Author Topic: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast  (Read 10008 times)

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #150 on: March 09, 2025, 05:31:46 PM »
-Yulya has the Sickened debuff and will have nausea for the next 10 minutes, she can speak but can take light actions during that time, but can't cast or attack and her speed is reduced to 5ft. She will have far less effects next time she experiences this gas.
After getting a bit of fresh air, Yulya returns with Cat to find Alice in a bizarre state playing house with a variety of items
Oh dear what a predicament! I wish I could help but I can barely stand...
Cat do not agitate her and play along unless she attacks anyone! She will return to normal soon I hope!

Elizabeth steps forward with a jovial smirk on her face as she addresses Yulya, "I'll be here to watch the little imp if you and Cat wish to share Ashley's leveling."
Yulya is relieved someone can - probably - keep Alice in check now and sits back on a bench to recover
Thank you Miss Elizabeth but I will stay here and watch over Alice with you. Cat please attend Ashleys leveling!

Yulya reaches out to Alice with a bitter smile
Hey you just told me to keep it together! How comes you of all people got poisoned worse than me? Do you not have resistance? Do you hear me? You are poisoned and hallucinating!

Yulya pats her on the head
I do not know what exactly happened it there but I know you tried to do the right thing. I know how it feels if that fails horribly but my guardian Angel just told me the most important thing is to make the right decisions. And I thing you did. Well sort of...
I would like to heal you but unfortunately I am out myself right now. I will do so as soon as I have recovered so relax and bear with it for a few minutes

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #151 on: March 09, 2025, 07:21:08 PM »
Cat is overwhelmed by the situation and smell and simultaneously tries to look after Yulya and Alice and apologize to Freya.
Nyaa do you feel better Yulya Nya? What do we do with Alice Nya she is talking to brooms and vases Nya? What's going on Nya?

Being told to calm down and not interfere, Cat watches Alice's absurd show with unease and shame
Nyaa Yulya Nya shouldn't I knock her out or something Nya before she does more crazy things Nya?
Imagining Alice might mistake her for a demon and fight to the death, Cat dismisses the idea and focuses on Yulya while keeping a eye on her delirious friend lecturing a broom about orbs.

Cat please attend Ashley's leveling!
Cat's tail is swaying as she is unsure if Yulya is in shape to make coherent decisions but decides to follow her request.
Are you sure Yulya Nya? Will you be alright here Nya?

Cat bows to Elizabeth
I am deeply sorry for the trouble Nya please look after my friends Nya they're not bad people Nya!
Cat goes to look for Ashley and Freya to keep a eye on her leveling process, unsure what to do there. Fight a demon that might emerge? Cat hopes there isn't another weird situation.

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #152 on: March 09, 2025, 10:24:00 PM »
Freya looks to Cat with some condolences, as she apologizes to Elizabeth then checks on Faren.

"You're all set, I can't say it was easy to get that scent out, the Orcs really must have a way with scents," Faren says with a huff as if catching his breath.

"Goblins," Ashley corrects.

"Ah, that figures." Faren says with an wise smile.

He palms the gold as Yulya offers the payment and smiles even wider, "all in a day's work."

[Yulya's Response Required]

Freya peeks in the room then turns around with a look toward Alice and tsks, then to Yulya with a kind nod, and finally to Ashley and Cat with a tilt of her head for them to join her.

Back in a clean and fresh smelling room, Freya remarks, "quite fresh, in fact fresher then it has ever smelled considering it smelled of rotten pheasant for some reason." She took a deep breath, "having a demon lord intrude on my session wasn't expected, such things rarely if ever happen as most adventurers stay on the straight and narrow path, demons want nothing to do with straight nor narrow paths. He obviously knew something that drew him to your friend, though I doubt it was anything to do with the destruction of the material plane. What an absurd notion, every god in creation would either want that or want to prevent it, but none of them would let a demon lord accomplish such a task without a fight." She turned to Ashley as she sat in front of the orb. "He mentioned something about an artifact, do you have any insight into that?"

