Author Topic: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast  (Read 8953 times)

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #105 on: February 23, 2025, 03:11:29 PM »
Oi, what are you guys doing here?
Causing trouble eh? Without me? Lemme in!

Alice is shushed and listens to the commotion Ashley has created with Beatrice. Barely able to suppress laughing, she's patting Ashley on the back
Awesome, I couldn't have done it any better! I knew that wasps of yours were perfect  to cause havoc. You should use them more often!
But now we should get outta here before somebody finds us!

Alice, Ashley and Cat return to the guild, empty-handed but with a moral victory
But still...
Alice scratches her head, catching a last bug and tosses it into her mouth, chewing on it
Nom, this one's especially crunchy!
So uh that was hilarious but how will severely injuring that guy help getting your trade license? Not saying that he didn't deserve it though...
We should have asked that Harbin guy to sponsor you after all. I don't like the idea but I guess there's no other way into this exclusive club eh? Maybe with that dragon killer tag but that seems like solving a small problem with a gigantic one...

So what do we do now?
We gotta sell that scrap and buy the items for Harbin! And a cart! Can we manage that without that license?

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast [Joy the DM]
« Reply #106 on: February 24, 2025, 07:39:34 PM »
Ashley snaps out of it and snaps her fingers at Cat then pulls her down to whisper in her ear, "Play along."
Cat's ears rotate in confusion

"Oh don't mind her, and she's not my pet obviously as she explained, she's a hero." Ashley feigns a giggle "good jest though, ha ha. I'll go ask my sponsor to send a letter ahead and make an appointment, please excuse my oversight." She bows politely, and tries to motion Cat to bow respectfully as well.
Cat is grudgingly coaxed into a minimal bow, and lets out a growl while fixating the elf with her eyes...

There was a slight gleam of nervousness in his eye when he saw Cat's display, but it faded as he glances down at Ashley with a thin smile, "Hmm, I see, well do mind your sponsor's instructions more accurately in the future, you, I can expect would not know the etiquette but your sponsor most certainly would know, if anyone is to apologize it is you to your sponsor for this break in protocol, leading to my confusion. If they can forgive you for this, then I suppose so can I. So I'll give you this piece of advice in a show of future cooperation, rule number 1 of the trade guild is 'follow the rules to the letter and know your place', future tradeswomen. And may your goods always reach their destinations safely and profitably." He then straightened back up and returned to that stoic expression.
Ashley nods and tugs at Cat to follow her.
Still confused, Cat's eyes dart between Ashley and the man before she hesitantly follows Ashley

The staff, including three maids, all begin beating at Beatrice with improvised weapons as the elf picks up a gold candlestick and attempts to squish her himself. She is sadly overcome by the numbers and with a few good whacks, she blinks back to the negative plane leaving the staff and the noble shaken but otherwise completely stumped as to what that just was as it left no trace other than the damage and the elf's significant wound.[/i]
Cat listens to the mayhem unfold with big eyes and her grin widens as Alice suddenly appears, noisy as always. Cat grabs her, covering her mouth.
Be quiet Nya and listen to Ashley Nya! You'll love this Nya!

Ashley smiles at Cat, "Let's bee sure to follow 'the protocol' next time."
Cat bows to Ashley, her ears drooping
Thank you Ashley Nya but Nya why did you go so far to avenge me Nya? I just hope this doesn't cause you trouble Nyaa...
Whatever it takes, I'll help you get that license Nya!
Cat laughs and gives Ashley a jovial punch to the shoulder, almost knocking her over
Let's return to the guild and Yulya Nya!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #107 on: February 24, 2025, 10:04:58 PM »
As Ashley finished, she let out a long sigh, "Well I fell better now."

Thank you Ashley Nya but Nya why did you go so far to avenge me Nya? I just hope this doesn't cause you trouble Nyaa...
Whatever it takes, I'll help you get that license Nya!

Ashley flicks her hair nonchalantly, and smirks playfully.

Cat laughs and gives Ashley a jovial punch to the shoulder, almost knocking her over.

After she regains her ground, "Hey watch it, I'm not made of muscles like you," she then straightens her robe.

