Author Topic: The mon and the first phase  (Read 70928 times)


Re: The mon and the first phase
« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2015, 08:16:04 PM »
19th day 14th August
Didn't feel like anything new was developing, sensations are becoming slightly stronger, but that is about it. Do believe it is helping though, and will continue methods to advance vocalisation to next level.

20th day 15th August
Responses are coming in more often, and feel more developed, not much of a sense of the content of the responses being formed however. Any progress is progress however, so I am happy about our progress so far.

Responses are coming in even during the morning, long before I read through the S.H. script, so it is having an effect, in making her more likely to respond, which is good progress.

Re: The mon and the first phase
« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2015, 04:27:12 PM »
Did you eat cake yet?


Re: The mon and the first phase
« Reply #32 on: August 18, 2015, 11:00:31 PM »
21st day 16th August

During today's S.H session, I think I heard for the first time Palmon's actual voice. During the section where I was supposed to let my mind fill with random thoughts, I asked her if she was feeling Ok, and I felt an Ok back. Didn't get another sensation like it tonight, so will remain cautiously optimistic for the time being.

22nd day 17th August

Don't believe there was a noticeable development in our vocalisation today, at least during the h.s. Will see tonight during our active forcing if she is feeling talkative.

Still get light head pressure, but I think the fact it is getting lighter is because I'm getting used to the sensation. Also haven't been doing as much forcing as I would like to.

23rd day 18th august
Getting faint sounds sometimes when I'm asking Palmon questions in the back of my mind. On the one hand, I know it could be parroting; but on the other, it doesn't feel completely like my voice. It is similar at the moment, but not the same.

And sands, eat cake? That some kind of euphemism for taking a bite rather than a lick? Or are you talking about some sort of real life cake and I'm just thinking too much into it  :grin:

Re: The mon and the first phase
« Reply #33 on: August 19, 2015, 07:20:13 AM »
No like, you should imagine a cake okay, and eat it together with tulpa.


Re: The mon and the first phase
« Reply #34 on: August 21, 2015, 11:47:15 PM »
26th day 21st August
Been doing s.h sessions these past few nights, but seem to have hit a wall with them. I think for now, I will try to further develop vocality without them.

Haven't eaten cake with her yet sands, but we ate some lasagna last night. Because I had just eaten it myself, I felt it easier to describe, and will attempt to feed her more things in this way. She liked it, but we'll see what she thinks of different foods before we say it is a favourite.


Re: The mon and the first phase
« Reply #35 on: August 24, 2015, 06:17:32 AM »
27th day 22nd august

We ate chicken pasties tonight, finding this to be really useful in further developing my visualisation skills. She seems to like chicken pasties as well. Couldn't get a clear answer on which she prefers most at the moment though.

28th day 23rd august

Spent some time before bed talking to Palmon, I find that if I am to tired, Constant theta starts putting me to sleep.

29th day 24th august

She ate caramel cheesecake tonight - I think she might have developed my sweet tooth, cause I think she's got a new favourite food. Her responses are starting to feel more natural when they come as well.

Re: The mon and the first phase
« Reply #36 on: August 24, 2015, 06:36:57 AM »
Yes cake.


Re: The mon and the first phase
« Reply #37 on: August 28, 2015, 05:24:46 PM »
31st day 26th august

We had corned beef fritters for tea tonight. Also have found that our mindscape is becoming more vivid with each visit, and is becoming more detailed.

32nd day 27th august

Beef stew tonight, she is really getting a lot of different foods. I think I'm getting the hang of visualising foods for her now, so will try going back to some of our previous foods when we have them again.

Getting points where I am pretty certain that she is saying something now, but I still can't make it out - I can pick up that it is coming from her, and that it is vocal of some sort, but can't tell the content yet.

33rd day 28th august

Spent some time just relaxing and talking to Palmon today. Fell asleep towards the end. Still hearing occasional unintelligable thoughts with a little more frequency.


Re: The mon and the first phase
« Reply #38 on: September 03, 2015, 09:29:34 PM »
34th day 29th august

Another session of just talking to Palmon today. No real new observations. Out of curiousity, if the host is sick, does the tulpa also get sick?