Not sure what to say she said what she knew, "Alice is a fanciful girl, she likes to pretend the world is going to end if her ship isn't treated perfectly or something, but to be honest, she says a lot of crazy things so I don't listen to much of it."

"Fair enough, do you know any better Cat?"

[Cat's Response Required.]

"Okay then, let's relax and hopefully enjoy a relaxing and normal visit from my favorite demigoddess, hopefully, and I have no doubt she will with you Ashley considering your mechathereal demigoddess doesn't say much."

Ashley shrugs, "I think I met her in a past life, she might have been my aunt or something."

"Interesting, well let's begin, we can ask her if the situation presents itself."

Freya's mood had improved as Freya and Ashley touched the orb, the room filled with light and shadows so distinct and powerful Cat could also clear see it. To her amazement, she could see just as clearly as anyone present, SheShe was there with the mechathereal demigoddess. As was the trend lately, the Raven Queen was nowhere to be seen. Cat and Freya witnessed Ashley surrounded by her summons, Beatrice, Barbie, Beebee, Herbie, and Derbie, the mechathereal dragon wasps, Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth of course, the mechathereal cats, Helga and Olga, the Mechathereal Lynxes at attention, and one more, a large Mechathereal Panther as if straight off the showroom floor, with a whir of gears it lifts it's paw and licks it gingerly, then washes it over it's head before moving toward Ashley.

Ashley knelt with a smile and took her in a hug, "Well hello big girl! Your name is now Nixie."

The large panther licked her face and then nuzzled causing a rumble to come from her like a small engine.

SheShe spoke, “As you may have noticed, we're working on replacing your powers with ones we can support.” SheShe raised her arm and a gentle golden energy surged through Ashley.

“Seriously? Replace the Goddess of Death?” Ashley was filled with energy, and it was indeed seemingly washing out the evil of the Raven queen.

She suddenly had a revelation and learned how to twist spells to meet her needs.
-She gained [1d6=3, 4] HP to 14.
-Her maximum mana increased to 8.
-Her essence has become infused with a clockwork precision.
-Bestow Chaos [4/4] Your connection to the negative plane allows you to turn order to chaos. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you is about to roll a d20 with advantage or disadvantage, you can use your reaction to prevent the roll from being affected by advantage or disadvantage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
-She can now use blind sight out to 30ft.
-She learned a 2nd tier spell and can boost lower spells and cantrips to 2nd tier with 2 slots per long rest.
-New Spell: Summon Mechathereal Panther, 2MP.
-New Ability: Metamagic [3/3] Sorcery Points

Freya Remarked, "Oh? Ashley, you have a clockwork soul, did you know?"

Ashley shook her head in confusion, she was ready for leveling but it still wiped her out, but before they removed their hands from the orb, another god appeared, Corellon.

Freya is surprised and gasps with glee, "Corellon, whatever are you doing here, my lord?"

Corellon smiles and raises his hand, "I am here to offer a choice to Ashley of York."

SheShe smiles and nods, “Yes Freya, we've been in contact with Corellon and he is offering a choice to Ashley." She turns her attention to Ashley "Dear, you’re level is assured regardless of your choice. Your skill speaks for itself, so that is not in dispute."

Corellon looks concerned and serious as he nods in agreement.

SheShe speaks further, “Ashley, through no fault of your own, you have fallen out of grace with your goddess, the Raven Queen. We can either sustain your curse or reverse it. If we replace it, some extra effects will be noticed: your default form will be human, your ability to transform will have more control and can be done regardless of MP level, and you will be able to transform twice per rest; however, your panther form will be mechathereal and not Taiianecro. Though it may not appear so by appearance, she will be part machine. In addition, your resistance to necrotic damage will be replaced by resistance to lightning.”

“Will I also be part machine?”