So uh that was hilarious but how will severely injuring that guy help getting your trade license? Not saying that he didn't deserve it though...

We should have asked that Harbin guy to sponsor you after all. I don't like the idea but I guess there's no other way into this exclusive club eh? Maybe with that dragon killer tag but that seems like solving a small problem with a gigantic one...

"Who knows, maybe Freya," Ashley thinks to herself about Summer, "Summer? Naa, she's an attendant, not a real noble." continuing to think aloud, "forget that Harbin too. I don't want anything from him but payment for the supplies, he's trouble." After scratching her head, she gives up, "I'm kinda not too happy that anyone needs to sponsor me. I'll ask other traders and shopkeepers, maybe there's another way."

Let's return to the guild and Yulya Nya!

You began to walk towards the guild.

We gotta sell that scrap and buy the items for Harbin! And a cart! Can we manage that without that license?

"We won't make as much but I'm not even worried about it right now, this is small stuff. What we need is a cart full of dragon bones, scales, eyes, horns, ears, claws, meat, we need to think big here. I will absolutely not be selling that without a better then 60% price, no way. I'm thinking that stuff is rare, license or not, I'll be making a deal with someone somehow. How much does a dragon even weigh? They fly don't they? Can't be that heavy, I'm guessing 1000lbs max, so we need a cart that'll hold that much and don't fill it all up with junk like you been carrying around, I'm going to need room for dragon booty. Oh! Not to mention the treasure? Hey and don't you need ugh, scrap or something from that ship? I don't know, can Cat pull all that? Can't we get a donkey or something?" Ashley gushes on and on about the mounds of gold they're going to make, and you can see the gears spinning in her eyes as she's thinking about how she's going to maximize her gains.

"Hey, my payment for this dragon slaying is going to be 1/4 of that dragon, and no nonsense from you Alice I mean it! The treasure we can split 1/8 whatever, but that dragon is 1/4 mine! I got like 60 gold or something, I bet I can afford a nice cart and a donkey and all kinds of feed for it, harnesses, all that, this is going to be epic. No way are leaving any skin or scales or nothing..."

She just keeps rambling like this... in a near manic state.

[Appropriate Rolls]

You make it back to the guild without further incident, Ashley checks you're not being followed and then remembers about the orb and it's all knowing, all seeing-ness. She glances at Cat and Alice with a slightly concerned look then shakes it off as you enter. "We gotta level, don't forget."

[15:30 Sunday, Spring 16th, Sunny, 18C]

Knowing Yulya will be indisposed in the room for another six and a half hours, you wonder what you'll be doing with all that time. You see Elizabeth cleaning up and some adventurers sitting near the front of the guild, other then that it's eerily quiet.

[Decide what you're going to do now, this is downtime, you have 6.5 hours. You all better know exactly what's changing with your character abilities, feats, skills and be able to describe that to me before you level. I'll post the cheat sheet in the other thread.]

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #108 on: February 25, 2025, 06:08:47 PM »
"Well it's kinda not done yet, sort of I guess we did get paid but there's a follow-on."

It came to my attention that you did in fact complete your first quest and your second quest in the clearing of Cragmaw Cave. So it was completely my fault for forgetting I owe you an achievement! Congratulations, here is your Achievement Medallion for clearing Cragmaw Cave.


In Bear's run, they put these on their character sheets, but that's up to you.

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #109 on: February 25, 2025, 06:31:33 PM »
What we need is a cart full of dragon bones, scales, eyes, horns, ears, claws, meat, we need to think big here. I will absolutely not be selling that without a better then 60% price, no way. I'm thinking that stuff is rare, license or not, I'll be making a deal with someone somehow. How much does a dragon even weigh? They fly don't they? Can't be that heavy, I'm guessing 1000lbs max, so we need a cart that'll hold that much and don't fill it all up with junk like you been carrying around, I'm going to need room for dragon booty. Oh! Not to mention the treasure?
Alice rolls her eyes listening to Ashley's greedy monologue
You seem awfully confident we are gonna slaughter that dragon and not the other way round...
I've heard there's a saying don't sell the fur before you've caught the bear! Don't count on me, I'm probably not gonna be very useful fighting an ice dragon amid ice and snow. Damn, I don't even want to think about it, it's so nice and almost warm here!
Alice shudders at the thought of having to go back into the icy cold

