Author Topic: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast  (Read 9872 times)

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #60 on: February 07, 2025, 05:15:45 PM »
After receiving Bless and the Emboldening Bond, Alice morphs into her humanoid form and uses stealth to move 70ft E
« Last Edit: February 07, 2025, 06:20:00 PM by Alice »

Hunted Round 01 [Joy the DM]
« Reply #61 on: February 08, 2025, 11:18:49 AM »
[ROUND 00]

Let's see if the decoy works Nya!

According to Ashley, indeed the decoy works, they're following either the whistle or the cloaks, Helga falls back and they follow.

Yulya gets behind Ashley and Summer. She casts BLESS on Alice Ashley and Cat. Then she uses her Ring of Quick casting for EMBOLDENING BOND between Alice and Cat.

Yulya's melodically calls out Bless and Embolding bond through a series of verbal utterances. Her voice carries through the calm night air and upon Yulya's casting...

"Oh crap, they stopped, dangit they heard you Yulya." Ashley relays with some frustration.

After receiving Bless and the Emboldening Bond, Alice morphs into her humanoid form and uses stealth to move 70ft E

[Relevant Rolls] According to Ashley, they're tracking Alice too. Alerted that they've obviously been spotted they stop to regroup. Through her summons, Ashley sees they're "not shlubs", Ashley's intuition gives her further details that may be critical "They're bandits alright, two males, two females, and these look tough, concentrate fire, don't hold back."

[They are tracking Alice by the sound of her movement, they know the position of the tent, two of them detected the cats and have relayed their positions to the others. Cat and Ashley seem to be the only ones who care about staying quiet or stealthed.]

Since they're already alerted, Ashley calls rally Growth.
Summer exits the fog and watches the action.

[ROUND 01] The bandits have won initiative.

Bandit 1 attacks Mr. Bigglesworth with his Maul. [HIT 1d20+6=21 vs AC12+1][DMG 2d6+4=12] He lands the attack easily and Mr. Bigglesworth blinks back to the negative plane. He then moves towards his comrades again as they continue.

Bandit 2, 3, and 4 approach and flank Helga and attack. [B2 HIT 1d20+8=(11,10) vs AC12+3][B3 HIT 1d20+4=(9,7) vs AC12+3][B4 HIT 1d20+4=(9,18)vs AC12+3] Finally bandit 4 lands the hit with her elvish short sword. [DMG 1d8+2=6] Helga stands her ground against the hit and is injured but ok.

[Round 02 begins with your next actions.]

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #62 on: February 09, 2025, 06:57:59 PM »
Yulya nervously stares into the darkness realizing her chanting gave away their position
I am sorry it is a habit! We must change our position!Ashley tell me their direction and distance! I will illuminate their position! I am not very good at throwing but I trust my intuition.
Yulya moves 30ft SE and picks up a pebble from the floor. She casts LIGHT on it and quickly throws it before bandit 2

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #63 on: February 09, 2025, 10:36:57 PM »
Cat uses Stealth and also moves 30ft SW. She readies her bow and waits fo Yulya's pebble to illuminate the target. If possible she will shoot bandit #4 but if impossible any other target is fine too.

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast [Joy the DM]
« Reply #64 on: February 10, 2025, 02:22:43 AM »
Yulya moves 30ft SE and picks up a pebble from the floor. She casts LIGHT on it and quickly throws it before bandit 2

Cat moves 30ft SE.

With Ashley's help, Yulya's aim is true and she is able to illuminate a 20ft radius brightly and an additional 20ft radius dimly. The Bandits do momentarily see what they're up against but that sight is fleeting before they themselves are lit.

Ashley moves 30ft ESE and uses her focus to cast Summon Mechatronic Lynx 10ft SE. With a sudden pop Olga joins the fray.

[Awaiting Alice's move before continuing]

« Last Edit: February 11, 2025, 04:06:33 AM by Aleshe »

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #65 on: February 10, 2025, 04:06:46 PM »
Alice shoots an arrow at bandit #4 (should be within 80ft) . Then she uses Stealth and carefully moves 40ft SE (down and right).

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #66 on: February 11, 2025, 06:00:48 AM »
Ashley suggests they concentrate on Bandit #4 and as the scene unfolds with the beacon of light, they do indeed concentrate on Bandit #4. Mrs. Bigglesworth positions herself behind Bandit #4 to her Southeast and sets up flanking with Helga and they attack the bandit.[I deemed they were positioned close enough to flank for it to count though they didn't end up needing it.]

