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Messages - Sands

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Off-Topic / Re: Home cookin'
« on: October 09, 2013, 04:24:18 PM »
You'd probably want to beat the egg before adding it in and then mix it in so you don't have one big glob of egg in the water. Though you'd want to add it pretty late so you don't overcook the egg and you're probably losing some good stuff when you drain the rice.

Doesn't sound to tasty to me, but I don't really like egg too much. And I want my rice separate from whatever I'm eating it with until I serve it.

Off-Topic / Re: Chat Thread
« on: October 09, 2013, 03:57:29 PM »
Yep yep yep yep.

She was a kid back then, though.

Off-Topic / Re: Chat Thread
« on: October 09, 2013, 03:50:10 PM »
Hey, if the dweeb can not hurt himself when he's never carved anything out of wood before and even did it with the wrong hand...

Then again, my mom would always tell me the story about how her brother/uncle/neighbor/I have no idea would carve wood and she really wanted to try, but he didn't let her. Then when he left, she went in and took the knife and some wood and managed to slit open her thumb.

But she's kind of stupid.

Off-Topic / Re: Anime
« on: October 09, 2013, 03:45:49 PM »
    • Professor Layton (the movie). Does this remind you of a puzzle?


    LoGH LoGH
    LoGH LoGH LoGH
    LoGH LoGH

    Two hundred episodes of this.

    What have you done, waffles.

    Off-Topic / Re: Home cookin'
    « on: October 09, 2013, 02:45:09 PM »
    Salt is for flavor, of course. If you're a pleb who doesn't use salt, then don't use salt. But you're missing on delicious flavors, herbal salt definitely goes well with egg for me. I have no idea what you mean with your rice and egg question but if you're planning on cracking one open and dumping it into boiling water with the rice, that sounds like a mess. And of course you can cook the rice at the same time as you cook the egg, assuming you got enough space to cook, which you should. You just want to use cooled rice to dump into the eggs so you don't get a messy, sticky meal, which is why the suggestion is to cook some in advance or use leftovers.

    Rice gets sticky if you pop it on the pan and start working it when it's still warm. Just check the difference between rice you just cooked and rice that's been in the fridge overnight, you'll get it.

    You want your sushi rice to be pretty sticky. You want to use short-grain rice and you do usually let the rice cool for a bit before you start doing anything with it. Dip your hands in water to prevent the rice from sticking to them.

    Off-Topic / Re: Art General
    « on: October 09, 2013, 02:30:27 PM »
    Did you maybe miss the point of this thread?

    Post pictures you drew of your tuppers!

    Edit: Eh, seeing that Intel deleted his post, this one is kinda useless and looks stupid now.

    Off-Topic / Re: Anime
    « on: October 09, 2013, 02:28:31 PM »
    Uh. I don't think I've watched any in ages. I guess I liked Cowboy Bebop when I watched it a while back.

    Tulpa Diaries / Re: MC and the fluffies
    « on: October 08, 2013, 04:44:22 PM »
    The hell.

    General Discussion / Re: Best advice for newcomers?
    « on: October 08, 2013, 12:12:28 PM »
    Again, not really breaking rules you should worry about. Unless you treat people that actually have rights in the eyes of others badly, then you'd be in trouble. But even then, someone probably would agree with what you did. Buuut getting off topic here.

    General Discussion / Re: Best advice for newcomers?
    « on: October 08, 2013, 11:46:56 AM »
    Everyone can't be the same. Especially when it comes to tuppers, the process just is very unique to everyone. And the rules do say state your opinions so I'd say you're not really breaking any rules you should worry about. Having opposing viewpoints only makes for interesting conversations and I appreciate that.

    General Discussion / Re: Best advice for newcomers?
    « on: October 08, 2013, 11:22:49 AM »
    First thing's first, don't create a tupper to play out your sexual fantasy. You can do that stuff in your imagination without forcing a potentially sapient being into it. If you like it though and just make a tulpa for some other reason, sure, if the tulpa also likes it then go for it. But it's not the reason why you should make one. That's about the only thing I can say to your first thing.

    "It's subjective" is an alright way to say it if you really want to. I didn't really see your answer in this thread as that, "go for it, don't think about it too much" is how I read it as and I don't think it's a very good one. Creating a tupper definitely can help the host, yeah. But that help should never be at the expense of the tulpa because again, moralfag, possibly sapient, blah blah sobstory.

    Not sure what the thing about knowing the tulpa's answer is about. I did tons of personality forcing and thought I knew my tupper very well, but in the end, I only really started to know who he really was once he started talking back to me. Even now, I could only really guess how he would answer to something before he does. I might be right often because we are pretty close, but surprises happen, too.

    Beautiful rainbow.

    Forum Discussion / Re: Forum IRC.
    « on: October 08, 2013, 11:08:40 AM »
    Well, leaving random messages isn't something you could stop, anyways. But when you have a place for real time chatting, it's the best place to do real time Q&A, of course. So a chatroom of sorts would come with both and hopefully would have both and not just one of them.

    Right now the argument against having something like that is that it would direct people away from the site, in a way. Of course it would only be completely off the site if it's an IRC channel and not a chatroom that's a part of this website, but it would direct conversation away from these boards. In my first reply, I did mention about the whole wanting to have some more permanent chat and answers on the forums first, before it is directed somewhere else. If we did it right away, we'd lose tons of good stuff that wouldn't be easily accessible to our users. And we really do want to have a lot that is easily accessible to our users.

    For random messages right now, off topic's chat thread probably works well enough.

    General Discussion / Re: Best advice for newcomers?
    « on: October 08, 2013, 10:26:33 AM »
    None of us can prove anything. That's why I prefer to follow like, the "better safe than sorry" way. No harm is caused when you treat something that isn't sapient like it was sapient. But it's going to be a pretty awful life if they are sapient and you don't treat them that way. So, better respect and know what you're possibly getting into before you start.

    Forum Discussion / Re: Forum IRC.
    « on: October 08, 2013, 10:24:03 AM »
    That's... Basically what I said.

    Forum Discussion / Re: Forum IRC.
    « on: October 08, 2013, 07:59:05 AM »
    Honestly, I'd probably favor some kind of chatroom on these forums over IRC. A place for the forum-goers to speak together and help each other rather than an IRC channel, which often will evolve into its own community sooner or later. And I can't say the IRC versions of any community I've ever seen have ever been too good compared to the forum or the website.

    But you'd know what we think about that too if you read my response to the original poster and just replace IRC with shoutbox or chatroom or whatever.

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