SheShe hesitates, “not as such, other then the inner workings of your eyes which allows blindsight... that will continue to increase regardless. However, you will officially become the vessel avatar for the demigoddess known as the Mechathereal angel and you will become her projection on this plane upon final death."
“Will I still be me or her? Do I have a clockwork soul now like Freya says?”

“This is true that you have a clockwork soul, and it's not a replacement to your immortal soul, but an addition that will sustain the body after your immortal soul leaves it. It's only an effect of the removal of the curse, and it will also sustain your abilities where the Raven Queen no longer does, another benefit is, you would be somewhat free from the influence of Gods henceforth, even the Clockwork Angel will not interfere. If you refuse, Corellon can sustain your curse as is and for now you won't notice a change to your abilities, you will transform into the panther only when you run out of MP like it has worked, and you will keep your mortality. In this case, the clockwork soul will only affect your eyes, you are incapable of being blinded.”

“So like, if I’m disintegrated, then what?”

“If you choose the Mechathereal Angel's bargain, then your clockwork soul would be reincarnated in the Clockwork Angel's form even from ashes, and there’s no going back once you die, the vessel will only contain that side. Your soul will separate from the clockwork side but still be your own and capable of reincarnation as normal. Presuming you die in a normal sense, one which could sustain your soul if resurrected for example, consider this an enhancement. After death, your damaged parts will be melded with the mechathereal angel, you will look mostly the same but dysfunctional, or missing parts will be replaced with machine something like your summons are. You will never age and will have machine tells. She has said she will keep whatever is left intact. Upon destruction of the last of your flesh, your body will be the Mechathereal angel demigoddess incarnate, in your form, but with mostly her volition.”


"Being a disembodied soul, you will still be able to posses the mechanism, but you will not live as you do now." SheShe clarified.

Ashley is torn, “so, I don’t want my soul to be forever trapped, can I choose to separate and leave the material plane on death?"

SheShe continued, "that is an option, and if you did, then you would join us in the ethereal realm, that is still available to you. We understand the choice is difficult, this is why I’ve asked Corellon, as an alternative, to be your new god. His only wish is for you would be no different from anyone else including Freya, to uphold the laws of nature and live your best life.”

“I will, of course I will… but wait, he can’t reverse the curse and offer that twice per day thing?”

Freya looks to her lord apologetically, “this is Ashley, she negotiates without fear.”

Corellon nods knowingly.

"Okay, so lay it out again. Skipping the mechathereal thing for a minute, but let me say this, if I die for good and like Yulya’s not here to help me reincarnate or whatever, Macha Angel girl can have my body only if she doesn’t change my soul, so if I’m reincarnated or revived or whatever, I’m still ole fleshy me, would that work?”

The Mechathereal Angel bristles.

Corellon shakes his head, "I cannot offer you what she can, and her gifts would not include retaining the curse, this is a choice you must make."

SheShe continues, "The only difference you will see is when you die, you will still be as much as you are now, as long as you have flesh to live, but as more is lost, will your humanity with be lost with it. As always, your will is yours as long as any piece your immortal soul can hang on to life. Lastly, you will no longer be capable of reviving or resurrecting by spell, that will happen automatically."

Ashley takes a deep breath, "Alright, thanks for the choice Corellon, but let's get rid of this curse and go for it."

-New Ability: Polymorph at will [2/2]. Ashley is no longer required to dump her MP to transform and may transform back two times per long rest. She may not cast spells while in panther form. Her panther form is now an absolute polymorph, and her curse is lifted, if she dies in panther form her body will now remain in panther form. Additionally if she dies wearing any shiftweave it will lose its cloaking properties and become visible and removable along with any items on her.
-Ashley is immune to Resurrect, Raise from Death, and Revive

Corellon, SheShe and the Mechathereal Angel all fade, Freya says her goodbyes and the room dims and returns to normal.

"Unexpected but I think you made the right choice Ashley," Freya says kindly.