[H ATTACK 1d20+4+1d4=(16,14) vs AC13][MB ATTACK 1d20+4+1d4=(20,22) vs AC13][CON 1d20+1=(10,6) vs DC14][DMG 1d4+2+1d4+3=11] Helga claws at the bandit and hits for 7 damage, while Mrs. B claws and hits for 4, the bandit takes the blows in stride but is wounded.

Alice can't get a clear shot to Bandit #4 so she moves SE while she tries to thread a strike to Bandit #4. The best shot is while the bandit has half cover behind Helga. Alice takes the shot though it might hit Helga, it's a small chance.  [ATTACK 1d20+5+1d4=17 vs AC13+2][DMG 1d6+3=4]
[Note: Alice is well out of Embolding Bond range with Cat]

Alice's arrow hits for 4 damage, the bandit is now feeling the pain.

Cat takes her shot with her long bow. [ATTACK 1d20+4+1d4=19][DMG 1d6+2=6] The bandit is nearly staggered by the blows and is near passing out but remains alert.

[Note: Stealth is guaranteed without roll when you are not in the light and not dashing except to those who have magically enhanced vision active like Ashley does presently. Also, I have added the dim light radius from the embers of the campfire, this is how you were spotted originally.]

Summer disappears into the darkness.

Olga dashes East while attempting to remain in stealth. [STEALTH 1d20+5=23 vs DC14]

Bandit #2 attempts to strike Helga with her Elvish blade while flanking. [ATTACK 1d20+8=(23,22)][DMG 1d8+6=13] Her strike is true and Helga returns to the negative plane. She then moves to flank Mrs. B with Bandit #3

Bandit #3 attempts to take out Mrs. B while flanking. [ATTACK 1d20+4=(10,13) vs AC12][DMG 1d8+2=8] Mrs. B is also sent back to the Negative Plane with an audible pop.

You watch as Bandit #4 takes the cloaks and whistle left by Helga and runs off into the night.

Ashley senses Summer's magic signature.

Having taken their prize, the bandits consider their options against invisible foes. You see them throw glances at each other, and they begin to move North but they suddenly stop in their tracks looking up at something.

Just at the edge of the light the grimace of a large Golden dragon's head appears to stare down at the bandits. Though Ashley clearly sees this as an illusion with her Truesight, the bandits don't seem to have this same luxury.

Bandit #1 uses his turn to bravely investigate the illusion. [INVESTIGATION 1d20+4=6 vs DC14] Believing it to be a real dragon, he calls for retreat, all the remaining bandits run south into the darkness.

[Possible Interactions #1]

The image fades and Ashley looks around for Summer, finding her just NE of her position. "It feels like we got lucky, let's go back to camp."

Ashley makes sure Summer is following her back to camp.

[The encounter has ended in round 2, this along with the previous bandit encounter has earned you 100XP and 650AP]
Yulya = 4125XP 912AP
Cat = 4110XP 1515AP
Ashley = 4089XP 1370AP
Alice = 3533XP 913AP
Next level threshold is 4000XP AP will be converted to XP 1:1

Once back at camp, Ashley puts more wood on the fire and congratulates Summer on her illusion, Summer beams with a wide smile, also proud of herself. "I could only project the head because my minor illusion cantrip is limited to a 5ft cube, but the edge light was a perfect compliment to fool them; they couldn't see that there wasn't a body attached to that head."

"Oh so now I get it, you're magic schools are perfect for negotiations with manipulation and bluffing." Ashley thinks wistfully to herself wondering if she could add a few tricks to her arsenal. "That sure would help." She mutters to herself.

[Possible Interactions #2]

Current time: 01:30 Saturday, Spring 15th, 0C Frost

"I guess I'll finish my watch."

[Required Interaction.]
Note: Remove the cloaks, brooches, and whistle from your inventory.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2025, 06:05:38 AM by Aleshe »

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #67 on: February 11, 2025, 04:44:22 PM »
Just at the edge of the light the grimace of a large Golden dragon's head appears to stare down at the bandits.
Alice bursts into laughter
Ha I knew it! I was right after all! Go get them, dragon!

Bandit #1 uses his turn to bravely investigate the illusion. [INVESTIGATION 1d20+4=6 vs DC14] Believing it to be a real dragon, he calls for retreat, all the remaining bandits run south into the darkness.
Alice is not happy and throws her bow on the floor
Damned where are my ears? And their gear! And they took the brooches and the whistle too! Dragons ruined my day yet again!

