Author Topic: Adventures in Psyche Schisms  (Read 47470 times)

Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« on: June 15, 2015, 09:13:33 PM »
Can't actually recall how I got into the Tulpa thing, but somehow I got to reading about it and it struck a chord with me. Reminded me of some odd experiences I've had, way back in my old RPing days back in high school. I couldn't resist trying my hand at it for a few reasons, though by now I just feel an odd- and pleasant- sense of attachment to this little concept floating in my brain.

There's a stunning amount of- depressingly contradictory- information out there about how this process is supposed to work. Thus far I've done two serious 15 minute sessions of personality forcing regarding my nascent tulpa, and I am going to be trying some visualization instead tonight. Figure that spare amounts of personality forcing here and there ought to keep her core/backbone intact, whilst she grows and develops.

Name: Lunesta (like the sleeping pill)
Sex: F
Personality Traits: Introverted, sensing, feeling, perceiving; hates emnity between friends, can be a closed book, competitive, curious, learns through doing, cheerful, supportive, mercurial, determined, spontaneous, has faith.
Likes: Animals, tyrian purple, produce, jazz music.
Dislikes: Scorpions, orange, pop, overcooked or highly processed food.

I envision and have seeded her with an active, outgoing personality, and thus wonder if making a Wonderland more fun than my plain and stable life might not help her grow and develop. Thoughts or advice would be welcomed.

Re: Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2015, 01:24:49 AM »
Welcome to the community. What information have you found to be contradicting? If anything confuses you, feel free to ask any questions you have. Short sessions of personality forcing like that are good, but it would be valuable to spend as much time as you can talking to your tulpa in your daily life. Getting into the habit of talking to them sooner rather than later is a good thing, and it can't hurt development to speak to her when you have a moment to yourself when you commute or something.

Tulpa and wonderland aren't capitalized. I don't know if a fun wonderland will be as valuable as engaging your tulpa in a way that allows her to be active and outgoing. A wonderland might help, to a degree, but your own influence is paramount.

Re: Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2015, 06:56:03 AM »
Noted, I'll cease capitalization of them then.

Primarily what confused me was reading from some sources that it was /imperative/ to spend much time with personality forcing, visualizing, et cetera, while others said, golly, you can just passive force amd narrate forever and it'll work! Also, whether of not parroting/puppeting is helpful. What I've read on it ranges from 'you'll speak over your tulpa that way' to 'do it all the time until it becomes second nature.' I like to think that at least I managed to set good expectations for myself regarding the whole process.

Been doing a bit to talk to her when I can, about whatever, but I get nervous that it doesn't do anything. Should I parrot a response for her, or perhaps just keep what I've been doing- visualizing her and then just talking to her without regards to responses?

Spent yesterday visualizing in my session with her. A short recap of personality traits, then trying to clearly bring her up in my mind's eye. Five minutes of that proved difficult, so I brought the room's image up in my mind's eye and puppeted her around in that, visualized how she'd move, walking around, hopping onto things, laying down....

Spoke with her and parroted responses the whole time, and unexpectedly had a minor argument with her over a little snippy disobedience. I suspect since it's so eaely in the process that it was just my very well-developed ability to imagine characters and what they would think/say in a situation, though, which makes me nervous. Between that and some problems with intrusive thoughts, I don't know if I SHOULD do the parroting thing.

That said, felt productive, ended the session feeling happy and relaxed and pretty attached to the babby tupper.

Edit: What do you mean, a way that would allow her to be active and outgoing? What could I do to ensure that?
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 07:17:13 AM by Alexius Aurelius »

Re: Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2015, 08:15:33 AM »
This thing in general is something that no one really understands. We don't know why it happens or how it happens, all we have are our own theories and methods that worked for us. Back in the day you'd have to force for exactly 100something hours to get a vocal tupper, once you imposed them they no longer could change their form and if you didn't visualize a tupper without their clothes, those clothes would be stuck to them. Absolutely idiotic stuff, really. It's the imagination, so pretty much anything is possible.