Hey and don't you need ugh, scrap or something from that ship? I don't know, can Cat pull all that? Can't we get a donkey or something?
Alice feels offended
Excuse me?
My ship is not scrap, it's the pinnacle of technology known to man!
Nonono, we're not gonna remove anything from there, on the contrary! We will bring stuff there! It will eventually become a hideout and storage facility we can use.
Alice looks around to make sure nobody's listening in
Look, we gotta assume that damn dragon has shock-frozen the wreckage. As soon as it thaws, the Living Metal will start to seep underground and the ship will start to reassemble itself. And we will go inside! You'll love that, I promise you'll see something you've never seen before!
I need to communicate with my ship to assess its state an stabilize it - and then it can help me transform. This will take about a day. But I can't tell you how long it will take to defrost it. Anyway, don't worry about that. We can safely store part of our loot in my ship if we can't carry it back all at once. You won't find a safer storage.

Hey, my payment for this dragon slaying is going to be 1/4 of that dragon, and no nonsense from you Alice I mean it! The treasure we can split 1/8 whatever, but that dragon is 1/4 mine! I got like 60 gold or something, I bet I can afford a nice cart and a donkey and all kinds of feed for it, harnesses, all that, this is going to be epic. No way are leaving any skin or scales or nothing...
Yes, yes all fine by me but you realize my ship crashed in a remote mountain range? Even Cat can't pull a cart there!  No way! I'm surprised Yulya managed to reach that place on foot! I don't remember much about it but the journey there won't be easy. We gotta ask Yulya.
I dunno much about draft animals but that seems the best option. What do you think, Cat?

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #110 on: February 25, 2025, 10:04:04 PM »
After she regains her ground, "Hey watch it, I'm not made of muscles like you," she then straightens her robe.
Nyaa sorry Nya got carried away Nya but you gotta be able to take a few hits if ya wanna slay a dragon Nya!

Ashley thinks to herself about Summer, "Summer? Naa, she's an attendant, not a real noble."
Nya didn't she say her father was a big trader or something Nya? We saved his daughter Nya sponsoring you would be the least he could do in return Nya!

Look, we gotta assume that damn dragon has shock-frozen the wreckage. As soon as it thaws, the Living Metal will start to seep underground and the ship will start to reassemble itself. And we will go inside! You'll love that, I promise you'll see something you've never seen before!
I need to communicate with my ship to assess its state an stabilize it - and then it can help me transform. This will take about a day. But I can't tell you how long it will take to defrost it. Anyway, don't worry about that. We can safely store part of our loot in my ship if we can't carry it back all at once. You won't find a safer storage.
Cat can't make much of Alice's description
Nyaa what a strange ship Nya I really wonder what it looks like Nya!

I dunno much about draft animals but that seems the best option. What do you think, Cat?
Cat looks up in thought
I don't know the area Nya but you're right Nya we most likely can't get there with a cart Nya.
A mule Nya...would make it into the mountains and over rocks Nya they're tough and sure-footed Nya! They can carry a little over 400lbs Nya so we probably need at least 2 Nya! And feed Nya they won't find any food even in the lowlands in this cold and snow Nya! So you gotta subtract that from carrying capacity Nya! Say they eat 10lbs per day so 20lbs per day for 2. Not sure how long it takes fro Phandalin Nya but lets say 2 days Nya and we stay a day there Nya and 2 days back Nya that's at least 100 lbs feed Nya absolute minimum - better 140Nya I don't want animals to hunger Nya...
Cat silently counts with her claws
That leaves a little over 700lbs of loot 2 mules could carry back Nya! That seems realistic to me Nya and not bad Nya if we can store the rest in your ship Nya!

Knowing Yulya will be indisposed in the room for another six and a half hours, you wonder what you'll be doing with all that time. You see Elizabeth cleaning up and some adventurers sitting near the front of the guild, other then that it's eerily quiet.
Cat looks around
Nyaa where is everyone Nya it's boring Nya!
What do we do now Nya?