Once back at camp, Ashley puts more wood on the fire and congratulates Summer on her illusion, Summer beams with a wide smile, also proud of herself. "I could only project the head because my minor illusion cantrip is limited to a 5ft cube, but the edge light was a perfect compliment to fool them; they couldn't see that there wasn't a body attached to that head."
Alice grumpily returns and briefly eyes Summer.
An illusion or the illusion of an illusion?

She quickly slips into the tent before anyone is able to bring dirt inside
« Last Edit: February 11, 2025, 04:59:12 PM by Alice »

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #68 on: February 11, 2025, 06:58:17 PM »
Summer disappears into the darkness.
Yulya helplessly watches the child move closer to the enemy. She tries to call out to Summer but doesnt manage to utter a word. Her distress increases

Just at the edge of the light the grimace of a large Golden dragon's head appears to stare down at the bandits. Though Ashley clearly sees this as an illusion with her Truesight, the bandits don't seem to have this same luxury.
Bandit #1 uses his turn to bravely investigate the illusion. Believing it to be a real dragon, he calls for retreat, all the remaining bandits run south into the darkness.
Yulya exhales in relief and speaks a prayer to Eldath and SheShe
Thank goodness that could have ended badly!

Once back at camp, Ashley puts more wood on the fire and congratulates Summer on her illusion, Summer beams with a wide smile, also proud of herself. "I could only project the head because my minor illusion cantrip is limited to a 5ft cube, but the edge light was a perfect compliment to fool them; they couldn't see that there wasn't a body attached to that head."

"Oh so now I get it, you're magic schools are perfect for negotiations with manipulation and bluffing." Ashley thinks wistfully to herself wondering if she could add a few tricks to her arsenal. "That sure would help." She mutters to herself.
Yulya sighs
That was a great show Summer!
You saved us a lot of trouble here! But please do not run off into the darknes like that!
Yulya pats her head

Well I am not dissatisfied with this outcome. We may have lost their belongings and so any clues to wo they were but I do not believe they will bother us again now that they think that we have a dragon on our side. At least I hope so. We have other matters to attend.

"I guess I'll finish my watch."
Please do Ashley!
And good work! Without your truesight we would have been blind. Good night and let us pray our sleep is not disturbed again!
Yulya retreats into the tent under Alices watchful eyes careful not to bring any dirt into the tent

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #69 on: February 12, 2025, 08:38:55 PM »
Cat is surprised by the bandits running away and considers pursuing them. But seeing Yulya's relief and Ashley returning to camp, Cat reluctantly follows while keeping an eye on the area. She shares some of Alice's disappointment but in the end doesn't care.
Nyaa Summer made this illusion Nya? Quite impressive Nya!
Alright I'm going to sleep again Nya wake me if they come back Nya or something else shows up Nya!

Cat briefly cleans her paws, shows them to Alice for inspection and slips into the tent
Hey Alice Nya we should make firebombs soon Nya they would have been handy here Nya!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #70 on: February 12, 2025, 11:11:51 PM »
Summer looks back at Alice as she rambles and concern grows on her face.

Ashley notices her worried expression and bumps against her, "Hey, never mind the resident grump, she's like that all the time."

Summer sighs in relief and her tension dissipates.

That was a great show Summer!
You saved us a lot of trouble here!

Nyaa Summer made this illusion Nya? Quite impressive Nya!

Summer beams again brightly, showing her immaculately white, totally human, no trace of dragon fangs at all, teeth as she smiles back at the praise, "I'm glad I could help! I feel like a real adventurer!"

"Yeah, you should get a plate."

Summer shakes her head, "No, I'm sure now that I can get a replacement ID in Neverwinter. My head's clear now and I remember I have connections there, so that shouldn't be a problem even if I have to pay to get in, because I'll be reimbursed. My identification plate will say 'Leilon royal mage apprentice.'" Summer says with confidence and authority. "My father is a well known trader supplying the sword coast and I was chosen because of my natural talent as a wizard, and earned a place as an attendant in the Leilon high tower of Thalivar."

