Author Topic: Chat Thread  (Read 1207316 times)

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #360 on: March 05, 2016, 09:16:29 AM »
Well, they were only in the members list. They still haven't figured how to get a post in.


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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #361 on: March 24, 2016, 04:11:28 PM »
So I should be moved out of parents' house by the end of next week or so, the week after that at the latest

Tips for being an, "adult"? Do I just drown myself in cats?

Also finally bought a keyboard. Midi, 49 keys, $400. Am happy wid it. Slowly memorizing scales. Probably taking it slower than I could be, but eh, have a lot going on.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #362 on: March 25, 2016, 09:19:02 AM »
Pay your rent and bills before anything else, then food, then anything extra. Be sure to make a list of various kitchenware you need to buy before you move and realize you have nothing to cook food with.


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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #363 on: March 25, 2016, 05:23:11 PM »
Place I'm going already has kitchenware so I'm good there. Other than that, yeah, everything seems pretty standard and easy.

I wanted to buy a bunch of stuff that I've wanted for a while before I moved, and now that I've done that, should be pretty good about bills. If that's really all there is to it., my pay will more than cover it.

My debit card actually got eateded this morning, cause my dumb brother who's on the side of the car with the machine didn't pull it out and drove off, and I can't recover it for reasons, but it's cool, that bank sucked anyway and I managed to pull all of the money out and put it into a better bank with a check, so ayy.

Also won $75 at a raffle at work an hour ago. There's one every Friday, and three people win fifty dollars, or the chance to spin for $75, $150, or $25 if they suck, on this wheel thing. That made up for losing my card I guess.

7/10 day


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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #364 on: April 04, 2016, 01:41:36 AM »
re: curtains: you don't just go to the store and buy white curtains. You go to the store to buy blackout curtains, which come in various colors. Hanging them up is not an issue, because again, your room and if you think something looks ugly then you can change it. Who would be against a new, fancy curtain rod? It's not rocket science. Some kind of installation is required if you go for roller shades, which are pretty good.

So I bought some blackout curtains for my new room (there are six fucking windows) and they don't actually block out much light at all. Maybe 40% of the light coming in when the sun is not even hitting them.

You seem to know blackout curtains, Sands, so what's a good brand to buy? The ones I got were like, Eclipse or something and it said it blocks 99% of all sunlight but that's probably not tru huh

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #365 on: April 04, 2016, 08:58:12 AM »
Do the curtains let through light or is it the sides? I don't even know if mine have a brand, they're just curtains.


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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #366 on: April 04, 2016, 12:25:11 PM »
Definitely the curtain itself.

I honestly think it's because I got red instead of black. Black seems to do its job, says Amazon reviews.


Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #367 on: April 05, 2016, 07:32:28 AM »
Get roller shades.


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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #368 on: April 05, 2016, 08:02:33 AM »
I think we're just gonna put poster-board over the windows as well as the curtains cause I like the color and cheap

Hopefully will work


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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #369 on: April 08, 2016, 01:41:48 AM »
Oh god, finally moved into the new place. Nerves are slightly wracked. It's so big, and it'll generally just, be so weird being in a different house.

About how long does it take to get used to? I'm glad to be here, but I'm also gonna miss that cramped little room, I think.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #370 on: April 08, 2016, 08:44:25 AM »
For me, I was happy in a day because the place was nice and my old place never really felt like home in the first place.


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Home Thread
« Reply #371 on: April 09, 2016, 08:32:36 AM »
For me it takes about a week. In my experience, it helps if you have a routine of what to do right after waking up and when you come home.
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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #372 on: April 09, 2016, 09:18:05 PM »
I'm actually pretty cool on it already, surprisingly. It's spacious as fuck, so it was a bit weird when it was just me and a bed (The first night), but now I've got a couch, huge desk, some shelves, and my personal things strewn about, and I'm fucking thrilled to be here. I can actually like, breathe, and think, not being stuck in that tiny-ass room where I had to spend like, five minutes moving shit just so I could sit at the computer.

And as well as all, I can cover a month's rent with less than a week's pay, so it's working out pretty well.

Still have to get some posters or something up, but yeah, pretty rad.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #373 on: April 10, 2016, 08:50:18 AM »
Remember to get a cat.


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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #374 on: April 19, 2016, 11:53:41 PM »
No pets

I made a burrito out of taquitos, if there is a God he wouldn't have let this happen, mankind is tarnished, I'm ashamed and too full and gross. This is almost as bad as the time I ate a star crunch with bean-dip on garlic bread one DnD night because why not

Kill meeee