Freya looks to Cat with some condolences, as she apologizes to Elizabeth then checks on Faren."You're all set, I can't say it was easy to get that scent out, the Orcs really must have a way with scents."
Faren says with a huff as if catching his breath."Goblins." Ashley corrects."Ah, that figures."
Faren says with an wise smile.
He palms the gold as Yulya offers the payment and smiles even wider, "All in a day's work."
[Yulya's Response Required]Freya peeks in the room then turns around with a look toward Alice and tsks, then to Yulya with a kind nod and finally to Ashley and Cat with a tilt of her head for them to join her.Back in a clean and fresh smelling room, "Quite fresh, in fact fresher then it has ever smelled considering it smelled of rotten pheasant meat for some reason."
She took a deep breath, "having a demon lord intrude on my session wasn't expected, such things rarely if ever happen as most adventurers stay on the straight and narrow, demons want nothing to do with straight nor narrow paths. He obviously knew something that drew him to your friend, though I doubt it was anything to do with the destruction of the material plane, such a notion is absurd, every god in creation would either want that or want to prevent it, but none of them would let a demon lord accomplish such a task without a fight."
She turned to Ashley as she sat in front of the orb, "He mentioned something about an artifact, do you have any insight into that?"
Not sure what to say she said what she knew, "Alice is a fanciful girl, she likes to pretend the world is going to end if her ship isn't treated perfectly or something, but to be honest, she says a lot of crazy things so I don't listen to much of it."
"Fair enough, do you know any better Cat?"
[Cat's Response Required.]"Okay then, let's relax and hopefully enjoy a relaxing and
normal visit from my favorite demigoddess, hopefully, and I have no doubt she will with you Ashley considering your mechathereal demigoddess doesn't say much."
Ashley shrugs, "I think I met her in a past life, she might have been my aunt or something.""Interesting, well let's begin, we can ask her if the situation presents itself."
Freya's mood had improved as Freya and Ashley touched the orb, the room filled with light and shadows so distinct and powerful Cat could also clear see it. To her amazement, she could see just as clearly as anyone present, SheShe was there with the mechathereal demigoddess. As was the trend lately, the Raven Queen was nowhere to be seen. Cat and Freya witnessed Ashley surrounded by her summons, Beatrice, Barbie, Beebee, Herbie, and Derbie, the mechathereal dragon wasps, Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth of course, the mechathereal cats, Helga and Olga, the Mechathereal Lynxes at attention, and one more, a large Mechathereal Panther as if straight off the showroom floor, with a whir of gears it lifts it's paw and licks it gingerly, then washes it over it's head before moving toward Ashley.

Ashley knelt with a smile and took her in a hug, "Well hello big girl! Your name is now Nixie."
The large panther licked her face and then nuzzled causing a rumble to come from her like a small engine.

SheShe spoke, “As you may have noticed, we're working on replacing your powers with ones we can support.” SheShe raised her arm and a gentle golden energy surged through Ashley.

“Seriously? Replace the Goddess of Death?” Ashley was filled with energy, and it was indeed seemingly washing out the evil of the Raven queen.
She suddenly had a revelation and learned how to twist spells to meet her needs.
-She gained [1d6=3, 4] HP to 14.
-Her maximum mana increased to 8.
-Her essence has become infused with a clockwork precision.
-Bestow Chaos [4/4] Your connection to the negative plane allows you to turn order to chaos. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you is about to roll a d20 with advantage or disadvantage, you can use your reaction to prevent the roll from being affected by advantage or disadvantage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
-She can now use blind sight out to 30ft.
-She learned a 2nd tier spell and can boost lower spells and cantrips to 2nd tier with 2 slots per long rest.
-New Spell: Summon Mechathereal Panther, 2MP.
-New Ability: Metamagic [3/3] Sorcery Points

Freya Remarked, "Oh? Ashley, you have a clockwork soul, did you know?"
Ashley shook her head in confusion, she was ready for leveling but it still wiped her out, but before they removed their hands from the orb, another god appeared, Corellon.