"I never really liked the idea of coming back from the dead, so like, I'm not going to die I guess until I'm completely mechanical."

"And you're free from that evil goddess!"

"Really, I needed that cord cut."

Cat, Ashley and Freya all leave the chamber together. Ashley or Cat if she chooses to summarize relays what happened for Yulya, Elizabeth and... Alice.

[Responses Required]

[Minor changes to Ashley will occur to reflect the choice she made.]

« Last Edit: March 10, 2025, 06:14:05 PM by Wofl »

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #153 on: March 10, 2025, 02:56:27 PM »
Alice clings to Elizabeth looking up to her
Don't ignore mee!
Why don't you like mee?

Hey you just told me to keep it together! How comes you of all people got poisoned worse than me? Do you not have resistance? Do you hear me? You are poisoned and hallucinating!
Alice stares at Yulya with an open mouth
What do you mean poisoned? I can't be poisoned. Do I look like a weak meatbag to you? Look at this!
Alice extends her hands into the air and spins around making weird noises until she gets dizzy and drops on the floor, vomiting out a few gp and the jade frog statuette. Her form deteriorates to a semi-transparent slime girl

Yulya pats her on the head
I do not know what exactly happened it there but I know you tried to do the right thing. I know how it feels if that fails horribly but my guardian Angel just told me the most important thing is to make the right decisions. And I thing you did. Well sort of...
I would like to heal you but unfortunately I am out myself right now. I will do so as soon as I have recovered so relax and bear with it for a few minutes
Alice looks around in despair
I don't know what's happening anymore! Make the spinning stop Yulya!

Alice currently is in no shape to hear a report from Ashley, let alone Cat

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #154 on: March 10, 2025, 05:43:59 PM »
Yulya asks Cat to pay the fees as she slumps into a chair and continues to calm Alice
Relax and don't spin around, you are only making things worse! Don't make a mess again and don't lose even more of our valuables!

Yulya takes Alice off Elizabeth and holds her in her arms like an upset child

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #155 on: March 11, 2025, 02:44:27 AM »
"Alice is a fanciful girl, she likes to pretend the world is going to end if her ship isn't treated perfectly or something, but to be honest, she says a lot of crazy things so I don't listen to much of it."
"Fair enough, do you know any better Cat?"
I'm just a simple village girl Nya I know nothing of your demons and gods, only the Catgod Nya!

But Alice Nya often spoke of the winged creature Nya I think it's something like a demon too Nya and the golden man who's dangerous Nya but no idea Nya you gotta ask her Nya when she's back to normal Nya I think she wanted to tell us something really important about just that Nya!

I don't know about the ship either Nya only that it's strange Nya from some ancient civilization Nya and somehow alive Nya and might get out of control Nya Yulya Nya saw it Nya but I didn't Nya! I have no idea what all this is about Nya...
Cat shakes her head

Leaving the room, Cat is even more confused
Nya what happened Ashley Nya I didn't understand anything Nya. Will you become more like Alice Nya? Or your mechanical animals Nya?
Cat seems worried Ashley will turn into a golem-like mechanical puppet like her summons

But it seems you broke your curse Nya right Nya? So that's good Nya - I guess??

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #156 on: March 11, 2025, 04:50:14 AM »
Don't ignore mee!
Why don't you like mee?

Elizabeth says with the slightly annoyed smirk of someone who's seen this a thousand times, "Just how much did you have to drink little one? No more for you tonight."

...Alice Nya often spoke of the winged creature... and the golden man... somehow alive...

Freya listens while thinking but she can't place any gods that match these descriptions, there are countless demigods, fallen angels, demons and other entities so there's no way of knowing. "Thank you Cat, let's just hope she can fight these inner demons before they consume her. Or perhaps they're among the denizens of Mechanus who came to witness her last level transition."

