Author Topic: Tamamo & Cat  (Read 54496 times)

Re: Tamamo & Cat
« Reply #30 on: July 30, 2020, 07:29:16 AM »
Wow, I've never seen this thread but it sounds awesome. A bit scary being outsmarted like that. I don't know if I can make Cat interested or play by the rules.

About ice cream Cat has licked it very cat-like and then her paws so I guess she liked it but I totally forgot about different flavors and stuff. So many things to pay attention to at the same time still is too much for me. She likes to eat cookies holding em in her paws like a squirrel or hamster. Very cute but somehow weird for someone her size. Maybe at last I'll get fat from tupper craving sweets after it didn't work for you. Is Alice still keeping an eye on your diet?

I try to interact with Cat during the day as much as I can and it works for a much longr time now than in the beginnng. I also talk to her in mindvoice whenevr I have idle time but I still often forget her completely. She doesn't seem to mind. In fact she doesn't seem to mind anything much. I wish she was a bit more attached to me. ;_;

Re: Tamamo & Cat
« Reply #31 on: August 06, 2020, 04:45:42 PM »
how to get cat more attached to you
1) feed moar
2) pet moar
3) profit

Did you play with Cat?
Alice still reminds me not to eat unhealthy or unneccessary stuff. Or generally do anything she doesn't consider essential, especially when it costs money. Such is life wtih spartan tupper.

Re: Tamamo & Cat
« Reply #32 on: August 08, 2020, 08:26:53 AM »
I haven't played with Cat yet but she finally talked!

Have been feeling down lately because of no progress and neglected forcing but when I did again Cat said hey! and Don't leave me! That was heartbreaking but also great. Maybe you need to neglect tupper to get results?
I feel happy and confident again now. Have not had any clear responses from her since then but she tries. I cannot even discribe how her voice felt, it was mindvoice no auditory hallucination but it came from her with a strong feeling. No worries Cat I won't leave you!
But now I need to take this more seriously and do some serious forcing.

Re: Tamamo & Cat
« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2020, 04:39:57 PM »

Now don't you dare to neglect tupper and play tic-tac-toe. Also you need an avatar. Generally more images.

Re: Tamamo & Cat
« Reply #34 on: August 22, 2020, 06:55:10 AM »
Tomorrow will be 3 months tupper anniversary!
Sorry for not updating, the month was really busy but I kept forcing. Cat only said a few things, still not talkative. But she can communicate if she want something or it bothers her. So thats a relief and makes things a lot easier.

Playing tic-tac-toe doesn't work, I only played against myself because Cat was not interestet. The girl is not very competitive just lazy. Almost as bad as Bernd. But ot THAT bad.
So, yeah you, if you want an avatar, make me one! I'll take everything but better make it good!

Re: Tamamo & Cat
« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2020, 05:08:59 PM »
No one beats me at being lazy!

Howzat for avatars?
If you want something specific just tell me.

Tell me more about daily life with Cat.
What are you guys doing together? You need more emotional stuff, emotional stuff is important for tuppers.

Re: Tamamo & Cat
« Reply #36 on: September 05, 2020, 09:49:35 AM »
Haha wow, much appreciated!
I'll take the first one for now.

Sorry for no updates but you were no better. Visualization has become better and clearer, Cat does more stuff on her own like looking around and touching things. Rarely talks on her own and is not active if I do not think about her. So not really autonomous yet. But has strong will and shows what she does not like. Or just refuses to do things I tell her. Petting and brushing seems to be appreciated so I am happy. I did some touch imposition for the fur with cat as reference, I think I am starting to get the hang of this. Just wondering how realistic this can get. I hope much more.

Re: Tamamo & Cat
« Reply #37 on: October 01, 2020, 05:05:29 PM »
RIP progress

Re: Tamamo & Cat
« Reply #38 on: October 25, 2020, 11:39:45 AM »
Yes sadly.

I took a pause but no quit! 5 months anniversary reminded me to get back on track. So not much progress since last update but not worse either. Cat is still lazy and doesn't talk much but she can make herself understood. And still can't be present without my attention. What do I expect, haven't been forcing a lot lately. But I never forgot about her and pet her regularly.

Re: Tamamo & Cat
« Reply #39 on: January 06, 2021, 05:00:53 PM »