainly would make you leap very high. I believe there is only one thing we can do.

Use the scroll and jump!

The forest is disappearing behind the draw distance fog.

Oh, it seems like our jump ended already. Going down.



Let's continue our search during this beautiful sunrise.

I found a door on the side of a small hill. Seems like we get to raid a tomb.

It's rather dark down here, but I can see some light and a bigger room up ahead.



Please note my health.

I believe we just saw a ghost. With a floating hammer of some kind. It hurt, so we're not going to raid a tomb today.

Continuing our search, I actually managed to find the missing tax collector. Can you see him in this image? Take your time.

Here he is. In the original, unmodded game, there isn't as much grass and other vegetation around. This area would be bare and the body would be easily found. Here, it looks like whatever killed him did a rather good job at hiding their tracks.

We'll take this and the gold.

We can now talk about the murder with townspeople. The first one I talked to directed me towards Socucius Ergalla, the person we made our class with.

He's close, so let's go pay him a visit.

Oh. Well then. Looks like we have another choice.

Shall we keep the gold we found or give the gold to Ergalla?

Re: Let's Experience Morrowind (With Many Images)
« Reply #35 on: December 11, 2014, 08:48:58 PM »
We should return the gold. The more people think we're a hard working, honest adventurer, the easier we can swindle them out of ten times as much later on.

Save that scroll for when you have a scroll of feather fall, too.

Re: Let's Experience Morrowind (With Many Images)
« Reply #36 on: December 12, 2014, 05:40:00 PM »
He's a tax collector, he keeps his books. When we come looking for his murderer, we don't want them to hold anything over us, like, say, a few hundred Septims that didn't get plundered from his corpse. I am sure the grateful townspeople will reward us manifold for our honesty, although their apathetic responses may not betray their desire for justice.

In lighter news, Yook is looking very swanky in his sky-man clothes. Does he run exceptionally fast with the scroll as well?

Re: Let's Experience Morrowind (With Many Images)
« Reply #37 on: December 12, 2014, 05:43:31 PM »
No, that would be Athletics instead of Acrobatics, which is about jumping and falling.

Not that it stops us from getting a ridiculously high Athletics score in the future, eh?

Re: Let's Experience Morrowind (With Many Images)
« Reply #38 on: December 13, 2014, 04:13:16 PM »

Re: Let's Experience Morrowind (With Many Images)
« Reply #39 on: December 13, 2014, 09:07:28 PM »
Part 4: On the Trail of the Murderer

Last time we found the body of the missing tax collector and had to decide if we will give back the money we found. We decided to hand it over.

We get praised for our honesty. Socucius Ergalla also thinks it is rather strange for a man to just get murdered and then all this money being left on his corpse. He would also like us to find the murderer, promising us 500 gold if we kill this person.

"Hey baby, I'd like to paddle my canoe between those mounds if you know what I mean."

Oh. Well, let's ask her more about the murder.

The tax collector wasn't very liked in this village and apparently he was someone who liked to show off his wealth. There was a single person who spent time with him however, someone who lives in the lighthouse. I believe we shall be visiting them.

This is the first time she hears of Processus being murdered, seeing how we discovered his body. In her eyes, he was a gentle man and they had grown close. He did have an argument with someone called Foryn Gilnith, who accused Processus of taking too much money and then keeping the rest himself. Thavere thinks this is a ridiculous claim.

If we ask her about the ring she mentioned, she would like us to return it if we find it, as it was a gift she gave to Processus and it was very dear to him.

I also decided to climb the lighthouse.

Some books actually raise our skills when we read them, like this did to unarmored. Read the entire story here.

Now, back outside, finding Foryn Gilnith isn't very difficult. He has a shack in the area with the other wooden shacks.

He admits to the murder and doesn't even try to hide it. He says he was justified, as the man was corrupt and overcharged everyone. Foryn obviously did not do it to get money himself, as he left the gold behind. If you read the tax report, Foryn does seem to have a rather large sum he would have to pay.

The Census and Excise Office as well as Thavere say that the tax collector was a good man. The townspeople think that he was corrupt and rotten. Should we punish the murderer with death as we were told to or will we let him go?

Our update was a rather short one, so I felt like we could at least gain a level. It involved getting hit by mudcrabs, jumping, running and hiding in a corner.

When we have increased our Major and Minor skills enough, we shall get a message telling us to rest. That means we will level up the next time we sleep, though you could still train your skills at this point if you want to.

We don't own a bed or have a house for ourselves, so I thought we could use the bedroll that was in the Census and Excise Office closet.

Level 2. This is where we get to choose which attributes we wish to boost and you should see that I have placed 3 tokens on the attributes that get x5. I leveled up the skills in a way that gave us the maximum amount of attribute points, which mostly included some random skills that could be raised easily. We definitely need more intelligence, but right now we don't have all that many easy ways of giving it a good multiplier.

To recap, we must make another choice: shall we kill the murderer despite him claiming that he did the right thing or let him go and miss out on the reward we would be given for bringing him to justice?


Re: Let's Experience Morrowind (With Many Images)
« Reply #40 on: December 14, 2014, 01:11:09 AM »
KILL, no criminal scum gets off easy on our watch.

Re: Let's Experience Morrowind (With Many Images)
« Reply #41 on: December 14, 2014, 10:39:43 AM »
Honorable death is more than this murderer deserves, but we'll begrudgingly grant it to him.

Re: Let's Experience Morrowind (With Many Images)
« Reply #42 on: December 14, 2014, 03:21:00 PM »
Everyone knows that the best kind of smashing is that which is sanctioned by the authorities. We shall take him to justice the way only a Nord knows how; a soft and tender loving in his backside by Little Yook. His axe.

Re: Let's Experience Morrowind (With Many Images)
« Reply #43 on: December 15, 2014, 04:00:47 PM »
Part 5: Bloody Justice

We decided to kill the murderer. If we say such, he will attack us.

Considering that he is trying to hit us with his fists and he has no armor while we have an enchanted battleaxe, he does us no damage and goes down in three hits.

Seems like he did take something from the tax collector after all. This is the ring Thavere wanted us to return to her.

After getting rid of the body, let's take a look at this book...

Full story here.

Seeing that we have killed the owner of this shack, it is ours now. The various sacks and barrels had some food items I took before depositing my own items I do not use here. It's good to have a home.

There's light rain outside today.

We did the deed, so we get the money. We're not awfully poor anymore, so I felt like it was time to do some shopping.

Arrille did not sell a full suit of heavy armor, so our helmet is medium armor. We are also missing some armor parts, but some heavy armor is better than none. We will be able to train the skill and our defense is much better.

We have solved the mystery of the missing tax collector. Our only choice regarding to this questline is if we wish to return the ring or keep it. It has no enchantments, but it could be sold for some good gold.

We also need to figure out our next step. Many seemed to want to go deal with the smugglers earlier, so that is still an opportunity and we should be properly armed to do that. Should we explore the smuggler's den or go to Balmora?
« Last Edit: December 15, 2014, 04:17:52 PM by Roswell »

Re: Let's Experience Morrowind (With Many Images)
« Reply #44 on: December 15, 2014, 04:15:00 PM »
Justice cannot fully be served until we have returned the ring, so we must do that. Afterwards, we can indulge in further state-endorsed smashing by smashing smugglers; by now our bloodlust cannot be sated by petty unarmed criminals. Meanwhile, we are looking sufficiently strong to weather any storm that blows our way, be it would-be-assassins falling from the sky or anything else.