Author Topic: D&D Meta Thread  (Read 11133 times)

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Joy the DM]
« Reply #255 on: March 15, 2025, 10:51:22 AM »
Great job Cat! Your efforts are not in vein. There are a few corrections however, here on the sword coast Neverwinter is a major trade hub and one of its major trade goods is salt owed to its adjacent position to the ocean it also has lower prices on fish because of its significant fishing industry. In the docks districts you can easily aquire fish and salt and salted fish for less than the cost of full rations but you will still need to process them.

I accept your assessment of 1.5sp per ration for ingredients and they will be standard and not poor rations utilizing fish and salt as well as local produce.

Considering you will all eat 1.5 rations per day each and travel will be at most three days to Phandalin and about half a day to the mine. Expect a couple days in the mine, and a day or so buffer that's 36 rations which can be put in the cart of course after you buy that.

You could repeat this process in Phandalin but the 1.5 sp per ration may increase. Hunting is minimal in Phandalin now because of the weather conditions. Hunting along the High Road is normal beyond the treeline. Expect hunting to be poor from the Triboar trail East.

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Joy the Dragonslayer]
« Reply #256 on: March 15, 2025, 01:13:50 PM »
I'll assume you all go to sleep and we'll check if anything happens overnight, then return the next scene with lots of prompts for bed, morning breakfast, and shopping with Ashley taking the lead on that.

I need to know if anyone wants to go with Ashley shopping, well at least someone needs to help carry the stuff so Ashley isn't over encumbered and ripe for pick-pocketers.

I recommend Yulya goes with Ashley and Cat and Alice stay behind to buy cooking supplies then cook. All the other stuff should be stored in the Guild storage.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #257 on: March 15, 2025, 01:29:41 PM »
>cook 32 rations
Oof, that will take us 8h of cooking time. I guess it's a good investment tough.
I can't do it on my own - or rather you wouldn't want to eat that. So Cat needs to go shopping first and also look for a good cart with her land vehicles proficiency. As soon as this is done we will start cooking.

If we have more money to spare we should buy:
more firebomb ingredients like oil and alcohol. I have 2lbs now. Too bad we couldn't salvage more from the goblins.
We have only 2 firebombs now, I'd like to make another 4. But probably not in the kitchen, we will do that when we are outside again. But we need the ingredients.
I have enough agar and sealing wax for 8 more bombs. I could probably look for glass shards and old rags for wicks
8 oil flasks - 8 sp
4lbs alcohol -?
Ladder (10-foot) 1 sp
Pole (10-foot) - 0.5 sp
Caltrops (bag of 20) - 10 sp
Ball Bearings (bag of 1,000) - 10 sp

I'd like to improve my shortbow or get a better one depending on how much that costs

You sure we shouldn't buy a mule as well to help pull the cart? We could sell it in Phandalin before entering the mine. But for the trip there and especilally to go into the mountains I still say we need a mule until Ashley can summon a mecha War Elephant.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #258 on: March 15, 2025, 03:38:27 PM »
sounds good we need proper dungeon equipment
mule - can we get one in Phandalin? I agree we need one to get to the ship and dragon where the cart cant go but not to get to Phandalin. so unless its more expensive in Phandalin than the fed cost if we buy it now we should get it after we are back from the mine. we cant take the poor animal into the mine obviously.

we all should buy the cart together. we need Ashleys negotiation skills and Cats expertise and strength. then Alice and Cat will go shopping food and drag the cart back to the guild. where can we store it? if we buy a mule Cat should also do that bc of her animal handling skills.

then Yulya will go sell off our wares with Ashley and help her carry things. then go shopping. her Perception (and paranoia) should ward off pickpockets but if they get into a brawl Yulya wont attack people so we would need the summons.
we also need to see everyone has the right equipment. Yulya needs Alices bow and all the trade goods. oh and the wolf ears and cloak. this will be super awkward
alternative is that Alice stays with us while Cat goes shopping and they meet at the guild
« Last Edit: March 15, 2025, 03:40:00 PM by Kashtan »

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Joy the DM]
« Reply #259 on: March 15, 2025, 03:51:57 PM »
There are no spare animals in Phandalin and likely they would buy a mule at a premium. The cart a mule can pull would be built differently made, wider, and longer and could support more weight but cost more. If the mule tried to pull a tiny 150lb cart it would as easily dump it every time it was startled. It would also need a collar yoke, and bridal (for pulling the mule) as well as food and a feed bag and water bag. Whatever Ashley is going to eventually summon would be under her control so a lot of things you won't need or worry about. She may summon a carnivore and that would simply eat meat. There is plenty of grazing until Triboar trail, so you only need food after that point.

A donkey may be small enough to tow a smaller cart. It would still be heavier than a hand cart and cost more.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #260 on: March 15, 2025, 04:09:25 PM »
we dont need the mule to pull the cart. Cat can do it. we need the mule to carry our things where the cart cant say we buy a cart and 2 mules. Cat pulls the cart the mules can carry additional goods.we sell 1 mule for profit when we get to Phandalin and leave the other one there in a stable while we go to the mine. we come back get the mule and go dragon hunting with it.
what about Alices bow?how much would a +1 bow like Cats cost?

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Joy the DM]
« Reply #261 on: March 15, 2025, 05:13:07 PM »
Even a +1 Bow is expensive

Common Equipment is 1x
Fine is 5x
Exquisite is 50x
Royal is 100x

Elven is 3x
Dwarven is 5x
A single magic effect such as +1 roughly adds 250-500gp
A single magic brand such as "of frost" which adds additional frost damage or protection even if only +1 adds 500gp or so

So a royal Elven Longbow +1 would be 15500gp and the quality would add certain effects.

