Author Topic: Child prodigy with tuppers  (Read 20248 times)

Child prodigy with tuppers
« on: June 22, 2016, 05:09:58 PM »
I just saw an interview with an 11 year old musical genius composer loli dubbed 'little miss mozart'.
First I thought she was just another one of those poor trained monkey kids exploited by overzealous parents but this one's quite different.
She gave some very interesting details on how she gets her inspiration that I want to share as she obviously not only utilizes a highly detailed wonderland but also several tuppers.

Article in German:

Alma Deutscher has become well accustomed to her public existence as an admired prodigy. But as soon as a performance is over, she will immerse herself into her own world again.:

"I walk around with my skipping rope. But I do not use it for jumping, I only swing it through the air and make up stories in my mind, that's how I get my inspiration. Often I dream of my wonderland where several composers perform and these concerts are often very beautiful."

Alma's wonderland is called Transsylvanien - with the German ending, mind you, just as names of local places and people sound very German as well. However, not the composer who has particularly impressed her: Antonin Yellowsink. He also lives in this musician's paradise.

"My fantasy land Transsylvanien is a beautiful place, there are forests and lakes and villas around it. But there are also cities and streets, which look a bit like here in Germany. And there is a famous music school named Mantonburg where all famous composers live. Antonin Yellowsink also went there, he is one of the best, I often steal his melodies and I'm at home there as well, but I do not yet belong to the famous composers, I'm not grown up yet. [...] In Transsylvanien there are many female composers as well, Shell, Flora, Ashley and Greensilk..."

And here's an article from The Guardian:

Deutscher takes lessons via Skype from teachers around the world, and for the last few years she has attended a musical summer camp in Salzburg organised by the Vienna Philharmonic. But other aspects of her practice are less conventional, and more childlike, such as the elaborate imaginary mitteleuropean–esque world she has conjured with its "wonderful court orchestra", language "a bit like German" and composers - "Yellowsink is a sort of Schubert Romantic, and Schell, she is more like Mozart" - whose work she both makes and takes in. She says Yellowsink composed the main melody of her Cinderella opera. Deutscher also makes imaginative use of a favourite skipping rope which she waves around in the garden "while I tell stories in my mind and if the story is about music then sometimes a new melody comes into my head".

We should ask her to join the forum, if she's as good in tuppering as in composing she surely could teach us a lot.
Time to get a jump rope!

Re: Child prodigy with tuppers
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2016, 09:27:41 PM »
Please don't call real life children with sexual terms.

But yeah it's pretty interesting. Those people who want to interview TULPAMANCERS and shit should really rather turn to her than well. Those they always turn to. You know them. What if tupper gets mad at host-kun-chan stealing their work though?!

Re: Child prodigy with tuppers
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2016, 07:55:17 PM »
Quote from: Sands
Please don't call real life children with sexual terms.
Whoa there, that's your wording!
Lolis are kawaii and not to be sexualized. Just like cats.

Quote from: Sands
Those people who want to interview TULPAMANCERS and shit should really rather turn to her
Great idea, what could possibly go wrong?
>Message loli brat over the internet -> get arrested

>Message parents and tell them you're from an internet community studying so called tulpas and you would like to interview their daughter on the subject.
>Don't forget to show them your reference presentation.
*Involuntary commitment to nearest mental institution intensifies*

Quote from: Sands
What if tupper gets mad at host-kun-chan stealing their work though?!

Re: Child prodigy with tuppers
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2017, 11:22:33 PM »
I think this kid is really good. I have to see that he can go through the teenager and play music.

Re: Child prodigy with tuppers
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2017, 08:13:51 PM »
I-is it gaining sentience?

Re: Child prodigy with tuppers
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2017, 01:21:42 PM »
Yes. The real tulpa was bots all along.