Freya is surprised and gasps with glee, "Corellon, what ever are you doing here my lord?"
Corellon smiles and raises his hand, "I am here to offer a choice to Ashley of York."
SheShe smiles and nods, “Yes Freya, we've been in contact and he is offering a a choice to Ashley." She turns her attention to Ashley "Dear, you’re level is assured regardless of your choice. Your skill speaks for itself, that is not in dispute."
Corellon looks concerned and serious as he nods in agreement.
SheShe speak further, “Ashley, we are here now to offer you a choice. Through no fault of your own, you have fallen out of grace with your goddess, the Raven Queen. We can either sustain your curse or reverse it. If we do, some extra effects will be noticed: your default form will be human, your ability to transform will be regardless of MP level, and you will be able to transform twice per rest; however, your panther form will be mechathereal and not Taiianecro though it may not appear so by appearance--she will be part machine. In addition, your resistance to necrotic damage will be replaced by lightning.”
“Will I also be part machine?”
SheShe hesitates, “not as such, other then the inner workings of your eyes which allows blindsight... that will continue to increase regardless. However, you will officially become the vessel avatar for the demigoddess known as the Mechathereal angel and you will become her projection on this plane upon death. Thereafter you will be part machine and part flesh and immortal."
“Will I still be me or her? Do I have a clockwork soul now like Freya says?”
“This is true, and it's not a replacement to your immortal soul, but an addition that will sustain the body after your soul leaves it, in whatever state it is in; it is only an effect of the removal of the curse, it will also sustain your abilities where the Raven Queen no longer does, you would be somewhat free from the influence of Gods henceforth, even the Clockwork Angel will not interfere. If you refuse, Corellon can sustain your curse as is and for now you won't notice a change to your abilities, you will transform into the panther only when you run out of MP, you will keep your mortality.”
“So like, if I’m disintegrated, then what?”
“Then your clockwork soul would be reincarnated in the Clockwork Angel's form even from ashes, and there’s no going back once you die, the vessel will only contain that side. Your soul will separate from the clockwork side but still be your own and capable of reincarnation as normal. Presuming you die in a normal sense, one which could sustain your soul if resurrected for example, consider this an enhancement. After death, your damaged parts will be melded with the mechathereal angel, you will look mostly the same but dysfunctional, or missing parts will be replaced with machine. You will never age and will have machine tells, though she has said she will keep whatever is left intact. Upon destruction of the last of your flesh, you will be the Mechathereal angel demigoddess incarnate but in your form and with mostly her volition.”
"Being a disembodied soul, you will still be able to posses the mechanism, but you will not live as you do now." SheShe clarified.
Ashley is torn, “so, I don’t want my soul to be forever trapped, can I choose to separate and leave the material plane on death?"
SheShe continued, "that is an option available to you and we understand the choice is difficult, this is why I’ve asked Corellon, as an alternative, to be your new god. His only wish is for you would be no different from anyone else including Freya, to uphold the laws of nature and live your best life.”
“I will, of course I will… but wait, he can’t reverse the curse and offer that twice per day thing?”
Freya looks to her lord apologetically, “this is Ashley, she negotiates without fear.”
Corellon nods knowingly.
"Okay, so lay it out again. Skipping the mechathereal thing for a minute, but let me say this, if I die for good and like Yulya’s not here to help me reincarnate or whatever, Macha Angel girl can have my body only if she doesn’t change my soul, so if I’m reincarnated or revived or whatever, I’m still ole fleshy me, would that work?”
The Mechathereal Angel bristles.
Corellon shakes his head, "I cannot offer you what she can, and her gifts would not include retaining the curse, this is a choice you must make."
SheShe continues, "The only difference you will see is when you die, you will still be as much as you are now as much as you have flesh to live, but as more is lost, so will your humanity with it. As always, your will is yours as long as any piece your immortal soul can hang on to exists. You will no longer be capable of reviving or resurrecting, that will happen automatically."
Ashley takes a deep breath, "Alright. Let's get rid of this curse and go for it."
-New Ability: Polymorph at will [2/2]. Ashley is no longer required to dump her MP to transform and may transform back two times per long rest. She may not cast spells while in panther form. Her panther form is now an absolute polymorph, and her curse is lifted, if she dies in panther form her body will now remain in panther form. Additionally if she dies wearing any shiftweave it will lose its cloaking properties and become visible and removable along with any items on her.
-Ashley is immune to Resurrect, Raise from Death, and Revive
Corellon, SheShe and the Mechathereal Angel all fade, Freya says her goodbyes and the room dims and returns to normal.
"Unexpected but I think you made the right choice Ashley," Freya says kindly.
"I never really liked the idea of coming back from the dead, so like, I'm not going to die I guess until I'm completely mechanical."
"And you're free from that evil goddess!"
"Really, I needed that cord cut."
Cat, Ashley and Freya all leave the chamber together. Ashley or Cat if she chooses to summarize relays what happened for Yulya, Elizabeth and... Alice.
[Responses Required]
[Minor changes to Ashley will occur to reflect the choice she made.]