Author Topic: Feedback, Complaints, Concerns, Likes, Dislikes for Campaign #1 [Joy the DM]  (Read 266 times)

Please use this thread to mainly say what you liked, disliked, want to see more of, less of etc.

Soon it will all be USA!

I think it's fine Joy. I do not want to interfere with the game. That things sometimes don't go as we want is part of the game. Summer was a nice surprise and not knowing what will happen is the most fun.

I think Joy is doing a great job. I know it's a lot of work, I wouldn't wanna be DM

It's cold, there's dragons, orbs and now even pesky uncooperative humans! But I guess that's part of the game.

My initial concern was leveling up too fast and entering an arms race with equally ridiculously strong monsters which somehow would dehumanize the game. Simple beginner missions and the shortcomings of rookie adventurers are way more fun. But seeing the pace of our game, that's not really a concern. Just saying, not every enemy has to be a calamity and not every mission has to be heroic. I am fine with mundane tasks as well.
My other concern is my ship, we will see how we can synchronize my storyline with yours. Currently the ship is frozen solid which is good because it can't do anything stupid like digesting the world due to nanobot cancer. But in order for me to one day reach viscous form, we gotta make the dragon leave so it thaws. It will then take the debris a while to seep into the mountain and create a space for my metamorphosis. It will then continue to grow underground and slowly repair itself. It will however hopefully have no further impact on the story, it can't do more than mine ore and provide a modest cave shelter. It will however change the environment around the crash site with its artificial trees over time. For the foreseeable time there will be little more visible on the surface than the dark-purplish lichen-like things the size of a child's hand. As I said I just wanna get the task of describing the crash site and the ship when we get there because it will be awesome.

We did a lot of different things, encountered different enemies and I like the mix of combat and social interaction. Also we make a good party and mostly work together well though its not perfect. Oh of course host is very fond of Summer for obvious reasons. I'm glad he's not playing...

Hmm, the only thing I dislike is stumbling from one adventure into the next, Maybe this is host bleeding over but I don't like leaving matters unresolved. If tasks keep piling up like they currently do we can never finish anything. I also think I already said I don't like constantly moving on to new places. It's such an extravert thing. We have our base in Neverwinter and enough tasks in Phandalin. Not to forget my ship is there. Another host autism thing is that whatever happens should fit into the story and make sense in context of what happened in the past. We can always talk about changing things that simply don't work but within the framework of this world, logic and causality should be respected. We will see how this works out with our cart.

Yeah that's about it, I know we're slow but better slow and steady than some half-assed nonsense that hurts the game in the long run! Thanks to everyone for sticking to this game for so long, that's really cool!

My initial concern was leveling up too fast and entering an arms race with equally ridiculously strong monsters which somehow would dehumanize the game.

The leveling in the other group had to be nerfed significantly to avoid basically double leveling in one quest, which is what the game intends but misses out on savoring the struggle. The game also overdoes the treasure. I compensated for that as well by imputing the treasure table and adjusting it for the slower leveling.

Not every enemy has to be a calamity

Bear and I took out a top HP enhanced owlbear, I'm interested in RNG gods giving you one but they keep calling for startled boars, bandits, mysterious monks and nobility doing nobility things. I am very proud of my look-up tables that I personally hand crafted from copied sources.

My other concern is my ship, we will see how we can synchronize my storyline with yours

You've been a good girl lately so I am working on the reunion, but it won't be easy. My goal is for you to be level 4 when you reach it, level 4 Ashley isn't as impressive as level 4 Yulya because of the plethora of situational spells at her disposal by then or Level 4 Cat with some feats for raw DPT, working on that. As far as the epic creature in mind, the odds are far against you still so we'll see, but I'm not controlling that arc, my future self doesn't talk to my present self, all I can do is keep pushing and be pleasantly surprised by her and the RNG gods, but SheShe also has a small say in how things go.

As I said I just wanna get the task of describing the crash site and the ship when we get there because it will be awesome.

I will email you what I want and you can work around it's "condition of disrepair" to edit so I don't offically say something that conflicts with your fantasy.

Hmm, the only thing I dislike is stumbling from one adventure into the next, Maybe this is host bleeding over but I don't like leaving matters unresolved.

Neither do we, but D&D is all about multiple unresolved quests that lead to a lot of stress. However, there are, and have always been, three main quests or acts at this time and I will suppress any more. Side quests you're not interested in can be ignored, but they will be self contained and mostly inconsequential. You are on quest #1 currently and it centers around the area of Phandalin. The goal is to have you all at level 10 by the end of the third quest or act, probably around 2035 irl by the way this is going.

I'm also glad to hear it's been fun from you and Cat.

Yulya is also having fun at this but she has to stick to her role i still think she takes this too seriously. you know shes always afraid to make wrong decisions that ruin the game for others. so yeah no real complaints. just what Alice said. Yulya wants to see the characters we already met again.