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #111 on: February 26, 2025, 06:02:45 AM »
After lounging around for about half an hour, feeling like the first people at a party but too shy to talk to the other first people, a familiar face poked through the main doors.

Summer enters the adventurer's guild and walks over to your table, "Friends! There you are! Hello hello! After I got my new ID," she shows off her ID, sure enough it says Summer 'Leilon Royal Mage Apprentice' and in addition it has the marking of the trade guild in Leilon, "I visited the trade guild to ask about my carriage and indeed it was held because the driver had a counterfeit trade plate. So it turns out it was stolen! I don't know what happened to my driver." She rubs her chin a moment in concern, "Then I heard that one of the staff was badly injured by a large exotic wasp! Of course I was appalled, and subsequently a beautiful lamp was shattered in the hall. The guild master suspected it was the doing of some sort of teleportation magic or summoning spell, but I wondered who could have anything against the guild?" She thought hard, "Anyway, I also heard two adventurers came by asking for a license without proper sponsorship. Their description was unmistakable so I'm so glad I found you because I want to make a deal. You know I didn't think you would do that, my father sponsored me as his assistant and later the prince upheld my sponsorship, so my master is my current sponsor. So of course I can get you a sponsor, and not one of the pesky, nosey kind that's always taking his tithe, rather an independent one and that's worth a lot!"

Ashley showed much interest in that and began gushing.

"I was thinking I could get a carraige or cart and maybe a donkey or a mule because I figured I could make more on all that Dragon skin and horns and claws and scales-"

Summer raised her hand to stop Ashley and spoke with true royal authority, "unnecessary, my carraige and horses can handle a lot, also, I'll be taking the dragon scales, horns, crystals, claws and bones, because I already arranged a buyer. But here's that deal we spoke about, since we're friends, you can have the meat, heart, four of the claws which would make an excellent weapon set in the right hands [Dragon Gauntlets: slashing, 2d10+4 +1d2x1d4 bleeding for 1d4 turns considered agile and light] and ten scales, enough to make a breastplate [White Dragon Half-plate: AC15+1+Cold immunity]. Not to mention I can arrange for these to be made for you here in Neverwinter at no cost to you."

Ashley was slightly crestfallen.

Summer noticed and continued, "So you'll receive 100 gold from me as per our original agreement, there will be a lot of meat, those items are worth a lot too you know! But here's the best deal I can offer, you can also have any treasure the dragon has hoarded. So If you agree, I'll have my master sponsor you. I'll let him know as soon as I get back to Leilon with my carriage full of dragon parts and you'll get your tithe-free certification in a few days. Trust me, he'll do this for me when I show up with white dragon crystals.

[The crystals Summer spoke about are found in the gullet of any breath capable dragons. They're a natural structure containing two opposing oblong crystals that in the course of a dragon's breath attack, store and expense the essence required to magically generate or enhance the breath attack. In the right hands, they can be crafted into weapons, rings, staves and other apparatuses that can summon similar effects. They are highly coveted and extremely rare, usually incorporated into royal armaments and weapons of legend.]

"Based on the approximate location of the dragon's den, my carriage will be a few miles away but I can easily get some laborers from Phandalin to help me prepare the items, handle and load the carriage, so you don't even have to worry about that. I think you're getting a lot! So do we have a deal?"

[Confer with each other, go grab Yulya and finalize the deal, then figure out what to do with the rest of your day.]

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #112 on: February 26, 2025, 08:14:37 AM »
Summer enters the adventurer's guild and walks over to your table, "Friends! There you are! Hello hello!
Cat waves at Summer enthusiastically
Oh hi Summer Nya! How are you doing Nya?

"I heard that one of the staff was badly injured by a large exotic wasp! Of course I was appalled, and subsequently a beautiful lamp was shattered in the hall. The guild master suspected it was the doing of some sort of teleportation magic or summoning spell, but I wondered who could have anything against the guild?" She thought hard,
Cat whistles in a totally unsuspicious manner while looking at the ceiling. Her tail whips around erratically
N-nya... I think......I'll get Yulya Nya gotta go Nya!

Cat jumps up and runs off

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #113 on: February 26, 2025, 05:07:15 PM »
Summer enters the adventurer's guild and walks over to your table, "Friends! There you are! Hello hello!
Alice raises her hand, slumped into her chair
Hi kiddo!

