After lounging around for about half an hour, feeling like the first people at a party but too shy to talk to the other first people, a familiar face poked through the main doors.
Summer enters the adventurer's guild and walks over to your table, "Friends! There you are! Hello hello! After I got my new ID,"
she shows off her ID, sure enough it says Summer 'Leilon Royal Mage Apprentice' and in addition it has the marking of the trade guild in Leilon, "I visited the trade guild to ask about my carriage and indeed it was held because the driver had a counterfeit trade plate. So it turns out it
was stolen! I don't know what happened to my driver."
She rubs her chin a moment in concern, "Then I heard that one of the staff was badly injured by a large exotic wasp! Of course I was appalled, and subsequently a beautiful lamp was shattered in the hall. The guild master suspected it was the doing of some sort of teleportation magic or summoning spell, but I wondered who could have anything against the guild?"
She thought hard, "Anyway, I also heard two adventurers came by asking for a license without proper sponsorship. Their description was unmistakable so I'm so glad I found you because I want to make a deal. You know I didn't think you would do that, my father sponsored me as his assistant and later the prince upheld my sponsorship, so my master is my current sponsor. So of course I can get you a sponsor, and not one of the pesky, nosey kind that's always taking his tithe, rather an independent one and that's worth a lot!"
Ashley showed much interest in that and began gushing.
"I was thinking I could get a carraige or cart and maybe a donkey or a mule because I figured I could make more on all that Dragon skin and horns and claws and scales-"Summer raised her hand to stop Ashley and spoke with true royal authority, "unnecessary, my carraige and horses can handle a lot, also, I'll be taking the dragon scales, horns, crystals, claws and bones, because I already arranged a buyer. But here's that deal we spoke about, since we're friends, you can have the meat, heart, four of the claws which would make an excellent weapon set in the right hands
[Dragon Gauntlets: slashing, 2d10+4 +1d2x1d4 bleeding for 1d4 turns considered agile and light] and ten scales, enough to make a breastplate
[White Dragon Half-plate: AC15+1+Cold immunity]. Not to mention I can arrange for these to be made for you here in Neverwinter at no cost to you."
Ashley was slightly crestfallen.Summer noticed and continued, "So you'll receive 100 gold from me as per our original agreement, there will be a lot of meat, those items are worth a lot too you know! But here's the best deal I can offer, you can also have any treasure the dragon has hoarded. So If you agree, I'll have my master sponsor you. I'll let him know as soon as I get back to Leilon with my carriage full of dragon parts and you'll get your tithe-free certification in a few days. Trust me, he'll do this for me when I show up with white dragon crystals.
[The crystals Summer spoke about are found in the gullet of any breath capable dragons. They're a natural structure containing two opposing oblong crystals that in the course of a dragon's breath attack, store and expense the essence required to magically generate or enhance the breath attack. In the right hands, they can be crafted into weapons, rings, staves and other apparatuses that can summon similar effects. They are highly coveted and extremely rare, usually incorporated into royal armaments and weapons of legend.]"Based on the approximate location of the dragon's den, my carriage will be a few miles away but I can easily get some laborers from Phandalin to help me prepare the items, handle and load the carriage, so you don't even have to worry about that. I think you're getting a lot! So do we have a deal?"
[Confer with each other, go grab Yulya and finalize the deal, then figure out what to do with the rest of your day.]