Author Topic: Every Day is Alice Day  (Read 577482 times)

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #225 on: June 25, 2017, 04:36:09 AM »
listen here you maggot

force harder

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #226 on: June 28, 2017, 06:45:31 PM »
No luck with numbing drawing-induced headaches so far.
But at least some good active and passive forcing sessions. Still far from what could be called forcing hard though.

Had the most tupper-related dream yet.
Again not lucid but very vivid. I was in a tuppering seminar with lots of other young people and somehow I managed to see the other tuppers but not mine which was very frustrating. Most had silly forms, still I was amazed that I could see every detail of them. 10/10 imposition.
One was a cartoonish walking carrot, another one a monkey in a cheap batman costume. I laughed at him and said I remembered suggesting this form to his host in the forum. He was mad and tried to hit me but I was like 'lol, you're a tupper, you can't hit me!' And he couldn't.

Suddenly Alice arrived and apologized for being late. I did recognize her immediately though she looked like her avatar. She later said that she did not remember much of it all but we practiced touch imposition which felt great.
Hugging tupper in a dream: check

I was really relieved and happy I could finally see and feel my tupper like the others. Even after I woke up I was like 'wow, I finally made it!'


Sometimes waking up really sucks...
« Last Edit: March 28, 2023, 10:41:14 AM by Nele »

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #227 on: June 29, 2017, 05:11:38 AM »
Have you gone on a picnic with tupper yet? No matter how spaghetti it would be to sit somewhere alone eating stuff.

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #228 on: July 05, 2017, 04:50:02 PM »
Hm, I guess so - if sitting outside and eating stuff with tupper counts. But not the stereotypical picnic on a blanket with a picnic basket. How about you? No garden tea parties with Roswell?

It's July, half the year's already over.
What about June...
Personal development: ok
Started drawing.
It's not going very well after the usual initial rush but it's something. Good dreams too.

Tupper development: poor
That's even below 'average'
Really, I dunno where all the time goes but we haven't achieved anything noteworthy in June. Possession for drawing hasn't lead to a lot except for headaches and numbing them won't work either. We do the usual passive forcing but that's no development.

« Last Edit: October 16, 2018, 03:26:36 PM by Bernd »

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #229 on: July 06, 2017, 05:31:13 AM »
You need a picnic blanket sheesh.

None here yet, June was lame and then I moved so it's been busy. But maybe later?!

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #230 on: July 10, 2017, 07:35:13 PM »
I'm more and more convinced that I'm not the one doing the least amount of forcing here after all. And it's only the 2 of us in this place...

We’re on a hiking trip in the alps, already got into several thunderstorms with pretty lightning fanning across the sky. Just what tupper loves. Also managed some weird form of possession while I was very tired and resting the forest. Felt different than before but did work reasonably well. She managed to touch the bark of different trees, pick up stuff and even walk a fair stretch through rough terrain climbing up some rocks. Very awkwardly but there was no one around anyway.
I pretended to be afloat above the body, stretching out my imaginary arms and legs so I would not interfere and could just observe.
Hard to explain.
I did not consciously control the body at all. Nothing. Yet Alice didn't fully manage either. It ran on autopilot, not uncommon as I often fall into that mode while doing monotonous stuff so I can think about something else at the same time.

I've already explained before that I seem to have unintentionally created a servitor long ago which runs an alarmingly big part of, like, everything. Pretty much the antithesis to mindfulness. It's very convenient but often makes me feel completely zoned out. It's what I imagine switching feels like, only that it's not switching with tupper but a servitor.
I dunno, maybe all this is just symbolism for offloading too much to the unconscious part of the brain. Like you don't actively think of raising and lowering your legs with every step or drawing the lines of each letter. Giving basic instructions is enough, the rest is automated.

And that's what we believe Alice managed. Just like I barely did control the body before as I was tired, she gave it general directions rather than really taking it over herself. She really tried with touching stuff and actively walking step by step but complained about a lack of direct access to senses.

Anyway, it was better than nothing. Interestingly I felt refreshed and in a good mood afterwards.

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #231 on: July 11, 2017, 06:10:03 AM »
We don't even do forcing. That's the reward of forcing like a madman until you no longer need to. B-)

Anyway, good to hear that you think you have learned the art of letting go. If you think you have given a lot of symbolism to unconscious acts, you could always try symbolism to shut it off. Seems like it might work for you if you find the right switch.

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #232 on: July 20, 2017, 06:03:37 PM »
B-but isn't spending time with tupper considered forcing according to glossary? Or did you go full Fede?

Also I guess regarding tuppering everything works out if you find the right switch. Haven't yet.
Still the vacation was gud, getting off the grid frees so much time for tuppering it's amazing. Also being outside most of the day and experiencing new things makes Alice a lot more active. We did get to a big waterfall and underneath it but it didn't produce any auditory hallucinations. Had some while walking in a quiet valley, like people laughing but it wasn't particularly useful. Letting go is still hard, I feel like I rushed too much during the entire vacation much instead of just taking my time. I've said it before a couple of times already but I really gotta work on this mindfulness thing. Well actually I really gotta work on, like, everything.