After I got my new ID," she shows off her ID, sure enough it says Summer 'Leilon Royal Mage Apprentice' and in addition it has the marking of the trade guild in Leilon, "I visited the trade guild to ask about my carriage and indeed it was held because the driver had a counterfeit trade plate. So it turns out it was stolen! I don't know what happened to my driver."
Alice raises an eyebrow - as much as her ridiculously poor imitation of a humanoid allows
The hell?
You shouldn't board any suspicious carriages. You'll end up in some slave dungeon one day if you push your luck like that...
By the way do you still have that mangled royal plate we gave you?
We should turn it in here at the guild and report that some Royal went missing you know.

I wonder who could have anything against the guild?
Alice keeps her pokerface while glancing over at Cat
Beats me

I'll be taking the dragon scales, horns, crystals, claws and bones, because I already arranged a buyer.
Alice leans back in her chair with a grin
Oh look, we have another non-combatant who's already sold that dragon before we even encountered it!
I'm not claiming to be much stronger but I ain't underestimating that thing!

'If that's the one who managed to down my ship, we're dead' Alice thinks to herself and her grin vanishes

"Based on the approximate location of the dragon's den, my carriage will be a few miles away but I can easily get some laborers from Phandalin to help me prepare the items, handle and load the carriage, so you don't even have to worry about that. I think you're getting a lot! So do we have a deal?"
You'll have to talk to Yulya-sama about this.
I don't mind you taking the dragon parts, I assume without your magic we'd have no chance so that seems fair and I'm glad to have you with us. But let me tell you this...
Alice leans over to Summer with a serious look, whispering to her
My only condition is that you speak about the following, the exact location of the dragon's den - and what you will see there to no one. NOBODY!
I am near certain that dragon is in possession of something important that belongs to me. Something potentially dangerous, I mean really dangerous that could make the damage to the land by frost look irrelevant in comparison. I already told you when we met that the cold that dragon produces is currently helpful to keep the situation stable until I get there to set things straight. We furthermore must keep nosy  onlookers away from that place. We can't employ more adventurers or helpers. There are already far too many rumors out there...

Alice wonders if the dragon's 'treasure' actually mostly consists of her ship'

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #114 on: February 26, 2025, 07:24:03 PM »
As Cat approaches the room deep bell sounds can be heard inside
Cat enters and finds Yulya brooding over her book mumbling incoherent stuff

Not unhappy about a break Yulya follows Cat downstairs and sits down at the table

Hello Summer!
I am glad we meet again sooner than in Phandalin!

Yulya listens to Summers deal proposal and nods
It is fine with me if Ashley accepts your terms!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #115 on: February 26, 2025, 09:04:01 PM »
[16:00 Sunday, Spring 16th, Sunny, 18C]

Oh hi Summer Nya! How are you doing Nya?

"I'm great thanks!"

Hi kiddo!

By the way do you still have that mangled royal plate we gave you?

"I turned that in at the town hall when I picked mine up and I'll take care of that cape and dagger for you, it's a royal set so I'll have my master handle them."

Alice talks more about things that Summer has no interest or basis to understand.

"Dragon's den? Oh! You mean the artifact? Everyone knows about that already and where it is, you can see it from the southern road well you could I guess, the last scout I talked to said it was mostly covered in snow and ice now. The original report said it must be a ship, a metal ship." She looks up thoughtfully and thinks, "hm. Not to worry! No one will go anywhere near it with that dragon there. I'm not sure if I can help with the ship though, I have a lot to do... Oh! When the dragon's gone you can ask Phandalin about salvage rights, it's in their jurisdiction. Wait I just remembered... in fact..." She reaches her hand inside her skirt and pulls out a folded letter. She opens it and then looks at it intently, "ah! Eldermath has first right of salvage. Apparently he surveyed the artifact before the dragon moved in and claimed the stake, so you'll have to work that out with him. I have to speak to him myself as I'll be accessing the land for dragon removal." She smiled widely and looked satisfied with herself for being so organized and well prepared.

"Eldermath? Isn't that the half-elf with the apple trees?" Ashley said with an irritated expression.