Nya what happened Ashley Nya I didn't understand anything Nya. Will you become more like Alice Nya? Or your mechanical animals Nya?
Cat seems worried Ashley will turn into a golem-like mechanical puppet like her summons

But it seems you broke your curse Nya right Nya? So that's good Nya - I guess??

"I don't know either, at least I'm free of the goddess of death, that's a big relief," she feels herself and slaps her cheeks slightly, "I seem the same so I don't know exactly what's changed, I can see better with my blindsight now, but I'll need to sleep to know for sure." She yawns.

They exit the room and Ashley explains to Yulya all that happened without much embellishment, overall she's happy that she's not cursed anymore, there was always a worry that a simple remove curse spell could have locked her into a panther form forever.

"Are we going to eat or what?"

Congratulations on leveling! Plan out the rest of your night and decide what you're selling, what you're storing, and tell me what you want in terms of a cart, Ashley will chip in for the cart but she ultimately wants a carriage if the dragon is slain. She will be working on figuring out how to summon a mechathereal Rothé or some other pulling beast this level but it won't be available until level 4. She'll need to find a library or tome seller to do that, it will be something like a cantrip or incantation.

-Shopping to sell and stock up for the mine
-Supplies for Hobby and Harbin
-A cart that Cat can pull or other
-An obscure book for Ashley
-Anything else you want to do in Neverwinter

[Interactions and next actions Required]

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #157 on: March 11, 2025, 05:04:41 PM »
They exit the room and Ashley explains to Yulya all that happened without much embellishment, overall she's happy that she's not cursed anymore, there was always a worry that a simple remove curse spell could have locked her into a panther form forever.
Yulya nods not sure she understands what had happened
What an eventful leveling!
As long as you are satisfied with the result it is fine. I am a bit worried I cannot revive you anymore though. Let us hope the side-effect of that is not too severe. Still be careful! You will lose something if you die and I cannot fix that. Maybe Alice can one day but who knows?

"Are we going to eat or what?"
Yulya sighs
As you see we are still not over what just happened. At least Alice. I wish I could help but my newly-gained spells are not yet available. But still...
Yulya pats Alice on the head and casts HEALING HANDS on her. Even if it doesn't remove her poisoned condition it is the thought that counts.

Alright let us proceed to dinner after all that happened. We should discuss our plans for tomorrow!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #158 on: March 11, 2025, 09:42:01 PM »
Thank you Yulya!
At least I can count on you, my second favorite friend after Mr. Tree!

Alice remains weakened and in bad shape but at least stops hallucinating.
My entire body hurts. What happened? I would not have imagined I could poison myself with acetic acid. How pathetic.

I am really sorry that cost us so much money but that wasn't my fault.  I told you the alternative would have been apocalyptic. I have to think about what this actually means but it's not good...

Alice scrapes up the gold coins and Frog statuette and stuffs them into her mouth again.
Now let's move on. I'm not really in shape for eating but I don't wanna miss a meal either. So let's go!
Carry me, Cat!

« Last Edit: March 11, 2025, 09:43:48 PM by Alice »

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #159 on: March 12, 2025, 08:10:59 PM »
Yes yes Nya stop whining Nya!
Cat grabs Alice and carries her under her arm like a loaf of bread
Let's se what's on the menu Nya

Cat checks available meal options and prices before sitting down with the others
Nyaah I'm tired Nya but we should think about all we want to buy and sell tomorrow Nya!

I need to buy ingredients for rations Nya and I'd finally like a grappling hook Nya!
We also need a cart Nya for all the supplies for hobby Nya and that noble Nya. I wonder if we can afford that Nya after our unexpected expenses Nya!
Cat puts a paw on Alice's head

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #160 on: Yesterday at 03:55:40 AM »
[20:30 Sunday, Spring 16th, Clear, 10C]

Since no one suggests anything, and the guild wasn't serving, and Ashley's hungry, she drags the party to the closest open eatery: the Dancing Dragon Tavern. Hungry and exhausted, Ashley drags everyone in to the busy establishment.