Because we don't know why something is happening, you should avoid those people who say something will work 100% of the time or if you do something they dislike, it's wrong and RUINS YOUR TULPA. This whole thing is pretty unique to us all and some manage to get a tupper by literally doing nothing while others need to spend a lot of time to get something done. When it comes to personality, I just see them as suggestions and as a form of narration, as you are spending time with your tupper and talking to them. I don't feel like that's the thing that will form a tupper, as deviations always happen and the end result can be quite different fromt what you imagined. After all, if people manage to make tuppers without this personality forcing, it can't be all that important, eh? Up to you how much you want to believe though.

Parroting and puppeting are valid methods. This far I've seen two methods, one where you parrot for a while and then stop cold turkey, and one where you parrot until the tupper just starts doing stuff without you. But you're free to experiment, do stuff that feels right to you. I didn't do parroting myself, didn't really feel like my style.

What Yucky means with active and outgoing is probably how many tuppers (especially when they have hosts with poor mindsets) end up being lethargic and passive, never doing anything on their own and are unable to do really anything if the host doesn't pay attention to them. Let your tupper know that they can do their own stuff, change the wonderland to fit themselves and get hobbies they can do when you two aren't together. Sense sharing is also something a lonely tulpa might appreciate, you two do share a body so both of you can choose to feel what the one in the body is currently seeing, hearing and feeling. Might be fun for them to stick around like that so they can experience the outside world. Tell her - and allow her - to try new stuff for herself.

Re: Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2015, 08:54:12 AM »
One presumes those things will take a while; or can sense sharing and such be done from the beginning?

Edit: I suppose something that'd really set my mind at ease is just knowing what I'm even capable of doing with a tupper whose creation process only began half a week ago.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 08:57:00 AM by Alexius Aurelius »

Re: Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2015, 09:47:11 AM »
Honestly, when it comes to certain things in your imagination, the sky's the limit. You can see, feel and think whatever you want in your mind, and so can your tulpa. Perhaps it's more helpful to consider she is allowed to sense-share, rather than wondering whether she is able. You can only acknowledge that it's possible for her to imagine sharing your senses, and give her the explicit freedom to do so. Perhaps you can have her follow you around as you go about your daily life at first, or keep her in your wonderland, giving her free reign to move around where she wants to go. Choose for yourself how you want to guide her in these early stages.

Maybe it's a good idea to think about the implications of that, and come up with ways of how something like that can happen. It's indeed good to give your tulpa freedom, especially in the mind, to do what she wants, as Sands said. What I meant was something slightly different, though. I was thinking that to create someone who is outgoing and energetic, you would really need to engage her yourself. Do fun things with her, tell her exciting stories and listen to upbeat music. Talk to her about what it means to be outgoing, a people person, to be motivated and passionate. Explore how she would manifest those ideals, and give her the choice as to how she would like to make those things a part of her, if she does.

Parroting is a fine and valid method, as is narration. Over time, your tulpa will grow into their own independent person, regardless of which of these you pick, as long as you maintain a healthy mindset. Of course, either option will be different in how it shapes the early forcing process, with parroting being more 'rewarding' early on when it comes to interaction, and narration leaving a lot of room for you to meditate on her, yourself, and the world around you. Of course, things are not black and white, and techniques can be combined. Perhaps you could try that?

You shouldn't be afraid of your mind and what happens in it. Don't be scared of parroting or terrified of things going wrong, look at what's happening to you as you go about this with an eager and open, yet critical mind. There's no use to worrying and doubting, and careful thinking and considering possibilities can help put your mind at ease. What your tulpa is capable of right now might not be much, but you can guide her in whichever way you want to stretch your imagination.

