Author Topic: Chat Thread  (Read 1207148 times)

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #315 on: July 03, 2015, 07:18:17 PM »
No fodde it's the tulpa sigil, sheesh.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #316 on: October 30, 2015, 08:42:02 PM »

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #317 on: October 31, 2015, 10:45:45 AM »
Amazing last hunt ps am home wow.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #318 on: November 01, 2015, 09:23:21 AM »
I believe you mean haaai #1 and #3.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #319 on: November 04, 2015, 09:56:07 AM »

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #320 on: November 04, 2015, 03:15:14 PM »
Amazing sync. I also like that pink.


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« Reply #321 on: January 06, 2016, 05:10:33 PM »
This IRC convo was beautiful. Justice prevailed, and Roswell is safe from bullies for now.

Code: [Select]
<Ichtys> So who's tulpa is the solar system?
<Sands> me
<timethief> that explains a lot
<Boat> Yes?
<Sands> here's my gas
<Sands> frt
<timethief> no
<Ichtys> Tell it to spit us out
<Sands> nope
<Ichtys> Welp, we'll have to live in a shit tulpa
<-- ApoIIyon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
<Sands> wow
--> Maya (~Maya@932D6069:1F97F76C:D7A7260E:IP) has joined #tuppers
<Sands> are you calling rowol shit....
<Sands> dutch he did it
<Sands> he called rowol a shit
<Dutch> wow
<timethief> Why
<Sands> like wow man
<timethief> Why rowol
<Sands> woflo listen
<timethief> no
<Dutch> we can't just let someone call someone shit
<Sands> he called rowol a shit
<Sands> mayo
<timethief> yeah that's just rude
<Sands> mayo get in here
<roflmao> what
<Dutch> this is fucked up
<Sands> ichtys called rowol a shit
<roflmao> rude
<Sands> I know right
<Sands> who would do that
<timethief> yeah man, wrong tupper to mess with
<Dutch> !vote kick Ichtys you do NOT call people shit here
<roflmao> no idea
<votebot> Vote started; Ichtys to be kicked for you do NOT call people shit here.
<Sands> !absolutely
<Vosaiu> !no
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as no, Vosaiu.
<roflmao> we better enforce that uniformly Dutch
<Dutch> !yes
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as yes, Dutch.
<timethief> !yes
<roflmao> sands gets kicked next
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as yes, timethief.
<roflmao> ! yes
<Dutch> yes roflmao
<roflmao> !yes
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as yes, roflmao.
<linear> why does a vote kick matter
<Averian> !no
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as no, Averian.
<roflmao> doesn't
<Dutch> kicks hurt
<Sands> it is a big thing linear
<Sands> for tulpa justice
<Sands> tulpaolib matters
<linear> is Ichtys a host let's hurt him
<linear> !yes
<Sands> also tulpalib
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as yes, linear.
<Sands> yes he's a host
<Dutch> awful
<Sands> calling a poor innocent tulpa a shit
<Ichtys> Here I go to take a piss and heres the chat being pissed off
<timethief> Not fair to rowol, why him? ;_;
<Dutch> you do not call people shit
<Sands> yeah like
<Sands> what the fuck man
<Dutch> roswell is a beautiful butterfly
<Dutch> and you just
<Dutch> stomped on his feelings
<Dutch> what the fuck man
<Ichtys> Okay rowol, you're not shit.
<Ichtys> Just diarrhea
<Ichtys> :>
<timethief> What
<Sands> wow rude
<timethief> Justice now
<Dutch> !doubleyes
<timethief> Trampling on the feelings of Roswell like that...
<Sands> I asked for rowol's comment
<timethief> Such hersy.
<Sands> he was looking pretty down and all even though he tried to not show it
<votebot> Vote successful. Ichtys will be kicked for you do NOT call people shit here.
<-- votebot has kicked Ichtys from #tuppers (you do NOT call people shit here)
<Dutch> justice
<timethief> Wow, justice was served today
<Sands> and these are his words: I don't mind
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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #322 on: February 12, 2016, 02:52:59 AM »
So's Fede just gone, or what?

Clearing his Avatar or whatever is weird but alright, but looks like his WordPress shit is deleted too. Which is a bit of a shame, since I know his Eye-Bo was a genuine help to some, and there would likely be those in the future to benefit from it as well. Probably not like his autistic self to consider benefit towards others, though, so no surprise.

Did he leave a suicide/leaving notice or something in #tuppers? Actually curious to know, despite not liking the guy.

Is this just a part of another hiatus and comeback? Will the nose return in six-to-eight months?


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Pat thRead
« Reply #323 on: February 12, 2016, 06:25:51 AM »
Not that I know of.
Although he did seemed to be having some... issues with his self. MaybeI'm no armchair psychologist at all.
I intend to dissociate myself from this body such that I can assume another I've imagined into existence, and feel safe in that body.
So yeah, either:
a) he's made a breakthrough and doesn't want to know about tuppers anymore
b) he fucked up and is now stuck somewhere on his mind
c) he's trolling and will be backmost likely option to be honest
Use of my computer will be limited to now and then checking the e-mail, and checking whether Minecraft 1.9 is out yet so I can get the server started.
Maybe he wanted less distractions?
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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #324 on: February 12, 2016, 09:20:19 AM »
He'll probably be back eventually, but him disappearing after he says he wants to do shit isn't very rare.


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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #325 on: February 12, 2016, 03:11:05 PM »
Maybe. Just weird, don't think he wiped his accounts en-masse last time. I guess that he didn't have the one here deleted says something

I Googled Fede-Lasse (as I often do) and it looks like more than a few accounts tied to the name were deleted. His utoob is still up though, so maybe he's just limiting his shit. Weird

Anything cool happening with anyone? Nothing here. I play a bunch of Final Fantasy XIV these days I guess and I finally got my first level fifty. Gotta get the expansion soon, about to hit the end of 2.0's content I think.


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Flat Thread
« Reply #326 on: February 12, 2016, 06:23:21 PM »
So, who here likes cats? Oh wait, I think there's a thread for that already.

Oh well, I guess I'm alive so that's cool haha. Also, my solar watch's battery went from high to medium charge, so that means I haven't had sunlight in a good while even though I haven't been on the IRC like I used to.

Also, how's the musik production going Enny? Are you Marteen Garlics 2 yet?
« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 06:40:34 PM by timethief »
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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #327 on: February 12, 2016, 07:22:26 PM »
You know it

My brother recently picked up a copy of superior drummer, so we're going to be spending the weekend laying down some tracks for his prog metal stuff.

General production is eh, haven't done much. Finally got a computer built so I technically can, but the processor is a gay AMD thing that struggles with too many effects. Intel before too long, then I'll get back into learning stuff.


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Chap Thread
« Reply #328 on: February 13, 2016, 05:51:05 PM »
Finally got a computer built so I technically can, but the processor is a gay AMD thing that struggles with too many effects. Intel before too long, then I'll get back into learning stuff.
Can't you export the "dry" stems of a track and then mix them all with effects and stuff afterwards to save some CPU cycles?

Also, I don't know what DAW you use, but at least FL has the smart disable feature that saves processing power when the VST/effect isn't being played. It worked pretty well for me when I used to produce on an Intel Celeron 900 single-core 3 GB RAM machine.
Another trick I sometimes used was exporting the basic track without effects (sweeps, reverse cymbals, whatever, samples that I processed and that were triggered at specific times without being part of a pattern; don't know if I'm making myself understood there, and probably doesn't make much sense if you don't use FL) and then adding those in a separate project.

What genre you'd like to produce? I used to want to do IDM-like glitch stuff but back then with that Celeron machine it was pretty much impossible, so I went with techno (Phunk Investigation kind of stuff) and I'm doing fine for someone who started without any music theory.
Only thing is that I have so many sample libraries that I'm out of space already (even though I almost never use all of them), but when I want to erase them I'm like "nope, this one could be used for X track"...

My brother recently picked up a copy of superior drummer, so we're going to be spending the weekend laying down some tracks for his prog metal stuff.
Neat. I used to use a drum library for Kontakt, Abbey Road drums or something, but I don't think I ever got around producing anything "acoustic" sounding. Besides, FL doesn't really seem to be suited for other kinds of genres that aren't based around common time signatures (programming a 6/8 drum loop with FL... big nope).
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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #329 on: February 13, 2016, 08:49:48 PM »
I'm using Ableton. In general, I've found it's a bit less heavy than FL on whatever it is I'm using, but that might be different with more recent updates. FL never really clicked with me though, despite fiddling with it for a year or so, but Ableton's just got that kinda workflow I get. Probably because it's more left to right, and with a bit less going on visually. Which is funny since it's often the other way around with FL-users being baffled by Ableton. The ever-going battle between the two, huh.

I can run a good few tracks I guess. Like, forty with light effects I think? But once I get running heavy vst's and start routing from external sources and try kinda live-mixing a guitar that's routed in or whatever it can get a bit slow. I'm mostly making excuses, but eh, the rig could do for more than a few upgrades in general

Also about to fiddle with Reaper, and eventually Cubase for some more Metal stuff.

I don't produce much of anything right now. I super dig just learning about different genres and sound design, but I don't much feel like I've got enough knowledge to do anything major, other than help people track. I'd like to get into funk and discoey stuff, form a duo with my bruh or something. He's a great guitarist, definitely a cut above most, and is equally interested. Just wanna save up and get a hardware synth or two, then we'll go at something. Or at least a good midi controller, probably something from akai.