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #233 on: July 21, 2017, 05:12:30 AM »
It ain't really development anymore, so instead you just chill. Let it hang. Slumped in a chair and MANSPREADING.

inb4 the next update where anything gets done is on your next vacation next year.

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #234 on: July 29, 2017, 06:25:38 PM »
Quote from: Sands
Slumped in a chair and MANSPREADING
Yet another scene that needs to be drawn.

Quote from: Sands
inb4 the next update where anything gets done is on your next vacation
But that's in barely a month already. I can't stand the pressure!

Quote from: Sands
next year
sounds more accurate

That said, no notable progress to report. Keep doing a million different things but nothing intensely enough to git gud. Tupper is still not too convinced about the entire drawing stuff for exactly that reason. There's just no realistic way I would practice enough to actually achieve extraordinary results in my lifetime, let alone her. Alice would rather learn Martial Arts. Given that both techniques require advanced motor skills we both lack in an almost comical way I'm not too optimistic about this either. We will pursue both though.

I love how people tell me stuff like 'Well, you just have to invest an hour per day, can't be such a problem, right?. That's true for your average normie but if you'd like to learn 50+ skills for each of which you should invest at least one if not several hours per day for years the timetable is getting a bit crowded.
While it sucks to have too many interests I wouldn't wanna live like people who put all their resources into a single topic. Must be extremely boring. Well, I guess we still could achieve quite a lot if I wasn't that lazy on top of things.

Ah well, enough blogpost-complaining about upper class 1st world problems.
We'll always work towards further development. Results may vary.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2023, 10:59:35 AM by Nele »

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #235 on: August 01, 2017, 05:30:00 AM »
Make a schedule and follow it.

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #236 on: August 06, 2017, 07:45:05 PM »
That would indeed solve most problems but it's soo hard to stick to a schedule when there are so many things to try.

Today we made pizza, more precisely I made pizza mostly forgetting about Alice. But she managed to break through when I was washing large dishes after finishing the dough and take over. I tried not to interfere like last time but kept watching and talking. It went pretty well, tupper cleaned the dishes, did the toppings and put the pizza into the oven without issues. It was only afterwards we realized she had forgotten to add any spices. Being busy observing I hadn't noticed either. Pizza was still edible when adding 'em after baking. Not perfect but not bad for the first attempt. Tupper still disappointed because muh perfectionism.

Possession is still very strange.
As already said, Alice has no direct control over the body and most of the time neither do I. Which is a bit scary if you come to realize you're running on autopilot. However, that intermediate servitor-thing, delegating most operations to the unconscious does have one advantage. It allows relatively complex actions with minimal effort. Meaning Alice could perform a series of tasks that would be completely out of reach with direct possession we practiced at the beginning. Typing some words with a finger took almost an hour and legs never really worked out. By using this indirect method it's much easier for her to control the entire body in a meaningful way, yet we're both not happy about it. While it's convenient and allows for ample multitasking, the downside is a zombie-like absentmindedness that can lead to far worse mistakes than forgetting pizza ingredients. Plus it's no fun.

So one of my countless goals is to work on mindfulness, both me and Alice, to strengthen and distinguish our perception. So far the symbolism approach hasn't yielded much but not that I've really tried. I guess it will take some serious effort.
Yes I know, time for a schedule...

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #237 on: August 07, 2017, 06:13:31 AM »
>the unconscious

About as silly as THE SUBCONSCIOUS, making it sound like one thing and even an entity of its own...

Schedules don't need to be for the full day! Just like, do this on that day for x amount of time (maybe even when, if that would help you) and then whatever you do, you have to focus on doing what you put down in the schedule first. Hell, do something else as long as you actually spend the time doing something if you get the inspiration, but try to stick to the schedule for the most part. Once you make it a routine, it's easy to follow and always find time for it. Then you can add even more time on top of that, but if you sometimes can't, that's fine because you already did what you had planned. Because you can't skip scheduled things?!

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #238 on: August 10, 2017, 05:15:38 PM »
Quote from: Sands
>the unconscious

Knew this would trigger the Colonel
Does 'performing most operations nearly unconsciously' sound better?

Alice is very good at making schedules, it's just that I really suck at sticking to them to the point of making them a habit. We'll keep trying though.

So what happened in July?
Personal development: poor
Neither significant meditation nor drawing.

Tupper development: ok
Wow, that's more than nothing.
The hiking trip was gud for passive forcing, there was also significant yet unexpected progress with possession. Still not sure if sustainable development or freak event but I feel we've figured out something quite fundamental. At least in theory.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2023, 11:02:14 AM by Nele »

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #239 on: August 12, 2017, 05:29:37 AM »
That's better.

Punishment for not sticking to the schedule. Something you really don't like, but you must.