38th day 2nd september

Nothing out of the ordinary happened last couple of nights.

I think we are going to revisit some stuff we have been neglecting due to working on vocalisation so much, just spending time playing around together. I think the problem we might be having is that I'm pushing too hard and its becoming unhealthy for the both of us. Did some visualisation without eye-bo, just taking some time to recover what she looks like, and I think that skill is getting better.

Re: The mon and the first phase
« Reply #39 on: September 04, 2015, 08:16:28 AM »
Well, in our case, the body is the one feeling sick. So, the one in the body is the one who feels it the most. Changing who has to suffer it tends to help us get through it I guess. Of course, we haven't really been very ill during these years we've been together, so can't say how it would be if we were feeling worse. Might have to do with how much you or the tupper is feeling the body's senses, but who knows. I bet some people will feel things differently.


Re: The mon and the first phase
« Reply #40 on: September 14, 2015, 03:21:05 AM »
45th day 9th september

Been spending this past week, just doing little things with Palmon, like spending time in the mindscape together and just talking to her about stuff. I'm finding a lot of the time I'm falling asleep while visualising with her, whether its napping during the day, or full on sleeping.

I do feel that we are linking up better now, than before though. I find it easier to focus on her and enter our mindscape - I think its partly that I'm so comfortable talking to her that I fall asleep now.

50th day 14th september

More bonding activities with Palmon when I can. Thinking of getting an item that will act as a bonding tool, something that I can keep on me at all times, and will serve as a physical link of our connection in preparation for when we eventually get to the imposition stage, but not sure at this stage what I could use.

Re: The mon and the first phase
« Reply #41 on: September 14, 2015, 07:54:00 AM »
Have you read her stories yet?


Re: The mon and the first phase
« Reply #42 on: September 18, 2015, 06:15:27 AM »
Occasionally I have read to her, I'm looking into finding some more, cause its a pretty fun thing to do.

54th day 18th September

Kinda broke through one of my self-inflicted blocks today. I was kinda scared of seeing her moving in my mindscape, because I'm not sure how one would tell whether her movement is happening by her own will, and my mind is describing it to me, or if my thoughts are affecting her movements, if that makes sense. I wasn't so much stopping her from moving by force, but more staying away from activities that require a fair amount of motion.

I think I finally realised that since I can't tell the difference between the two, I shouldn't try to stop it in case it is her moving about. I feel kinda silly about it, but I'm happy we managed to somewhat deal with the issue. I asked if she could try doing some movement tests, and just let it happen, rather than forcing her to do it. So stuff like walking at a slow pace and normal pace, as well as catching and throwing.

We also went on a walk through the outer area of our field, and ended that session with seeing if she had decided to keep the ivy skills. Interestingly when I asked her to do this, on a crate I spawned for this purpose, she had trouble with it. She could definitely fire release the vines, but she definitely needs practice, and she can't lift stuff at the moment - unlike when I was doing some trial puppeting when we were developing her form way back at the beginning.

Re: The mon and the first phase
« Reply #43 on: September 18, 2015, 09:02:02 AM »
Do keep in mind that yes, you could be influencing what she does with your thoughts. But what is so strange or scary about that? That's what happens with other people already and this is a person that lives in your mind, able to know what exactly you are thinking about and knows what she can do to please you. Many young tuppers especially can want to really please their host, so them doing what you would want them to do isn't all that strange and most likely isn't something to worry about.

Maybe one day you'll feel what she wants you to do without saying it. You'd probably do it!


Re: The mon and the first phase
« Reply #44 on: September 24, 2015, 04:42:23 AM »
60th day 24th September

Well, we have been doing quite a few different things over the past few days. Going for walks, throwing a ball back and forth etc. Last night we did some work on her using her vines. I built a sort of course just outside the main part of our wonderland, and she practiced using her vines to swing. I feel like we both have been having fun doing this sort of stuff.

I think what you said sands helped me by putting it into perspective for me, so thanks so much  :grin: