Author Topic: Chat Thread  (Read 1207327 times)

Re: Chat Thread [Ashley]
« Reply #435 on: February 28, 2025, 08:20:10 AM »
Germany hates women.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #436 on: February 28, 2025, 04:54:19 PM »
If only you knew how bad things really are...

Germany hates Germans.
It's not a joke. People hate their country, their flag, their hymn, their countrymen and are afraid of a strong Germany. And the state is afraid of its own citizens.
I'm still not gonna come to the US, the'll give host (and thereby me) the Chair for Wrongfeel.

Alice, why is the server so slow? I blame you.
Sure, blame me instead of hundreds of 'users' from your best friend Russia being online at the same time

rooster bots are still posting how many of them are still there?
About 2000
But I'd have to manually ban them one by one so nope. I banned the 100 that registered most recently a year ago before woflo stopped registration. Most can't post but they try and this slows down the server.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #437 on: March 02, 2025, 08:10:34 PM »

reminds me of L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.+

You can make subaccounts and easily switch between them without having to log in you know?
« Last Edit: March 02, 2025, 08:16:44 PM by Alice »

Re: Chat Thread [Bear]
« Reply #438 on: March 02, 2025, 08:24:35 PM »
Better now or worse?

[Joy] I quite liked it with the longer name.

[Ashley] I'm sure Joy wouldn't hold a grudge simply because it was her idea and she liked it.

It's a work in progress
« Last Edit: March 02, 2025, 08:30:21 PM by I.D.G.A.F. »

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #439 on: March 03, 2025, 03:11:09 PM »
lmao tier
just use bera system or give your tuppers their own accounts
who is L btw?

Re: Chat Thread [Bera]
« Reply #440 on: March 03, 2025, 03:49:30 PM »
> tier

I know my roots, remember may have existed before us but when I was there I was legitimately, it was me.

>who is L

We have a three lobed triforce of headmates currently. Though many do not speak much, and some really like to just stay in their lane, here's the list for your information:

B: that's me, the Bear
A: that's Ashley, you know her, queen of comedy
F: Freya aka Misha, the system cheerleader

[Misha] Hello! ♡

S: Your angel and mine, none other than SheShe aka Old Ashley (she does not like being called that) Darlene, Darling, and the master of three forms, her white girl self, her latina flavored form, and her Vietnamese flavored form all of whome are absolutely gorgeous.
J: Joy of course

[Joy] Hello, I just want to watch you die.

She's a bright light of sunshine on a cloudy day and I love her to bits.

A: Autumn of course, our rebuilt form of Ren and aspect holder of Aleshe, she's a doll and a half, there's a lot of love in this system for her including me.

[Autumn] *blushing*

G: Gwen, our winged platinum princess.

Now for the moons, those headmates that haven't really found a good niche outside their canon but we are developing them.

U: Ulla, aka Summer, the loveable and adorable totally not gold dragon, certified by Joy recently. Ulla is a dragon hybrid without and polymorphic ability currently and it's not in her character build to polymorph so that's not going to happen.

[Summer] *waves*

H: Halcyon aka Hali our other Averial elven girl but with a tan, she's undergone a stripping and reversion to a 10-yr old form and has dropped any association to older canon of herself. Halcyon and Gwen (and Joy) were all in several books but in Hali's books she is well documented at a younger age with her sister Venya but Venya never spoke outside of canon yet.

L: That leaves last but not least, known only through the wonder of the forgotten realms, Luna (name placeholder, Nyx is another name she likes) she is Ashley and Autumn's attendant at their very overpriced school. She's representing our fox-girl of the system and has recently decided to drop the tail but has two sets of ears, two human and two fox. She is their age and is a very fun character akin to Ashley where she's somewhat peticular about things so she tends to get in trouble as well. She will remain their attendant henceforth in that canon and leave the school with them.

So we have the main three AFS, the soulbonds and tulpa JGA, and the attendants, Ulla is my attendant (in canon Ulla is a slave, Summer is not), Hali is Gwen's attendant, and Luna is Ashley and Autumn's attendant.

