Author Topic: timethief descends into hell for a bottle of milk  (Read 557246 times)


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Crepes time
« Reply #30 on: January 09, 2016, 08:21:43 PM »
Day whatever:
We made had some crepes today. It was really fun to eat them after such a long time and they just seemed perfect in every way. The color, the texture, the taste. Everything worked and it was very enjoyable, even though we did not even have eggs or milk, haha. The days are getting colder, so crepes fit in my opinion. Of course you can eat them during summer as well, but in my eyes they are more of a winter food, haha.

Yes, true. We had triple cheese crepes. 8/10 a bit salty but very much enjoyable.
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Re: timethief descends into hell for a bottle of milk
« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2016, 10:31:23 PM »
Where are the fucking updates.


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timethief is still here
« Reply #32 on: January 16, 2016, 03:22:40 PM »
Where are the fucking updates.

With that out of the way, some highlights from these past days:
1. The other day I was sleeping and suddenly my right arm moved (without me moving it, it felt as if someone picked it up and threw it at me) and hit me in the chest, and I woke up. I don't know if this was my tulpa to be honest, because trying to ask her has resulted in an approximate equal amount of yes responses and no responses.
2. Chili still numbs my face, although it seems not nearly as strong as before (yeah, this started the very day I started tulpaforcing and stuff).
3. >tfw no mindvoice even though narration all day, every day for the past twenty-six days. All those "alien" feels I got at the beginning are gone too... no headpressures either.
4. I have been having hypnic jerks these past days. Don't know if it has any relation to tupper or whatever...
55. Wow can't active force to save my life... wow really. I keep putting it off, and I know I shouldn't but, well, when I get the chance I don't know what to do really. I enjoy talking to my tulpa a lot more than going into the wonderland to be honest...
666. For some reason, I previously thought that I shouldn't make a second tupper ever... but since yesterday I have been actually thinking about it a lot... probably because I have been reading a lot of others' progress reports or something like that. Fuck it, I can't even get one right, why should I bother with another... send help 'cuz I'm losing it I think.

That's all for now.
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Re: timethief descends into hell for a bottle of milk
« Reply #33 on: January 16, 2016, 08:21:51 PM »
Don't make active forcing into some super special ritual that has to go perfectly every time. If you find it hard to actually sit down, try doing shorter sessions. You find it harder to tell yourself to get off your ass and stop browsing the internets for an hour than say, 10 minutes now and then six times. If you're interrupted, get back to it when you can.

Make a list of what you want to do when you do force. Then do it.


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« Reply #34 on: January 19, 2016, 09:02:12 AM »
Day 30

Wow, a month already? Time flies indeed. In retrospective I have been more upbeat than usual and more content with life overall even though >tfw a month and not vocal.
Still >tfw a month and no vocality, but that's probably because of me being lazy with active forcing... I have been informed that I active forced a grand total of four times in this month. Disgraceful.
So, to commemorate a month of tulpaforcin' I did an active forcing session that lasted 46 minutes, 11 seconds and 743878 microseconds omg using Linkzelda's self-hypnosis scripts for vocality and a 10 minute warm up meditative tulpaforcing using LucidAcid's method.
I felt a very pleasant head pressure wow and yeah definitely much more relaxed (wow again). No vocality but I feel somewhat similar as when I started (happy for no apparent reason).
My schedule will be tulpaforcing as soon as possible in the morning after coffee (everything's quiet then). I will be using the hypnosis scripts for my active forcing.
And yes, narration continues every single day. Fun times when you're in a waiting line or whatever and can talk to tupper without anyone noticing even though >tfw tupper can't reply because not vocal.

Also, today I had my first dream in which my tupper was present (can't remember any other details about the dream though, other than I woke up and felt very excited for that). I don't know if it was her though because >tfw a month and not vocal yet, but it seems to me that it's a nice progress that indicates my brain is finally getting that my tupper is here to stay.
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Re: timethief descends into hell for a bottle of milk
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2016, 09:12:47 AM »
When you are being all OMG NOT VOCAL OMG CAN'T REPLY??!?!??!??!?! are you even waiting for a reply? Are you even listening and giving them time to answer?

Also you said tupper can do some things which can be used for communication, so they can reply. You just need to ask the kind of questions that don't need words - though you should also ask that kind of questions and give her time to reply.