A set of fine armor is +1, which is the cheapest way to get better armor, is not available in shops, it would need to be commissioned and since it would need to be done by a master smith and take many days, it wouldn't be cheap. Fine Leather armor (+1) would be 50gp (for fine) and 500gp to add the +1 because common armor would not dare have magic effects on it. The smith would make the armor, only an arcane smith or magic crafter could add the additional +1. It's a skill someone with crafting would have to acquire and they would also need magic casting.

The most elite adventurers, ripe with gold, commission these things, along with nobles. And find themselves too deep into trouble and end up dead. This is how these items end up in the wildes.

Cat's longbow says "3500" silver, it would then likely cost that much to purchase or acquire, if you could.

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Joy the Demanding]
« Reply #262 on: March 15, 2025, 05:48:27 PM »
Please copy and paste a final list of buy/sell based on what has been discussed as a final assessment.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #263 on: March 15, 2025, 06:05:41 PM »
Yeah figures.
Looks like we'll have to cook and eat someone who has that. We have no time

I like Kashtan's idea of 2 mules + cart!
More for the shopping spree:
string - 1sp
necessary to make stuff like blung arrows or repair something.

I also want a net. It might be frowned upon but I think catching things and people with a net could be fun. It also can be useful for a number of things.
net - 10sp

Will you grant my wofl cloak +1CHA?
That's useless but it should make look more cute

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Joy the unreasonable]
« Reply #264 on: March 15, 2025, 06:34:57 PM »
Will you grant my wofl cloak +1CHA?

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #265 on: March 15, 2025, 08:26:53 PM »
alright this is it

Ingredients for 32 rations - 48sp
16 Candy (1sp) - 16sp

Ordinary items
8 Oil flasks - 8sp
10 Candles - 1sp
5 Soap - 1sp
1 Grappling hook - 20sp
1 String - 1sp
1 Net - 10sp
1 Ladder (10-foot) - 1 sp
1 Pole (10-foot) - 0.5 sp1 Net - 10sp
1 Caltrops (bag of 20) - 10 sp
1 Ball Bearings (bag of 1,000) - 10 sp

Hobby's stuff - 500sp

Harbin's stuff - 200sp
2lbs Alcohol - ?

1 Cart+spare parts - 30sp

2 Mules - 160sp

Furrier - preserve wofl ears and tail and sew them onto my cloak - 5sp



4 Shortswords G - 160sp
4 Shortbows G - 400sp
2 Quivers G - 8sp

2lbs Bread N  - 6sp
Berry Wine bottled N  - 4sp

6x Goblin stink bomb / acetic acid -?

Gold Ring - 200sp

15lbs Scrap Metal N - 3sp


unless i made a mistake that should cost us about 35gp which is a joke.
we currently have close to 250gp
i still think we should buy something that increases our survivability. maybe we find some good offer while shopping
« Last Edit: March 15, 2025, 08:30:18 PM by Kashtan »

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Ashley]
« Reply #266 on: March 15, 2025, 09:54:37 PM »
A cart and spare parts for 30sp?

I'm good, but not that good.

I think you're off by a factor of 10 chief, if you're lucky maybe cheaper, but yeah, not that cheap.

So no donkey?

200lb cart, no bridal, no yoke, 15gp spare parts were written in gp too, it's going to be more for one mules can pull. Can carry 1900lbs with one mule pulling, two is ok if they're in tandem. Spare parts, bridal, yoke, hitches between the mules are non-zero costs.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #267 on: March 16, 2025, 10:41:03 AM »
Hahaha it was my mistake this time, the others just copied it. I wrote 30gp but counted it as silver, oops! I already wondered how our sales could balance out the purchases in my last post. But it doesn't matter, we can still easily afford it.
150 sp cart + 150 sp spare parts = 300 sp.

I still agree, Cat will pull the cart with reasonable weight, we can offload some goods on the donkeys. We sell one in Phandalin and take the other one up the mountain. So we don't need bridal, yoke, hitches. I think a small cart is more maneuverable and concealable unless Ashley wants a bigger wagon pulled by a mule. I'm open to her suggestions, she's our trader after all. But I think we should buy a bigger one once Ashley has the animals to pull it. For now a cart is enough.
Just give us the available options when we're at the shop and we will decide.

Ingredients for 32 rations - 48sp
16 Candy (1sp) - 16sp

Ordinary items
8 Oil flasks - 8sp
10 Candles - 1sp
5 Soap - 1sp
1 Grappling hook - 20sp
1 String - 1sp
1 Net - 10sp
1 Ladder (10-foot) - 1 sp
1 Pole (10-foot) - 0.5 sp1 Net - 10sp
1 Caltrops (bag of 20) - 10 sp
1 Ball Bearings (bag of 1,000) - 10 sp

Hobby's stuff - 500sp

Harbin's stuff - 200sp
2lbs Alcohol - ?

1 Cart+spare parts - 300sp

2 Mules - 160sp

Furrier - preserve wofl ears and tail and sew them onto my cloak - 5sp



4 Shortswords G - 160sp
4 Shortbows G - 400sp
2 Quivers G - 8sp

2lbs Bread N  - 6sp
Berry Wine bottled N  - 4sp

6x Goblin stink bomb / acetic acid -?

Gold Ring - 200sp

15lbs Scrap Metal N - 3sp


Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #268 on: March 16, 2025, 02:09:08 PM »
Wew, I didn't notice either. I checked so many times to not embarrass myself again but that the cart can't b 30sp did escape me.

Btw I extensively researched ear and tail taxidermy, It's not that hard. We assume I thoroughly cleaned them, turned them inside out and digested the cartilage. The ears need an earliner. Modern ones are made of plastic but you could use stiff felt to keep them upright, yet soft and bendable.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #269 on: Yesterday at 09:39:30 AM »
Hey, you're Admin now?