"Oh you do know him, I must ask then, what's he like? I heard he's a very accomplished archmage and I'm very much looking forward to meeting him."

[Possible interaction]

Ashley rolls her eyes, "He's charming alright, but kind of didn't like humans."

"Hmm..." Summer said with a frown. "I'll have to approach with tact then, maybe I'll bring him something he'll like."

Hello Summer!
I am glad we meet again sooner than in Phandalin!

Yulya listens to Summers deal proposal and nods
It is fine with me if Ashley accepts your terms!

"Fine but there better be more than a pile of junk, and thanks for helping with the license."

"Great!" Summer jumped a little and looked very happy.

Elizabeth watched from across the room as she deep cleaned the kitchen and said nothing until now, but quickly headed up the back stairs after getting a good look at Summer.

Ashley waved Yulya off, "Go back to studying, sorry for bothering you, finish up so I can go to sleep." Ashley said then yawned.

[Required interactions.]

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #116 on: February 27, 2025, 02:44:31 PM »
"Dragon's den? Oh! You mean the artifact? Everyone knows about that already and where it is, you can see it from the southern road well you could I guess, the last scout I talked to said it was mostly covered in snow and ice now. The original report said it must be a ship, a metal ship." She looks up thoughtfully and thinks, "hm. Not to worry! No one will go anywhere near it with that dragon there. I'm not sure if I can help with the ship though, I have a lot to do...
Alice buries her face in her hands in despair
I tried soo hard to land in some remote region...
But it looks like I might have come down in Neverwinter as well.

Oh! When the dragon's gone you can ask Phandalin about salvage rights, it's in their jurisdiction. Wait I just remembered... in fact..." She reaches her hand inside her skirt and pulls out a folded letter. She opens it and then looks at it intently, "ah! Eldermath has first right of salvage. Apparently he surveyed the artifact before the dragon moved in and claimed the stake, so you'll have to work that out with him. I have to speak to him myself as I'll be accessing the land for dragon removal." She smiled widely and looked satisfied with herself for being so organized and well prepared.
Alice jumps up and slams her hands on the table
Salvage? Are they insane? You can't salvage my ship! First of all it's mine! I mean ok, we stole it too but still nobody else can't have it! It's too dangerous! And second it's not gonna sit there idly once it thaws. They have no idea what they are dealing with!

"Oh you do know him, I must ask then, what's he like? I heard he's a very accomplished archmage and I'm very much looking forward to meeting him."
Eldermath - ah, he's interesting but also an arrogant bastard. Didn't allow Ashley to sit at his table and made her stay with his sheep hehe!
Oh, you should dress accordingly when you meet him. He tried to buy me, touch me and reach under my yukata. So you better watch out.
Alice responds with a grin
But man, Eldermath of all people? This fool probably thinks he can handle parts of my ship. And with his abilities he probably can for a while. But eventually...
Alice leans in to Summer again and lowers her voice
If this man gets hold of any parts from my ship - he will destroy this world. Not immediately, maybe he will manage to play around with the Living Metal for a while. But not for long. It will devour everything. I am the only one who can keep it from getting out of control. Probably. At least as long as no parts get separated for to long...
Alice looks up into the air deep in thought before turning to Summer again, pointing at her
You better tell him this!
He can't have my ship, not even a morsel of it! I am willing to exchange knowledge with him, I'm sure we can learn a lot from each other.
Hmm, a present...
Apart from me, he didn't see overly interested in other things. Unfortunately I don't really have anything suitable either. Maybe a goblin ear or a stink bomb?

Alice notices Elizabeth's strange behavior
Do you know her?

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #117 on: February 27, 2025, 05:19:24 PM »
Yulya listens to Alices story with growing concern
This is worse than I thought! You always said the ship would take care of itself and leave no suspicious traces on the surface so looters were no concern.
When I arrived and found you everything was hot and burning. That dragon must have arrived not long after I left but apparently Master Eldermath also made his way there before the dragon!

Ashley waved Yulya off, "Go back to studying, sorry for bothering you, finish up so I can go to sleep." Ashley said then yawned.
Certainly. I am a bit shaken from what I have heard but I ill try my best to finish my studies in time four our rest!