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timethief forced two days in a row omg
« Reply #36 on: January 20, 2016, 08:26:17 AM »
When you are being all OMG NOT VOCAL OMG CAN'T REPLY??!?!??!??!?! are you even waiting for a reply? Are you even listening and giving them time to answer?

Also you said tupper can do some things which can be used for communication, so they can reply. You just need to ask the kind of questions that don't need words - though you should also ask that kind of questions and give her time to reply.
Sure I'm waiting for replies. I ask questions and wait for any answers but so far little luck...

Day 31
Wow today I forced for four hours straight without brakes and now tupper is fully imposed omgomg!!!11oneoneI wish lol
Today's forcing session lasted 37 minutes, 30 seconds and 63299 microseconds.
I used the general-purpose tulpaforcing/self-hypnosis script along with the meditative method previously mentioned.
Felt very lightheaded and something similar to head pressure but not quite the same. No other effects noted (so far, since I have just finished the session if there's anything noteworthy I'll post it here).
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wow timethief forced three days in a row
« Reply #37 on: January 21, 2016, 09:38:41 AM »
So yesterday (day 31) I took way too much caffeine (90 mg is apparently too much for me) because I have been feeling pretty tired and sleepy lately... but I felt like crap after that. Somehow I started having a lot of doubts about tulpas (lol, probably because of the anxiety caffeine tends to induce or something) and the sleepiness only receded for a moment, so I decided to go to sleep as soon as possible (19:30 7:30 PM for those that use 12-hour notation). I had no problem falling asleep though.
So there I was, 31 days in and doubting everything that had happened so far, disregarding for some stupid reason any progress I had felt. Doubting everything I started to drift off to sleep...
...and then it hit me. I woke up at 1 AM. But I wasn't alone. Nope, I clearly felt someone hanging on to my right arm, that coincidentally was in an nice position for someone to hold it. It was also way warmer than my left arm. All doubt went out of the window immediately. It was beautiful.

Day 32

Today's active forcing session consisted of 10 minute warm up meditation and using the vocality self-hypnosis script. Head pressures all around.
Total duration: 48 minutes 20 seconds and 96905 microseconds wow much precision.

If anyone has any suggestions for how to 'listen' for my tupper's voice I'd like to hear them.
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Re: timethief descends into hell for a bottle of milk
« Reply #38 on: January 21, 2016, 10:11:43 PM »
Clear your mind. Don't try to stop thoughts from coming to your head, but let them come and go. See if you notice something that doesn't come from you.

Re: timethief descends into hell for a bottle of milk
« Reply #39 on: January 25, 2016, 10:36:54 AM »
You don't update often enough.


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timethief's not dead
« Reply #40 on: January 29, 2016, 09:45:47 PM »
Still alive and going with this. Work has been hard these days and I was feeling extremely tired/sleepy the days I used to active force, so I took a break. I'll resume my schedule as soon as possible. By the way, still passive forcing pretty much all day though.
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timethief's back into forcing wow
« Reply #41 on: February 01, 2016, 09:50:02 PM »
Day 42

35 minute active forcing with the vocality self-hypnosis script. Starting tomorrow, We'll be using the black box/20Q game script. Wish us luck.
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Re: timethief descends into hell for a bottle of milk
« Reply #42 on: February 02, 2016, 09:31:23 AM »
I hope you will force more.


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timethief plays 20q
« Reply #43 on: February 03, 2016, 11:16:35 PM »
Day 44

Did the game/script thing; very nice stuff, we both liked it; 9.5/10
Apparently we still have a long way to go about parallel processing since we kept guessing each other's objects inside the box.
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timethief levels up
« Reply #44 on: February 04, 2016, 08:41:13 AM »
Day 45
Forced for 77 minutes new record. Used the vocality script. Wow, I think I'm getting the hang of it, because when I read the hypnosis deepening part I really felt the, erm, hypnosis? effect, very weird but very cool. Kind of not really feeling my body that much and instead focusing a lot on the "you're now writing the letter B" part. Almost as if instead of sitting there I was really holding a board writing the letters. This progression is exciting. My visualization skills seem to be improving too even though I don't practice as much as I should.
Clear vocality is coming, I can feel it...
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