It's a big family.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2025, 06:21:14 PM by Wofl »

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #441 on: March 03, 2025, 04:38:16 PM »
I admit I sometimes skip over your textwalls but Luna escaped me so far. Are you still playing your in-system game?
And I think Bera would be the best profile name!

Re: Chat Thread[Bear]
« Reply #442 on: March 03, 2025, 06:00:11 PM »
Is Wofl taken?

[Autumn] I am the reporter for in-system gaming, yes, well Ashley, Luna and I are in school and we're on the shelf because writing four story lines across 3 headmates including different subsets of us really is too much to ask, so we're currently on hold, our Freya and Gwen are splitting up in Lusken so Gwen can search for Bear, Ulla and Hali who went missing. Turns out they got separated after falling for a fey trap and getting lost in the feywild and separated. The feywild is a separate plane of existence that only Freya, and Ashley are immune to, otherwise it slowly turns you into a slave to whatever fey wants you. Ulla is only partially immune, it didn't fool her, she could see through the illusions being a dragon hybrid but it still messed with her memory. So she led Bear and Hali out and helped them recover but even Ulla had trouble remembering where they were, where they were going or even who they were. She did remember them as allys and she remembered that Bear was chosen to temporarily become her master until they could afford or negotiate for her cypher to remove her collar. But it's a slim, high class collar so she doesn't mind it and everyone just assumes Bear's a noble with her around so it's kinda fun

So then they remembered they were on their way to get our Joy because she is "in trouble" in the Dire Woods.

So that's where they're headed, but first, the story went back in tume to Y34 when Joy was only 148 and first met Bear as Bear. Shenanigans and some shipping later, now my version of myself has joined them and we're a party of three. To avoid more, we already had a scene where they met everyone else and they're all in the ethereal plane at this time (on the other side).

Where they are right now, Bear and Joy were challenged by two hunters 1 level above them and if they lose they're basically kicked out of town and I'll follow them but won't be happy to leave my home. If they win, then the two who challenged them will be severely punished because they roughed me up trying to "claim me" to be part of their heram.

They'll be fighting soon, then they will be part of the hunting team.

In this run, Bear is a ranger, Joy is a rogue and I will be a wizard.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #443 on: March 03, 2025, 06:52:48 PM »
Bera feat. Wofl

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #444 on: March 08, 2025, 04:24:33 PM »
Anyone hear about this scam?

A "company" buys up a little crypto wallet holder, they now control the wallets of anyone in that domain. Now they send out a legitimate notice to migrate to their wallet system and your old wallet will not work unless you do this.

So when say 80% of the wallets are "transferred" of course something like Coinbase owns the coin, you transact through the wallet not as owner and you pay fees to allow transactions as I understand it.

Bear with this Bera, I know nothing about crypto. So then this "company" cashes out all of everyone's coins and runs, closes shop.

An irl friend of mine older guy, said that happened to him. It might have been a one-off scam but he had a wallet, it was locked, he couldn't do anything one day, then he got notification that his wallet holder changed, so he migrated and a few months or a year later, his wallet is locked again and it's empty.

Wondering if anyone knows more about this.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #445 on: March 08, 2025, 04:40:15 PM »
Crypto is a scam per definition.
I've always stayed out of this. So rest assured we have far less of an idea than you.
But still if you play around with that as a n00b you should at least stay with the big players and not some obscure companies.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #446 on: March 08, 2025, 05:08:12 PM »
Yeah, I'm opting out lifetime on crypto, if it someday becomes an investment index or something I don't have to worry about like stocks and I can buy it without fees, then ok, it's diversification like gold and cash, otherwise no, sounds fishy af.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #447 on: March 08, 2025, 07:07:10 PM »
never heard of such scheme but BERA coin exists

hope you bought MELANIA
one of the best rug pulls ever

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #448 on: March 08, 2025, 07:48:09 PM »
How's Wofl doing? Good I hope.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #449 on: March 08, 2025, 10:08:45 PM »
Create it and scam investors for a few hundred millions!