Re: Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2015, 10:21:24 AM »
Alright, that makes sense. Permission to do what she cam and I think would help her... Mixed parroting and narration; that sounds helpful. Fun things. Music definitely would be a go-to for me. Just gotta figure out how to include her at work without boring the hell out of her, haha. And try not to be scared of my brain, though that might be tricky for me.

We'll see where it goes, today.

Re: Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2015, 03:03:47 PM »
Been talking to her as fairly often as I can at work. Parroting her curiosity, and the rest... Just split 15 minutes into two even chunks of active forcing- one half talking to her about a (very) abridged history of Rome, and the other, reviewing the personality forcing we've done, and visualization. Visualization remains a bit tricky, but it was pretty enjoyable altogether. Parroting still makes me nervous; don't want to put the wrong words in her mouth. Also, are there any good tips for managing and improving expectations? I heard that can be key with the tuppers.

Re: Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2015, 07:54:48 AM »
Not sure if there's any guides about it, but I guess there might be non-tupper stuff related to that. This kind of skils are useful in everyday life as well. But your mindset in general is the key and I wrote this thing a while back if you haven't read it yet. A bit different than what you had in mind but could help?

Re: Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2015, 09:05:19 AM »
I did see that. Haha, I ought to read that one every damn day to keep my head in the right place. Hrm. Doing as much focus as I can get away with on Lunesta at work- mentally telling her about various stuff (Fallout, today) and parroting responses, etc. Nervous-excited about the whole thing, more and more; makes me wish I could sink eighr damn hours into active forcing.

On that note, what's the quickest (or maybe healthiest?) way to help a tulpa grow to the point where you can really FEEL them? It hasn't even been a week, I know... Don't (necessarily) expect voice this soon but I'm very eager (too eager?) to get some sense of her.

Re: Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2015, 12:36:38 PM »
The more attention you give your tulpa, the faster things will progress. Keeping your mind on tulpas, thinking about the phenomenon, reading about it all, being excited... That all seems to contribute to how fast things will go, as well. The more you're involved in the process and are eager to move forward, the faster things tend to go. The more aspects of your tulpa's personality you cover, the more you tell her, the more you interact together, the faster you will find she has a comprehensive personality.

Of course, there's the eternal "it's different for everybody", but spending as much time as you can can't hurt.

Re: Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2015, 01:34:04 PM »
So my 'NEVER TAKE MY MIND OFF HER EVER' strategy is good for her? Radical.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 03:34:03 PM by Alexius Aurelius »

Re: Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2015, 09:42:01 PM »
Imagining her there constantly has become second nature to me, it seems, even if visualizing is hard. Doing as much... Imposing, I think, as I can, too. Maybe it's the parroting but she seems happy now just to be around so much. Telling her about everything- easier when I'm not in the negative space that is my job- and it's going well. Even if it's just parroting, that means 'happy to spend time with Alexius' will become part of my personality, right?

Re: Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2015, 06:20:21 AM »
I'm not sure if being happy someone is around is a personality trait, seems more like a friendship. It's very good to hear it's becoming easy to imagine her with you, you seem to be well on your way. How does it feel to interact with her, right now? Compared to when you first started?

Keep it up, Alexius.

Re: Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2015, 06:43:09 AM »
Parroting and (poorly and/or challengingly) visualizing feels a whole lot easier. A lot more fluid and natural but then I've developed something very close to parroting, very heavily over years of gammastering and such, so that doesn't surprise me. She pops up now every few minutes or so in my head, which is good because I can address her regularly now. Fed her watermelon concurrently with my own enjoyment of it yesterday; attempting to compensate for my poor ability to think up tastes and flavors by just giving her whatever I'm happening (when it's compatible with her own eating habits). It was pleasant.

Spent half of yesterday's active forcing on a 'proper' introduction in our (still nebulous and half-baked) wonderland, things take off after that.

Friendship, this early on? I'll take it. Even if I have a lingering terror that she'll hate me when she achieves true sentience.