[Attendants: Attendants become wards of the family they attend and thereby gain the status of that family. Often they are asked to separate ties with their original family though this doesn't mean they'll never see them, only that their original relationship as blood relatives is considered revoked for the purpose of lineage and rights in exchange for the lineage in the attending family line. Attendants typically excel at one or more useful talents, often have magic prowess, and are treated well. Though the bond is typically compared to a slave bond, there is no collar, and they are given many freedoms of choice and freedoms from compelled actions. This greater autonomy is earned and respected especially among the high court slaves, attendants rank at the same level as the high court slaves in terms of social status but are not afforded the treatment given to nobility or royalty as their power extends only to the will of their master(s). Unlike court slaves, they're not compelled to be part of negotiated property and are off limits in terms of bargaining to trade or borrow as the servants and slaves often are as they are technically free citizens. Slaves and servants will treat attendants no differently than the masters and their guests. However, if an attendant leaves service, they also revoke any rights to status of their attending family and their original family will often not take them back in fear of retribution from the attending family unless the terms of separation are clearly mutual and positive.]   
Summer stays up with Ashley to end the hour and they get Cat up not even half an hour after she went down to nap.
"Sorry Cat, you're up." Ashley says and lays down next to Summer and Olga. All snuggled together in the stuffy crampt tent which is just fine on a very cold night like tonight.

[Cat's watch optional interactions] [Survival rolls]

After an uneventful watch of two hours, it's 0400 and Yulya's turn.

[Yulya's watch optional interactions] [Survival rolls]

Yulya watches the clouds clear momentarily and in the still, silent, starlit night she feels at peace and her mood is completely renewed.

[Saturday, Spring 15, 0600, 3C light rain]

The morning light comes with low wispy clouds and overcast skies, the shades of grey lighten in the hazy air as the mist wafts down on the tent, barely enough to make the dirt damp. Having survived the night, you can now set your sights on the 50 miles on High Road till Neverwinter.

[Optional interactions, unless otherwise stated, the next scene will be traveling up the High Road.]

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #71 on: February 13, 2025, 03:13:53 PM »
Alice sleeps soundly as a grey goo buried under clothes near the tent entrance, occasionally making eerie slime noises.

As the day breaks and the others get up, Alice stays asleep as long as possible, though occasionally stepped on. Only the scent of food makes her emerge and morph into human form. Donned in all her clothes, still cold, Alice waits for breakfast.
Bah it's less cold but more wet!
Caaat I'm hungry!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #72 on: February 13, 2025, 05:32:41 PM »
Yulya is relieved her watch was uneventful and enjoys the morning
Good morning anyone! Rise and shine we have a long way ahead!

Hearing Alice whine Yulya thinks it might not be a bad idea to eat now.
Cat can you warm us half a ration each? Who knows when we will be able to cook again?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2025, 05:34:55 PM by Yulya »

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #73 on: February 13, 2025, 08:31:58 PM »
Cat wakes up refreshed and prepares a fire to warm up and dry. She prepares half a ration for everyone.
Nyaa you're right, can't walk all day without a warm meal!

After breakfast everything is packed up and it's back on the high road. Cat takes the front guard as usual.

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast [Joy the DM]
« Reply #74 on: February 13, 2025, 10:01:20 PM »
After breakfast everything is packed up and it's back on the high road. Cat takes the front guard as usual.

Everyone eats, Summer and Ashley speak quietly about the weather and what they want to do in Neverwinter as they eat, Ashley acts something like a big sister, offering suggestions but Summer seems as if she's been there many times before. Every time she catches your eye, you swear she's attempting to charm you, but she may just be charming. Being immune to such things, Ashley doesn't notice. This seems to be one of her skills so it's to be expected. Everything is packed up, and you're on the road again for another 12 hours of walking.

"You know, dragon scales, meat, bones, and their crystals are all extremely valuable. Not to mention the dragon hoard. If we can kill the snow dragon, we'll make quite a profit at any expense. I think we should hire a cart to carry away all the loot!" Summer seems very enthused about the prospects and of course Ashley is enthralled whenever anyone speaks of money.

[Survival Rolls]
The road is damp but not muddy, the air is cold but not freezing, nothing stands in yout way as you march along at a fine pace, 3 mph. At 09:45 you're already at the rest stop where the red and blue tents stand alone. By now the temperature has warmed to 10C!

[Possible interactions #1]

[Survival Rolls]
[Saturday, Spring 15, 18:00, 12C clear]

The sky has cleared and a waxing gibbous moon greets you overhead as the sun sets it got to a balmy 12C today and signs of spring are all around. The plants here show no sign of frost burn and the birds are chirping wildly from the tree line.

In the far northern distance you see Neverwinter looming on it's ocean cliff foundations. It's approximately 18 miles North or about 6 hours at this pace. With the sun setting soon you can choose to press on in the dark where you will have a good amount of moonlight to guide you, or rest again. The group is in good spirits but Summer and Ashley have been complaining already about the pace and looking forward to stopping.

[Required Response]
« Last Edit: February 14, 2025, 04:11:05 PM by Aleshe »