Yulya excuses herself and leaves for the room, looking for Elizabeth on the way.

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #118 on: February 27, 2025, 09:12:51 PM »
Cat isn't worried about the end of the world and focuses on her role
See you later Yulya Nya!

Oh, Summer Nya about that carriage Nya when will you be leaving for Phandalin Nya?
We gotta transport a lot of things back Nya and we don't have a carriage or animal Nya!

Have you decided yet Ashley Nya?
If we don't need to transport most dragon parts home Nya on mule would be enough Nya but I guess 2 would be better Nya. Alice won't want any human porters up there Nya so we gotta get everything down to Summers carriage ourselves Nya!

I guess we could later get a cart too Nya. A cart with 2 mules gives great flexibility Nya. But you're the trader Nya. I can only talk about logistics Nya. Only thing important to me Nya is that the animals are treated wel Nya and have enough food Nya!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast [Joy the DM]
« Reply #119 on: February 28, 2025, 05:58:59 AM »
Angry Alice noises.

Summer shrugs, "I'm just the messenger, I need to be on his good side, so you'll have to handle the disposition of the ship."

Oh, Summer Nya about that carriage Nya when will you be leaving for Phandalin Nya? We gotta transport a lot of things back Nya and we don't have a carriage or animal Nya!

"Cat! We can't ask Summer to haul around our junk! What's even in here?!" Ashley roots around in Cat's pack, "What the heck, what is the obsession with goblin vinegar? This stuff stinks, can we please just at least leave this stuff here? Tent... rope... Ugh, I thought you were carrying scrap and stuff we definately need a cart even if it's a small one."

Elizabeth ascends the back stairs in a rush.

Do you know her?

Yulya excuses herself and leaves for the room, looking for Elizabeth on the way.

She had already ascended the back stairs.

"I have to get going, but we'll talk more in Phandalin when you're done with your current quest. Ta!" Summer says with a smile and slips out before you can stop her.


Have you decided yet Ashley Nya? If we don't need to transport most dragon parts home Nya on mule would be enough Nya but I guess 2 would be better Nya. Alice won't want any human porters up there Nya so we gotta get everything down to Summers carriage ourselves Nya!

"Naa, if I don't have a license, I don't want to have to deal with it, those poor donkeys will be sitting ducks for bandits, we should go with the original plan and get a hand cart. I was thinking I could work on a cantrip that could summon something from the negative plane to pull it, that'll solve a lot of problems, and if they're attacked they'll just blink back to the negative plane and I'll call them back later or I could even dismiss them and we could hide the carriage also, I decided I want a proper carriage with suspension so I don't have to walk anymore, and I have a feeling I don't have enough, plus I want to buy my silver plate and sell the dragon meat and treasure and all that so I know how much coin I have to deal with."

Sooner than the dust had even settled, Elizabeth peeked down from the top of the back stairs again and looked out over the guild hall, seeing nothing, she shook her head, and before anyone could process what happened, another familiar face popped in through the guild's main doors.

"Hello," came the sweet trill of a friendly voice.

Elizabeth made a b-line for her. As the other adventurers across the guild erupted in cheer for her return, each greeting and beckoning her over.

"Well! I'm glad to see you've returned in one piece, and where's your leader?" Freya said with a smile and waved to the adventurers in back.

Elizabeth came over in a hurry, took Freya's arm "Excuse us." and dragged her up the back stairs before anyone could argue.

You watch them go and don't have to wait more than a few minutes before they descend again.

You overhear Freya speaking to Elizabeth as they descend, "...and even if she was, Johanna would know days in advance, she probably just had a charm of some sort you're not used to, you know how nobles have all the latest fun little items." Freya arrives back at your table opened armed, "I'm excited to hear all about your first quest, please do let me know, but first, is your leader alright?"

"Hey Freya, yeah, she's just learning a cantrip in our room."

Freya crushes Ashley's face in her ample bosom and pulls Cat into the hug, "I was worried about you all, do tell do tell!" She says with a friendly wink to Alice.

Elizabeth watched with a thin smile and a hint of jealousy then returned to her cleaning in a huff.

Required interactions.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2025, 06:09:38 AM by Aleshe »