Ashley looks around, it's just Alice yelling at nothing and no one, Freya has disappeared, likely to go get help to clean up the mess. Alice's glassy skin and bleary eyes is clearly an effect of eating that poison.
-Alice has the Poisoned debuff and will have disadvantage to attack rolls and ability checks for approximately an hour.
-Alice is hallucinating and will see what she expects to see around her for about 10 minutes.
-Alice is intoxicated, her speed is halved and has disadvantage on saving throws for about 1 hour.
-Yulya has the Sickened debuff and will have nausea for the next 10 minutes, she can speak but can take light actions during that time, but can't cast or attack and her speed is reduced to 5ft. She will have far less effects next time she experiences this gas.
-Through some miracle, likely SheShe's doing, Alice has leveled up [Changes as discussed] and those effects will appear after a long rest.
Cat and Yulya can hear and understand what she's saying through her slurred speech as she yells and points at an old beam leaning against the wall.
Alice wanders around aimlessly while gesticulatingWhere is everybody? We don't have much time!
She appears to recognize Cat and Yulya but mainly focuses on the wood beam she identifies as Freya.Where's Ashley? Get here and sit down!
Alice grabs an old broom and drags it next to the wood beam before addressing an ornate vase in the stairway.Thank you for your time, Guildmaster I apologize for the commotion but this is urgent!!
Alice gives the air in front of the vase a handshake before wandering off, rambling to herself. Only parts of her speech are intelligible.

She recapitulates how she crashed with her ship after colliding with a dragon and that the ship is now frozen and safe, yet posing great danger in the wrong hands.
Alice briefly stops lecturing the broom to pay attention.But then I heard that Daran guy went there and now claims the ship is his! What a moron he will destroy everything!
And now that demon! How could he propose that, is he an idiot? If the ship goes out of control it will devour me too! What kind of deal is that?
Alice turns to the vase, nodding in silenceYes probably. I think that's the way we must see this! But still such an incident is unacceptable!
Alice pokes the wood beam with her finger upon which it falls flat on the floor before the vaseYes that's right, are you finally beginning to understand? We nearly avoided a catastrophe! Did this happen before? Have you had contact with this or similar entities before? I need to know everything about them! Tell me!
Alice thoroughly interrogates the wood beam, while waving at the broom in a dismissive way.You're problematic too being able to summon creatures from the negative plane but at least your summons are obedient cute kitties and not archdemons - yet!
Alice takes the broom into her hand and inspects it from all sidesWhoa what cool colors!!
Alice sits down on the floor hugging the broom in silence for an awkward moment that seems to last an eternity.It was fun but I gotta leave now. I'll miss you, you know.
Suddenly Alice jumps up and attempts to climb up the stairs while waving goodbye to imaginary people.Farewell, I will never forget you! Stay safe and away from dragons, orbs and demons!
Alice trips several times before falling down the stairs
Elizabeth steps forward with a jovial smirk on her face as she addresses Yulya, "I'll be here to watch the little imp if you and Cat wish to share Ashley's leveling."
Rolling down the stairs, Alice bumps into Elizabeth, falling on her back. Staring up to her with dilated pupils. Alice believes Elizabeth is the Winged Creature and she is now back 'home'.You!?Did I make it? That was quite a bumpy journey! I hope the ship is alright...
Alice clumsily stands up, straightens her clothes and begins to hold a monologue to Elizabeth in an unknown language while keeping a respectful distance. While incomprehensible, the tone suggests she's complaining about what happened to her on this planet.
Getting increasingly exhausted, Alice's speech slows down before she curls up at Elizabeth's feet, nodding off for a moment.As she opens her eyes looking around in confusion, she appears to recognize Elizabeth.You from the guild?
Where am I? Damn it was just a dream, I really though I had left this caveman world full of dangerous monsters behind! I don't wanna stay here anymore! They're all crazy and mean to mee! Nobody recognizes my greatness!
Even you ignore mee! After all the bugs I gave youu! They were the finest...
Alice buries her head in Elizabeth's chest and hugs her, too tired to cause any more trouble - for the moment