Note: A single meal is a ration, you only need 1/2 ration three times a day on days you are active for 12 hours or more, which are most days. The light fare is enough for half a ration.

Barely able to find a table along the back wall, you sit down and find a menu. Ashley looks for the waitress and flags her down.

A stern looking human woman looks you over and says, "What can I get you ladies?"

Ashley looks over the menu, "I was hoping for snake but I guess I'll have... 1ep?... Alright Redberry and quipper sticks hm, the heck is a quipper?"

She smirks at Ashley, "The fish bite that bites you back."

"Is it spicy?"

"When it was alive yes, at this point, no."

"I'll take that."

She looks to the others for their orders.

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #161 on: Yesterday at 03:12:27 PM »
Alice is put into her chair by Cat and skims over the menu with a mixture of delight and disappointment.
Ah, I'd love to try a Giant Frog leg or a Wofl steak but we can't waste any more money. Well I'm not that hungry...
I'll take a Local Tea and that quipper fish too! I wonder what's it like!

Alice turns to the others
So what's the plan for tomorrow? We should calculate what we can afford. I don't know about Ashley but I think we have roughly 250gp in cash
I also have Jewellery for 60gp though I'm not fond of selling that  40gp Jade Frog. It's cute!
What else can we sell without a trade license?

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #162 on: Yesterday at 08:16:23 PM »
Yulya looks at the menu, slightly bewildered by the prices
Reminds me of Toblens Inn. But Midsommer Menu?
I wish! It is not even spring...
I will take the redberry juice, 5 dough rings and a scone for 1sp 7cp

Alice turns to the others
So what's the plan for tomorrow? We should calculate what we can afford. I don't know about Ashley but I think we have roughly 250gp in cash
I also have Jewellery for 60gp though I'm not fond of selling that  40gp Jade Frog. It's cute!
Indeed, we must sort our planned purchases by urgency!
We need to prioritize the cart. Without it we cannot deliver supplies.  I hope we find a cheap one but let's be conservative

Then come the supplies  we promised to Sir Harbin

Then we can see what we can bring for Sir Hobnail. The maximum would be:

Ashley what do you estimate will your book cost? We will of course help you out if you need additional funds!

I am thinking about an additional holy symbol for my shield. And that goblin staff - it would b great if its properties could be combined with another - less 'exotic' item that smells and oozes less. Despite Alices cleaning service it is quite a mess and nuisance. But I do not dare to speculate how much this would cost.

I am afraid your wolf cloak will have to be at the end of the list Alice!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #163 on: Yesterday at 10:00:23 PM »
Cat looks at the menu with a smirk
Nyaa not much affordable choices Nya I'll take the fish too Nya and an Ale Nya!
You tink we could sell our berry wine here Nya? But we should botte it Nya!

Cat nods to Yulya's assessment
Nya we still have a lot Nya we should be able to afford what we need Nya!
I need ingredients for rations Nya but they're not expensive Nya!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #164 on: Yesterday at 10:22:44 PM »
Ambient Music

The food arrives promptly and it's of high quality, a welcome treat.

Yulya turns her attention to Ashley while you all eat, as she's figuring out what to buy.

Ashley what do you estimate will your book cost? We will of course help you out if you need additional funds!

"Huh? Are you reading my mind or something?" Ashley never mentioned a book, it was a suggestion from me.

"I was just thinking I could maybe find a book to summon a Rothe or a scroll or something but I have no idea if that even exists and I was going to worry about that later. I guess I could ask the alchemist or the mage tower thing before we go, but I'll cover that cost or wait till later. It's no rush, we don't even have money for a carraige I want anyway, I'm hoping we make enough from the quests to afford all that."

Looks like you all have a lot of figuring to do, please make a list of wanted items and items for sale and who will go shopping and I'll coordinate that in different shops after you rest. Calculate the cost of everyone's meal minus Ashley's as well.